  • New Work Lab

    Created in 2012
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    2,571 1,476
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    201 Bd d'Anfa, Casablanca 20250, Morocco



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 6

  • Engaged corporates

    0 4
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Working Differently, Learning Differently

    New Work Lab is an accelerator where we design for you "new generation" TRANSFORMATION programs for Change Makers, Innovators, Leaders and Entrepreneurs. With you, we deploy programs to work differently, collectively and give meaning to work while acting ethically and sustainably.

    Since its creation in 2012, New Work Lab has given itself the mission of supporting the emergence of new working methods based on entrepreneurship, innovation and ethics.

    New Work Lab has first become a key player in the Moroccan startup scene: organization of conferences, reference meetings, incubation, acceleration and coworking space programs.

    Since then, we have expanded our offer to support Leaders and Change Makers who want to create a positive impact through their work and give it meaning

    coworking space, Training, startup advisor, Communication, and Startups

  • Original language

    Working Differently, Learning Differently

    New Work Lab est un accélérateur où nous concevons pour vous des programmes de TRANSFORMATION « nouvelle génération » pour les Change Makers, les Innovateurs, les Leaders et les Entrepreneurs. Avec vous, nous déployons des programmes pour travailler différemment, collectivement et redonner du sens au travail tout en agissant de manière éthique et durable.

    Depuis sa création en 2012, New Work Lab s’est donné comme mission d’accompagner l’émergence de nouvelles méthodes de travail basées sur l’entrepreneuriat, l’innovation et l’éthique.

    New Work Lab est d'abord, devenu un acteur incontournable de la scène startup marocaine : organisation de conférences, de rencontres référentes, programmes d’incubation, d’accélération et de coworking space.

    Depuis, nous avons élargi notre offre pour accompagner les Leaders et Change Makers qui veulent créer un impact positif à travers leur travail et lui redonner du sens

    coworking space, Training, startup advisor, Communication, and Startups

  • New Work Lab : Travailler différemment ou le Future of Work

    Repenser le monde du travail et concevoir une nouvelle génération de formation Future of Work pour Leaders et Change Makers

  • https://www.newworklab.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development

5 Dec 2016

Food, Consumer Goods, Software Development
Food, Consumer Goods, Software Development

23 Nov 2015

Business Club de France des Entrepreneurs TV Business Club de France des Entrepreneurs TV
Online Audio and Video Media

26 Sep 2013

The World Bank
The World Bank
International development, International Trade and Development
The World Bank
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