  • storybee

    Created in 2020
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

    27 29 375
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Perpignan, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 2


  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    The expert in digital businesses transmission (e-commerce, SaaS, marketplace,..) ♻

    We help entrepreneurs sell or buy their digital business or tech company ♻

    We help at every step of selling or buying digital businesses (e-commerce, apps, websites, digital medias, SaaS, marketplaces, etc.)
    - digital companies valuation
    - preparing the sale
    - finding buyers, knowing the market
    - assisting during negotiations
    - helping until the deal is closed

    🧨 Why care about companies transmission ?
    The loss of knowledge, value & hard work that happens every time a company stops without being transmitted is huge. In France, only, there are about 200 000 profitable companies that shut down every year. Only by passing it on, communicating, meeting up that we could make it go further together, and pave the way towards a virtuous and sustainable entrepreneurship.

    At least, that's what we believe. How about you ?
    Start the conversation, contact us ! hello@storybee.fr

    ecommerce, web, acquisition, tech, and finance

  • Original language

    L'expert en cession d'entreprises digitales (ecommerce, SaaS, marketplace,..) ♻

    Nous aidons les entrepreneurs à revendre ou acheter leur entreprise digitale : site internet, e-commerce , SaaS, média digital, application...

    Nous aidons à chaque étape de la vente d'une entreprise :
    - valorisation d'entreprises digitales
    - dossier de vente d'entreprise
    - préparation de la vente
    - recherche de repreneurs, expertise du marché
    - assistance pendant les négociations
    - accompagnement jusqu'à la signature

    Contactez-nous !

  • Acheter / Vendre un site internet (E-commerce, SaaS, Média) | Storybee - Storybee

    Estimer un site en 3min - RDV gratuit avec un expert - Accompagnment complet - Achat / vente de site rentable, rapide et sécurisé - Sites web vérifiés - Acheteurs sélectionnés

  • https://storybee.fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Digital 113
Digital 113
Public business cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting
Digital 113
Public business cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting

24 Sep 2023

Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
National and local authorities, Government Administration

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