  • Maksu- ja Tolliamet / Estonian Tax and Customs Board

  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,747 2,110
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Ragnar Nurkse Triple Tower, Lõõtsa 8a, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 223

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The mission of MTA is convenient and efficient tax collection and protection of the economic environment for people, companies and the Estonian state.

    We deal with the management of state revenues, the implementation of national tax and customs policy, and the protection of society and legal economic activity.

    Our goal is to provide convenient and efficient tax collection and protection of the economic environment for people, companies and the Estonian state.

    We have aimed for Estonia to be the country with the highest voluntary tax compliance in Europe. To achieve this, we have defined four main strategic directions:

    Willingness to pay: we increase the willingness to pay in Estonian society and are reliable cooperation partners for taxpayers.

    Simple and convenient public services: we offer all taxpayers the opportunity to fulfill their obligations quickly, easily, conveniently. The services offered by the MTA motivate people to fulfill their tax and customs obligations correctly.

    Equal tax competition and social protection: we approach problematic taxpayers with supervisory measures in an efficient and targeted manner. Tax evasion is complex, cumbersome and expensive.

    Leading organization and developing people: to achieve the organization's goals, we do our work with dedication, professionalism and cooperation.

    You can also get to know us as an employer on the page https://www.emta.ee/et/karjaar.


    Our purpose is to administer state revenues, implement national tax and customs policy and protect society and legal economic activity.

    Our goal is to offer convenient and efficient tax services and protection of the economic environment for the benefit of people, enterprises and the Estonian state.

    We have set a target to make Estonia a country with the highest voluntary tax compliance in Europe. In order to achieve this, we have set four main strategic directions with the help of which we define our day-by-day operative activities and leading our organization towards the desired vision:
    Willingness to pay taxes
    Simple and convenient public services
    Equal tax competition and protection of society
    Pioneering organization and developing people

    budget revenue, taxes, and customs duties

  • Original language

    MTA missiooniks on mugav ja tõhus maksukogumine ning majanduskeskkonna kaitse inimestele, ettevõtetele ja Eesti riigile.

    Tegeleme riigitulude haldamise, riikliku maksu- ja tollipoliitika rakendamise ning ühiskonna ja seadusliku majandustegevuse kaitsmisega.

    Meie eesmärk on pakkuda mugavat ja tõhusat maksukogumist ning majanduskeskkonna kaitset inimestele, ettevõtetele ja Eesti riigile.

    Oleme võtnud sihiks, et Eesti oleks kõrgeima vabatahtliku maksukuulekusega riik Euroopas. Selle saavutamiseks oleme määratlenud neli strateegilist peasuunda:

    Maksutahe: suurendame Eesti ühiskonna maksutahet ja oleme maksumaksjale usaldusväärsed koostööpartnerid.

    Lihtsad ja mugavad avalikud teenused: pakume kõikidele maksumaksjatele võimalust täita oma kohustused kiirelt, lihtsalt, mugavalt. MTA pakutavad teenused motiveerivad inimesi maksu- ja tollikohustusi korrektselt täitma.

    Võrdne maksukonkurents ja ühiskonnakaitse: läheneme probleemsetele maksumaksjatele järelevalveliste meetmetega tõhusalt ja sihipäraselt. Maksudest kõrvale hiilimine on keerukas, tülikas ja kallis.

    Suundanäitav organisatsioon ja arenevad inimesed: organisatsiooni eesmärkide saavutamiseks teeme oma tööd pühendunult, professionaalselt ja koostöös.

    Meie kui tööandjaga saad lisaks tutvuda lehel https://www.emta.ee/et/karjaar.


    Our purpose is to administer state revenues, implement national tax and customs policy and protect society and legal economic activity.

    Our goal is to offer convenient and efficient tax services and protection of economic environment for the benefit of people, enterprises and the Estonian state.

    We have set a target to make Estonia a country with the highest voluntary tax compliance in Europe. In order to achieve this, we have set four main strategic direction with the help of which we define our day-by-day operative activities and leading our organisation towards the desired vision:
    Willingness to pay taxes
    Simple and convenient public services
    Equal tax competition and protection of society
    Pioneering organisation and developing people

    budget revenue, taxes, and customs duties

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Real Estate, Software Development
Real Estate, Software Development
Not capitalistic
Not event

6 Dec 2018

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