  • HobbyStreet

    Created in 2012
  • BETA

    Probably non active (C)
    Several signals show that this company is not active anymore
  • Social networks

    388 21
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Le Ségala, 48500 Banassac-Canilhac, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10


  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] *** What is Hobbystreet ??? ***
    Hobbystreet is a turnkey tool for all those who wish to launch their DIY concept (Do It Yourself).
    Our work, create the event identity of a sales space, craftsmen, traders, brand, teaches or a franchise, around the lifestyle and DIY theme, in order to strengthen their notoriety and increase Traffic at point of sale.

    Customers have access to our catalog of creative workshops led by artists, craftsmen and talent creators. Each event is designed to strengthen the brand image is to offer a memorable experience to the participants.

    *** MOTIVATION ***

    Create the store of tomorrow

    *** KEYWORDS ***
    - Retail
    - Marketing
    - Diversification
    - Store
    - Customer experience
    - hybridization / hub
    - E-commerce
    - Workshop / Workshop
    - Makers / DIY
    - Know-how

    Retail, customer experience, marketing, events, and do it yourself

  • Original language

    *** C'EST QUOI HOBBYSTREET ??? ***
    HobbyStreet est un outil clé en main pour tous ceux qui souhaitent lancer leur concept de DIY (do it yourself).
    Notre travail, créer l'identité événementielle d'un espace de vente, d'un artisans, commerçants, marque, enseigne ou d'une franchise, autours de la thématique lifestyle et DIY, dans le but de renforcer leur notoriété et d'augmenter le trafic en point de vente.

    Les clients ont accès à notre catalogue d'ateliers créatifs animés par des artistes, artisans et créateurs de talents. Chaque événement est designé pour renforcer l'image de marque est proposer une expérience mémorable aux participants.

    *** MOTIVATION ***

    Créer le magasin de demain

    *** MOTS CLES ***
    - Retail
    - Marketing
    - Diversification
    - Magasin
    - Experience client
    - Hybridation / Hub
    - E-Commerce
    - Atelier / workshop
    - Makers / DIY
    - Savoir-faire

    Retail, Expérience client, Marketing, événementiel, and Do it yourself

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Créalia Occitanie
Créalia Occitanie
Civic and Social Organizations
Créalia Occitanie
Civic and Social Organizations
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

6 Mar 2017

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