  • Teacher Tapp

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    41,921 7,799
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    London E20 3BS, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 39

  • Engaged corporates

    2 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years ago
  • Value proposition

    We are Teacher Tapp, an informative app for teachers across the UK. Get daily insights into the education sector.

    The Teacher Tapp app asks teachers three questions each day at 3:30pm and then allows teachers to find out how other teachers answered the questions and delivers a daily bullet of professional development. The community of teachers is gradually revealing a picture of what affects teacher’s morale, effectiveness, and likelihood to stay in the classroom, whilst simultaneously making teachers more aware of their own working conditions.

    Answering the daily questions isn’t a big commitment – we find it takes between 7 and 15 SECONDS each day. It is designed with busy teachers in mind. Do it while wandering back to the staffroom when school finishes, or while walking to your car, or while sitting on the bus or train, or while waiting for a kettle to boil at home, or while sitting in front of the television.

    Anyone can download the app, but the survey questions are currently designed for those who work in a school in England, whether state or private. The questions are really designed for teachers, rather than teaching assistants or other staff, though you may find many interesting.

    For now, teachers in early years settings, further education, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and the rest of the world won’t find the questions make sense a lot of the time. We will be giving you more suitable questions in the near future.

    Education, Teachers, Teaching, Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, and Schools

  • Teacher Tapp

    We believe that the voices of those on the ground should be at the heart of positive change within education.

  • https://teachertapp.co.uk/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
UK Export Finance
UK Export Finance
National and local authorities, Financial Services
UK Export Finance
National and local authorities, Financial Services

7 Oct 2024

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

5 Jan 2021

Newspaper Publishing
Newspaper Publishing

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