  • Cefriel

    Created in 1988
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    14,268 12,384
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Viale Sarca, 226, 20126 Milano MI, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 196

  • Engaged corporates

    4 16
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Innovate Grow Repeat


    Cefriel is a not-for-profit digital innovation center made up of public and private actors to promote the development of the country system through the application of digital technologies and services.
    Cefriel organically integrates research, innovation and training to promote, through the use of digital technologies, competitiveness, development of knowledge and skills of businesses and public administrations.


    At Cefriel we believe that people make the difference: none of the results obtained would have been achieved without the full contribution of each individual. Human capital is based on our knowledge, skills, motivations and relationships, through the constant training of our people and active listening to their needs and desires.
    Our Gender Equality Plan is the design and programmatic document containing the objectives to be pursued and the actions to be implemented in order to enhance the full involvement of all the people who work in Cefriel.

    Talent Development & Work life balance

    Believing in people's growth means creating opportunities for continuous development, through the joint definition of objectives to be pursued in a path that starts from a technical competence and continues through the acquisition of managerial skills in the management of projects, people and customers, through team and individual work, made of comparison, exchange and learning.
    Work life-balance is at the heart of our corporate culture through smart working and company benefits. At Cefriel it is possible to work flexibly, adapting your work based on the objectives set, and respecting your private life. For more information you can read the white paper "The meaning of work between smart working and new challenges".

    ICT, Digital Innovation, Digital Strategy, Design Thinking, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Blockchain, Information Security, Digital Ecosystem, Digital Experience, Product Design, R&D, Digital Culture, Digital Employability, Cyber ​​Security, and API Ecosystem

  • Original language

    Innovate Grow Repeat


    Cefriel è un centro di innovazione digitale not-for-profit costituito da attori pubblici e privati per promuovere lo sviluppo del sistema Paese grazie all’applicazione delle tecnologie e dei servizi digitali.
    Cefriel integra in modo organico ricerca, innovazione e formazione per promuovere, grazie all’impiego di tecnologie digitali, competitività, sviluppo delle conoscenze e delle competenze di imprese e pubbliche amministrazioni.


    In Cefriel crediamo che le persone facciano la differenza: nessuno dei risultati ottenuti sarebbe stato raggiunto senza il pieno contributo di ciascuno. Il capitale umano si fonda sulle nostre conoscenze, competenze, motivazioni e relazioni, tramite la costante formazione delle nostre persone e ascolto attivo delle loro necessità e desideri.
    Il nostro Gender Equality Plan è il documento progettuale e programmatico contenente gli obiettivi da perseguire e le azioni da mettere in campo al fine di valorizzare il pieno coinvolgimento di tutte le persone che lavorano in Cefriel.

    Talent Development & Work life balance

    Credere nella crescita delle persone significa creare opportunità di sviluppo continuo, attraverso la definizione congiunta degli obiettivi da perseguire in un percorso che parte da una competenza tecnica e prosegue attraverso l'acquisizione di capacità manageriali nella gestione di progetti, persone e clienti, attraverso il lavoro in team e individuale, fatto di confronto, scambio e apprendimento.
    Il work life-balance è al centro della nostra cultura aziendale tramite smart working e benefit aziendali. In Cefriel è possibile lavorare in modo flessibile, declinando il proprio lavoro in base agli obiettivi prefissati, e nel rispetto della propria vita privata. Per approfondire puoi leggere il white paper “Il senso del lavoro tra smart working e nuove sfide”.

    ICT, Digital Innovation, Digital Strategy, Design Thinking, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Blockchain, Information Security, Digital Ecosystem, Digital Experience, Product Design, R&D, Digital Culture, Digital Employability, Cyber Security, and API Ecosystem

  • Cefriel - Un centro di Ricerca, Innovazione e Formazione - Home

    Siamo un centro di Ricerca, Innovazione e Formazione che da oltre 30 anni accompagna le imprese nazionali e internazionali nel loro percorso di crescita.

  • https://www.cefriel.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Research, Public business cluster, French Cluster, Research Services
Research, Public business cluster, French Cluster, Research Services

8 Oct 2024

Groupe Randstad France
Groupe Randstad France
Human ressources, Human Resources Services
Groupe Randstad France
Human ressources, Human Resources Services

6 Oct 2023

MyData Global
MyData Global
IT Services and IT Consulting
MyData Global
IT Services and IT Consulting

27 Jan 2025

Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services
Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services

20 Oct 2023

IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development

12 Jun 2017

Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies
Semiconductors, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Infineon Technologies
Semiconductors, Semiconductor Manufacturing

24 May 2022

Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

2 Nov 2022

Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

2 Nov 2022

Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Biotechnology Research
Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Biotechnology Research

21 Nov 2022

Allianz X
Allianz X
Insurance, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Allianz X
Insurance, Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

6 Apr 2023

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