  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] We improve and make your commute more sustainable.

    Since 2016, we have been developing software that optimizes and improves your parking pressure, CO2 footprint, mobility costs and employee satisfaction.

    Mobility, Smart Mobility, Mobility as a Service, Smart Parking, EV, Electric charging, Bicycle stimulation, Cycling, Employee satisfaction, CO2 reduction, ESG, and BREAAM

  • Original language

    Wij verbeteren en verduurzamen jouw woon-werkverkeer.

    Sinds 2016 ontwikkelen wij software die jouw parkeerdruk, CO2-voetafdruk, mobiliteitskosten en medewerkerstevredenheid optimaliseert en verbetert.

    Mobility, Smart Mobility, Mobility as a Service, Smart Parking, EV, Elektrisch laden, Fietsstimulering, Cycling, Medewerkerstevredenheid, CO2-reductie, ESG, and BREAAM

  • Toogethr | Mobility meets Sustainability

    Wij maken mobiliteit en parkeren simpel voor de nieuwe generatie en doorbreken gewoontes op zoek naar duurzame oplossingen.

  • https://www.toogethr.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Startup accelerator & VC, IT Services and IT Consulting
Startup accelerator & VC, IT Services and IT Consulting
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

17 Oct 2018

EXPO REAL (Messe München)
EXPO REAL (Messe München)
Trade show, Events Services
EXPO REAL (Messe München)
Trade show, Events Services

5 Oct 2023

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