  • Coventya

    Created in 2000
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    402 8,449
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    7 Rue du Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves, 92390 Villeneuve-la-Garenne, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 501-1000

    Estimated: 269

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    COVENTYA develops and supplies specialty chemicals for surface finishing in over 60 countries and 5 continents. Our customers include both captive surface treatment and job shop platers that capitalize on our innovative technology, responsive service and numerous OEM product approvals.

    With a full line of products that find use in many industries from automobiles and oil fields to computers and fashion it is clear that Coventya products touch our lives each and every day.

    What makes COVENTYA stand out? The very nature of the electroplating industry requires a continuous blend of pure science and practical field experience. Our Research Chemists and Technical Engineers constantly communicate with our Customers to maximize the exchange of information. Wherever located, our teams enjoy sharing knowledge with you, a principle that is fundamental to our business model.

    Beyond the role of a specialty chemicals supplier, COVENTYA is the friendly expert in electroplating and water treatment with a 360° vision on the environment and the resources consumed. We constantly strive to enhance surface treatment with innovative, easy to use and environmentally friendly processes.
    We are a responsible supplier. As a steward of the environment our products are designed to be "green"​ and we support them with a full Watercare product line that ensures our customers can meet the same commitment.

    We hope you'll join us "Beyond the Surface"​.

    Surface Treatment, Surface Finishing, Chemicals, and Plating

  • Original language

    COVENTYA develops and supplies specialty chemicals for surface finishing in over 60 countries and 5 continents. Our customers include both captive surface treatment and job shop platers that capitalize on our innovative technology, responsive service and numerous OEM product approvals.

    With a full line of products that find use in many industries from automobiles and oil fields to computers and fashion it is clear that Coventya products touch our lives each and every day.

    What makes COVENTYA stand out? The very nature of the electroplating industry requires a continuous blend of pure science and practical field experience. Our Research Chemists and Technical Engineers constantly communicate with our Customers to maximize the exchange of information. Wherever located, our teams enjoy sharing knowledge with you, a principle that is fundamental to our business model.

    Beyond the role of a specialty chemicals supplier, COVENTYA is the friendly expert in electroplating and water treatment with a 360° vision on the environment and the resources consumed. We constantly strive to enhance surface treatment with innovative, easy to use and environmentally friendly processes.
    We are a responsible supplier. As a steward of the environment our products are designed to be "green"​ and we support them with a full Watercare product line that ensures our customers can meet the same commitment.

    We hope you'll join us "Beyond the Surface"​.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Servier Pharmaceuticals
Servier Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Servier Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

12 Sep 2019

Chemistry, Chemical Manufacturing
Chemistry, Chemical Manufacturing

17 Jul 2018

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