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Rumski drum 53, Sremska Mitrovica 321503, Serbia
Sremska Mitrovica
Scale: 501-1000
Estimated: 126
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
1 year, 9 months agoGroup of companies involved in metallurgy, energy and trading.
Metalfer Grupa osnovana je u Londonu 1993. godine, dok je Metalfer d.o.o osnovan u Srbiji 2002. godine kako bi dalje razvijao poslovanje grupe na Balkanu. Od tada, kompanija je postala jedan od najvećih proizvođača čelika i rudarskih projekata u regionu.
Grupa je u 2008. godini izgradila Metalfer Steel Mill d.o.o u Srbiji, iskoristivši poziciju jedinog lokalnog proizvođača čeličnih armaturnih šipki u transportnom centru zapadnog Balkana, u Sremskoj Mitrovici.
Metalfer Group was founded in London in 1993, while Metalfer Ltd. has been established in Serbia in 2002 in order to develop the Group’s operations in the Balkans. Ever since, the company grew to become one of the major steel and mining players in the region.
In 2008 the Group has built Metalfer Steel Mill Ltd. in Serbia, taking advantage of being the only local producer of steel reinforcing bars at the transport hub of the Western Balkans in town of Sremska Mitrovica.