  • KikoRomeo

    Created in 1996
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    6,099 16,443 106
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    523 Riara Rd, Nairobi, Kenya



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 11

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    KikoRomeo meaning “Adam’s Apple” in Kiswahili, was founded in 1996. It has become a heritage brand, widely credited with transforming fashion in Kenya, and mentoring many designers and artisans over the last two decades. To consumers, wearing KikoRomeo has been like being a member of a club, with recognizable signature pieces, which indicate a commonality and start a conversation. Transcending cultures and fashion trends, KikoRomeo outfits have ultimately proven to be a source of confidence and pride in all who wear them.

    We love the arts and use our language and fashion skills to mentor and inspire people to be openminded and to earn a living from creativity. The beautiful things we create, embolden the wearer, opening new paths and giving them confidence to bring out their own authenticity. Our items are crafted by artisans in East Africa, many of whom have worked with us for over two decades. We often collaborate with others in the visual arts, literature, theatre, film and music, who enrich our works with their talents.

    We are passionate about sustainability; striving to create longevity in each garment by using handmade and hand-dyed fabrics as well as hand-carved trims, sourced from the African continent. Our fabrics come mainly from natural fibres including cottons, linens and silk. The silhouettes are effortlessly elegant, with attention to detail. They are treasured as works of art by our clients.

    fashion, sustainability, textiles, and hand crafting

  • KikoRomeo

    Transcending cultures and fashion trends, KikoRomeo puts sustainability at its core, striving to create longevity in each garment by using handmade and hand-dyed fabrics as well as hand-carved trims, sourced from the African continent. Their fabrics come mainly from natural fibres.

  • https://kikoromeo.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Financial Times
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

25 Mar 2020

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