  • Super7000 GmbH

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    272 112
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Rather Str. 25, 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 1

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] A place for new things is currently being built in Düsseldorf on 7000 sqm. Coworkers, foodies, marketers, techies, nerds and makers meet musicians and event makers. Startups find the creative, open environment they need to make their ideas a reality. Corporates that are looking for exactly that are welcome.

    Yes, we're open! Our open space with over 20 workstations, the meeting rooms and our event area "on the lawn" are looking forward to seeing you. And the next construction phase has already begun: new team offices and the expansion of our event hall are in the works. Oh yes, FoodLab and gastronomy will also be starting soon.

    Stay in touch on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


    A coworking place In Dusseldorf on 7000 sqm. Coworkers, foodies, marketers, techies, nerds and makers meet musicians and event makers. Startups find the creative, open environment they need to make their ideas a reality.

    More information: https://super7000.de/

  • Original language

    In Düsseldorf entsteht auf 7000qm gerade ein Ort für Neues. Coworker, Foodies, Marketer, Techies, Nerds und Maker treffen auf Musiker und Eventmacher. Startups finden das kreative, offene Umfeld, das sie brauchen, um Ideen zu verwirklichen. Corporates, die genau das suchen, sind willkommen.

    Yes, we’re open! Unser Open Space mit über 20 Arbeitsplätzen, die Meetingräume und unsere Eventfläche „auf dem Rasen” freuen sich auf dich. Und der nächste Bauabschnitt hat schon begonnen: neue Teambüros und der Ausbau unserer Eventhalle ist in der Mache. Ach ja, FoodLab und Gastronomie sind auch bald am Start.

    Bleib in Kontakt auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram.


    A coworking place In Dusseldorf on 7000qm. Coworkers, foodies, marketers, techies, nerds and makers meet musicians and event makers. Startups find the creative, open environment they need to make their ideas a reality.

    More information: https://super7000.de/

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Commerzbank AG
Commerzbank AG
Bank, Banking
Commerzbank AG
Bank, Banking

13 Jul 2018

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