  • Medical University of Lodz

    Created in 2002
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    al. Tadeusza Kościuszki 4, 90-419 Łódź, Poland



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 411

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    The Medical University of Lodz (MUL) is a renowned, attractive scientific and educational centre in the European Research Area, focused on promoting research and developing innovative health-promoting solutions for the epidemiological and socio-demographic challenges faced by our society. The University’s clinical facilities include three well acclaimed hospitals, all of them highly rated in national rankings.
    MUL provides education to future doctors and specialists in medical and paramedical fields, carries out R&I projects, and provides research services. The University’s research and development activities show dynamic growth. As reflected by top positions in rankings that evaluate both the publication and citation impact.
    Since 2015 the University is a member of the international EIT Health consortium (www.eithealth.eu) with aim to support entrepreneurship and create innovations in the areas of healthy lifestyle and active aging, as well as seeking ways to improve the quality of life in Europe. Scientific projects carried out at the university, based on the concept of the knowledge triangle, are continuing in new, integrated educational programs, as well as in cooperation with business.

    medycyna, ochrona zdrowia, nauka, and edukacja

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Medicen Paris Region
Medicen Paris Region
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Civic and Social Organizations
Medicen Paris Region
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Civic and Social Organizations

3 Oct 2024

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Social network dynamics