  • La Revue nouvelle

    Created in 1945
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    Rue du Marteau 19, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium



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    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 9

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  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Une revue intellectuelle généraliste belge d’analyses sociopolitiques et socioéconomiques.

    La Revue nouvelle is a monthly magazine that tackles a wide range of topics. Based in Brussels, it covers social, political, economic, cultural, literary, artistic and religious issues. Founded in 1945, its initial purpose is more pertinent than ever : to bring about an exchange of ideas and a multifaceted approach to today’s world. It has become increasingly apparent that democracy extends beyond the institutions and implementation of political decisions to which we tend to reduce it. The primary aim of La Revue nouvelle is to foster our democratic ethos and culture as a shared way of thinking, free from the dogma and ideology that all too often dominate.

    The resolutely French-speaking Belgian roots of La Revue nouvelle’s editorial policy invite debate in a context where platforms for truly free speech are few. Overshadowed by the rise of Flemish identity, leftist in a right-wing world, La Revue nouvelle can be defined on several counts as a minority publication. It is therefore dedicated to clarifying conflicts as well as to creativity, openness to innovation and their translation into original propositions.
    La Revue nouvelle was founded in 1945, just after World War Two, in the moral and intellectual turbulence of the liberation. It has long been situated to the left of the mainstream "Belgian Christian world". Since its inception, La Revue nouvelle has published more than 600 editions at a rate of 10 per year. Among its analyses, some marked a milestone in history and contributed to the magazine’s notoriety : decolonization, the fight for freedom of education, feminism, social security and health policy, the evolution of the Christian world, analysis of the political parties, State reform, immigration, ethical questions, the Israel-Palestine conflict, ecology... Today, the "progressive" nature of the magazine and its independence from institutions and ideologies link it strongly to a vision of justice, freedom, cultural respect and willingness to listen.

    Sciences politiques, Sciences sociales, Economie, Culture, intellectuel, politique, and recherche

  • La Revue nouvelle est une revue intellectuelle généraliste d’analyses sociopolitiques et socioéconomiques

    La Revue nouvelle est une revue intellectuelle généraliste d'analyses sociopolitiques et socioéconomiques. Des articles approfondissant aussi bien les sciences politiques et sociales que le monde socioculturel. Un organe de qualité qui préfère l'analyse à la compilation des informations, la réflexion à la réaction immédiate et l'engagement éditorial à la chronique des faits.

  • https://revuenouvelle.be/
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