  • Value proposition

    Leading change, organically.

    The mission of IFOAM - Organics International is to lead change, organically.
    Our goal is the broad adoption of truly sustainable agriculture, value chains and consumption in line with the principles of organic agriculture.

    IFOAM - Organics International contributes to an increased:
    * Uptake of organics agriculture and similar approaches, certified or non-certified;
    * Number of organic operations that move from good practices towards best practice;
    * Number of agriculture operations that are becoming more sustainable and integrate organic principles and methods.

    Leading the organic movements worldwide, IFOAM - Organics International implements the will of its broad-based constituency - from farmers'​ organisations to multinational certification agencies, ensuring the credibility and longevity of organic agriculture as a means to ecological, economic and social sustainability.

    🔗 SUBSCRIBE to our media platforms: https://linktr.ee/ifoamorganic

    Organic Agriculture, Advocacy, Project Management, Organic Leadership Courses - Organic Academy, Global Organic Gurantee, PGS - Participatory Guarantee Systems, Capacity Building, Sustainability Development, Climate Change, Organic Farming, Organic Markets, Organic Policy, Capacity Development, Membership, Sustainable Development Goals, program management, and policy

  • IFOAM - Organics International | Home

    Together with members in over 100 countries and territories as well as regional organizations and sector platforms, we are leading change, organically.

  • https://www.ifoam.bio/
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Business France
Business France
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Business France
National and local authorities, Government Administration

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International development, International Trade and Development
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