  • Harpenden Town Council

    Created in 1974
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    2,496 102
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Town Hall, Leyton Rd, Harpenden AL5 2LX, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 8

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Harpenden Town Council was created in 1974 following the reorganisation of local government and the disbanding of Harpenden Urban District Council. Harpenden is the largest parish in the St Albans District with a population of almost 30,000 represented by 16 Councillors.

    Mission Statement:

    To promote the area as a place to live, a place to work, a place to visit and a place to invest.

    Corporate Objectives:

    To promote and represent the community’s views and aspirations at local, county, regional and national level.
    To serve those who live in the Town, work in the Town and visit the Town.

    To promote growth of Council activities where new services can be taken on effectively and efficiently.
    To strive to improve the quality of life for all residents of the Town.
    To work in partnership at local, county, regional and national level to promote and provide for the well being of the Town.
    Harpenden Town Council delivers a wide range of services to the local community including:

    Community Services:

    The Town Hall and Information Point, Park Hall community building, Harpenden in Bloom, Farmers’ Market, Community safety including CCTV, Restricted Alcohol Zone and lighting. Christmas celebrations (Christmas Carnival, Christmas lights, poster competition, and the window display competition). Provision of public toilets, bus shelters, litter bins, dog bins, notice boards, bicycle stands and children's play areas. Events including the Harpenden Carnival in colaboration with the Harpenden Round Table , Teddy Bears Picnic and Armed Forces Day.

    Corporate Management, Administrative and Statutory responsibilities:

    The Town Council has four main committees all with delegated responsibilities, plus several Working Parties and Community Forums. Full Council meetings are held six times a year, at which all Councillors are involved in all policy decisions of the Council. Meetings are held at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall or Park Hall in Leyton Road.

    Community Services

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, Consumer Electronics, Software Development
IT services, Consumer Electronics, Software Development

12 Apr 2018

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