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Námestie 1. mája, 811 06 Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slovakia
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2 years, 5 months ago[Automatic translation follows] A package of reforms and investments that will be implemented until 2026 from the recovery and resilience fund. It is coordinated by the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic.
The recovery plan is a joint response of the EU countries to the sharp decline in the economy due to the pandemic. Its main goal is to support reforms and investments that will enable Slovakia to start catching up with the EU average living standard again.
Individual ministries were primarily responsible for preparing the content of individual components.
The recovery plan section at the Government Office of the Slovak Republic acts as the National Implementation and Coordination Authority, which is the coordinator of the recovery plan implementation process and the main contact point for the European Commission.
Balík reforiem a investícií, ktoré sa budú realizovať do roku 2026 z fondu obnovy a odolnosti. Koordinuje Úrad vlády SR.
Plán obnovy je spoločnou reakciou krajín EÚ na silný pokles ekonomiky v dôsledku pandémie. Jeho hlavným cieľom je podporiť reformy a investície, ktoré Slovensku umožnia začať opäť dobiehať životnú úroveň priemeru EÚ.
Za prípravu obsahu jednotlivých komponentov boli primárne zodpovedné jednotlivé ministerstvá.
Sekcia plánu obnovy na Úrade vlády SR pôsobí ako Národná implementačná a koordinačná autorita, ktorá je koordinátorom procesu implementácie plánu obnovy a hlavným kontaktným bodom pre Európsku komisiu.
Corporate | Type | Tweets | Articles | |
Eurostat European Union, Environmental Services | Eurostat European Union, Environmental Services | Other 12 Feb 2018 | | |
OECD - OCDE International development, International Affairs | OECD - OCDE International development, International Affairs | Other 14 Feb 2020 | |