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L'Usinerie Partners L'Usinerie Partners

Prote'in, digital at the service of industry The Partners factory is a mixed economy company, supported by the Grand Chalon, whose mission is to support industrial companies in their digital and digital transformation and project leaders in their development. At the beginning of 2022, the Partners factory unveiled its offer of Proté’In services (share, network, orient, transform, engage industrial companies to digital), articulated around three axes: animation of the regional ecosystem, competitiveness and business, skills and trades. This is one of the four co-founders of the factory, innovation and digitalization center for the industry, alongside the CHALON-SUR-SAY CHALON-SUMER Institute of …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Welcome to the LinkedIn official account of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region. As close as possible to its inhabitants of the whole territory, the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region acts daily for all: from training to energy transition, from economic development to transport, from high schools to agriculture, from youth to European funds, from sport to tourism. # The region in a few figures - Population: 2.807 million, - area: 47,784 km2, - Active population 2013: 1,287,926 people, -8 departments: Côte-d'Or, Doubs, Haute-Saône, Jura, Nièvre, Saône-et-Loire, Territoire de Belfort, Yonne, - municipalities: 3,831, including 25 municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants, - density: 59 inhabitants …

Sectors: National and local authorities

Collectif Startups Industrielles France Collectif Startups Industrielles France

Together, let's support industrial seeding in a circular economy approach The mission of the Collectif Startups Industrielles France (CSI France) is to reconcile industry, finance and digital technology in the service of the ecological and social transition by supporting the development of a national ecosystem favorable to circular industrial seeding. Our members are industrial startuppers, subcontractors, support providers (incubators, investors, communities, etc.) and professional citizens spread throughout France. The CSI France has 3 key missions: 1) Make known the existence of industrial startups and the specificities of their development from pre-seed to industrialization, by proposing concrete action plans for the …