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    A research group of Universitat de Girona devoted to the development of eco-innovative environmental solutions. #TECNIO

    The Laboratory of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (LEQUIA) is a research group of the University of Girona (UdG) devoted to the development of eco-innovative water solutions. LEQUIA is a “consolidated research group” recognised by the Catalan Government (2014-SGR-1168) and a member of TECNIO, a network that brings together leading experts in applied research and technology transfer in Catalonia. The group is part of the UdG’s Institute of the Environment (IMA).

    Research lines are: i) design, operation and control of advanced processes for the biological treatment of urban and industrial wastewaters, ii) valorisation of resources within the water-energy nexus, iii) environmental Decision Support Systems (EDSS) and iv) advanced adsorption/oxidation processes for the treatment of gas and liquid effluents

    wastewater treatment, biological nutrients removal and recovery, environmental decision support systems, membrane bioreactors optimisation, bioelectrochemical systems, and adsorption and oxidation processes

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