  • EFMI-European Federation for Medical Informatics

    Created in 1976
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,238 1,624
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Chem. de Maillefer 37, 1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland

    Le Mont-sur-Lausanne


  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 20

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    The European Federation for Medical Informatics Association (EFMI) is the leading organisation in medical informatics in Europe and represents 32 countries. EFMI is organized as a nonprofit organisation concerned with the theory and practice of Information Science and Technology within Health and Health Science in a European context.

    The objectives when founded in 1976 were:
    - To advance international co-operation and dissemination of information in Medical Informatics on a European basis;
    - To promote high standards in the application of medical informatics;
    - To promote research and development in medical informatics;
    - To encourage high standards in education in medical informatics;
    - To function as the autonomous European Regional Council of IMIA

    medical informatics, information technology, health informatics , and e-health

  • EFMI – European Federation for Medical Informatics

    European Federation for Medical Informatics

  • https://efmi.org/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Animal Health
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Animal Health

13 Apr 2021

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