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Cour de cassation Cour de cassation

[Automatic translation follows] The Court of Cassation ensures that the interpretation of laws is the same for all The Court of Cassation is the highest court in the French judicial system. Sitting within the Palais de Justice de la Cité, the supreme court's mission is to control the exact application of the law by the courts and the courts of appeal, thus guaranteeing a uniform interpretation of the law. Law, Justice, Open data, and Colloquia

Sectors: National and local authorities

278 249 12

[Automatic translation follows] An essential legal magazine, Droit & Patrimoine offers a cross-sectional and expert treatment of property law. An essential legal magazine, Droit & Patrimoine offers a cross-sectional and expert treatment of property law while focusing on the latest news from the various players in this sector: Interprofessional news seen from the perspective of players in property advice A substantive file treated in a multidisciplinary manner Practical studies, assemblies and consultations Jurisprudential and legislative news deciphered by the best experts It covers all matters that have an impact on assets and allow their optimization (taxation, inheritance and matrimonial regimes, …

Sectors: Media

46 15 36
Le Monde du Droit Le Monde du Droit

[Automatic translation follows] The magazine for legal professions Updated daily, Le Monde du Droit is the preferred magazine for legal decision-makers. Exclusive interviews, analyses by the best specialists, all the latest news from companies, firms and institutions, as well as a complete legal watch on different legal themes. Many services are also offered: directory of business lawyers, section partnerships (display your expertise on Le Monde du Droit), creation of TV shows broadcast on 4Change (Interviews, talk shows, columns, etc.), promotion of your various actions (deals, nominations, studies, event organization, publication of contributions, awards, creation of your firm, etc.) law, lawyers, …

Sectors: Media

331 232 138
CNB Conseil national des barreaux - les avocats CNB Conseil national des barreaux - les avocats

[Automatic translation follows] The National Bar Council (CNB), a public utility institution with legal personality, is the national organization that represents all 77,598 lawyers registered in France. The CNB has been given very specific missions by law: - representation of the profession, in France and abroad; - unification of the rules and practices of the profession; - professional training; - admission of foreign lawyers. • The CNB comprises 80 members elected for three years (48 lawyers for the national constituency, 32 for the Paris constituency) and two ex officio vice-presidents, the President of the Paris Bar and the President of …

Sectors: Law Practice

607 444 175
Le Petit Juriste Le Petit Juriste

[Automatic translation follows] Le Petit Juriste invites you to the Forum des Carrières Juridiques, the big jobfair for legal professionals, on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at the Carrousel du Louvre! The Forum des Carrières Juridiques is organized by Décideurs Juridiques and Le Monde du Droit in partnership with the Paris Bar, the AFJE and the Cercle Montesquieu. law, student, university, tax, public, private, and social

Sectors: Media

54 24 38