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Nouvelle-Aquitaine Open Source Nouvelle-Aquitaine Open Source

Cluster Nouvelle-Aquitaine in free and open source technologies. Aquinetic, what is it? It is a meeting place for players in the regional ICT sector, aimed at promoting the development of innovative projects, thanks to the use of free software (LL). Aquinetic, for what to do? - to explain and promote the values ​​associated with free software (sharing, pooling ...), - to bring out innovative value -added projects, - to promote skills transfer, - to develop advice and expertise, Aquinetic, for whom? - For companies (SMEs/SMI/Large accounts) producing solutions designed around free software - For companies (SMEs/SMI/Large Accounts) looking for innovative …

Sectors: National and local authorities

SPN (réSeau des Professionnels du Numérique et de l'image) SPN (réSeau des Professionnels du Numérique et de l'image)

Our members have talent! The SPN is a cluster that brings together more than 180 digital and image companies in the territory of the former Poitou-Charentes. We support professionals in the sector to boost their growth. Animation of communities, acceleration of startups and SMEs and open innovation & amp; collaborative are the 3 components of our action program. Catalyst of French Tech, the SPN obtained in 2016 the recognition of the French Tech mission for the agglomerations of Angoulême, La Rochelle, Niort and Poitiers now members of the thematic network #EDTECH #ertainment. The SPN is also a founding member of …

French Assurtech French Assurtech

Federates the leaders of insurance mutuals to support the development of startups and redefine the assurtech. FRENCH ASSURTECH brings together 8 leaders of insurance mutuals in France and Belgium (Groupama, IMA, MAAF, MACIF, MAIF, MUTUELLE DE POITIERS, P & AMP; V Group, SMACL) to support #startups & amp; redefine the #assurtech

Sectors: Insurance Startup accelerator & VC