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Hub France IA Hub France IA

[Automatic translation follows] Bringing together French AI players. The France IA Hub is committed to boosting the AI ​​ecosystem by encouraging proximity between stakeholders to accelerate the development of operational projects. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Knowledge Reasoning, Deep Learning, Ethic, Training, Startups, SMEs, Corporates, and Pack AI

359 148 274

[Automatic translation follows] French competitiveness cluster positioned in the Aerospace, Security, Defense and Risk Prevention sectors. SAFE is the French competitiveness cluster positioned in the Aeronautics, Space, Security and Defense sectors. With its presence in the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, it manages a network of more than 500 players (SMEs, ETIs, Large Groups, Research and training centers, end users) which includes more than 70% of businesses. security, defense, aeronautics, space, risks and resilience, autonomous systems, satellite, Airships, and territorial security

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

325 98 196