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The Pharma Days The Pharma Days

Discover, Connect & Learn The Pharma Days (TPD) is a closed-door event meant to drive collaboration, innovation and business growth. The event will bring together the pharmaceutical industry’s decision makers focused on key downstream processes: packaging, drug delivery, contract manufacturing and filling & assembly.

16 8 8

[Automatic translation follows] Incubates Deep Tech & accelerates scientific innovations in the Lyon-St Etienne R&D labs 🚀 PULSALYS, Deep Tech innovation incubator and accelerator in Lyon & St Etienne, builds the products & innovative services of tomorrow, by transforming scientific discoveries from the laboratories of the University of Lyon into economic opportunities for companies and startups. Created in December 2013 as part of the Future Investment Program (PIA) under the status of Technology Transfer Acceleration Company (SATT), PULSALYS has become a key player in the attractiveness and economic development of the region from Lyon - St-Etienne. Chemistry & materials, Cleantech, …

Tags: SATT Network Sectors: Research

257 90 187
Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Lyonbiopôle Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The health innovation network As a French leading biocluster, Lyonbiopole Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes aims to federate the actors of innovation, to connect and promote them internationally and to support the emergence and development of innovative technologies, products and services to address global healthcare challenges. Lyonbiopole Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes gathers a community of more than 250 members among which world-class leaders, innovative small and medium size companies, research centers and university hospitals. At the center of this ecosystem, Lyonbiopole brings its members altogether to imagine the future of medicine and to develop breakthrough healthTech innovation available for tomorrow’s patients.

Sectors: Biotechnology French Cluster Public business cluster

385 207 225

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let's catalyze success Creating value by bringing out innovative and competitive solutions for the industry at the confluence of chemistry, the environment and energy, and radiating internationally from a strong regional base, such is the The ambition of AXELERA, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes chemistry-environment competitiveness cluster, created in 2005 by ARKEMA, CNRS, ENGIE, IFP Energies nouvelles, SUEZ and SOLVAY. AXELERA brings together and coordinates players in industry, research and training in chemistry and the environment, around 5 strategic axes: renewable raw materials, eco-efficient factory, materials and products for industrial sectors, recycling and recyclability , preservation and restoration of …

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

235 137 105
Innov'Alliance - Le pôle de compétitivité de la Naturalité Agroalimentaire Nutraceutique Cosmétique Arômes Parfums Innov'Alliance - Le pôle de compétitivité de la Naturalité Agroalimentaire Nutraceutique Cosmétique Arômes Parfums

INNOV'ALLIANCE AgriFood Wellness Naturalness Innovation Cluster Innov'Alliance AgriFood Wellness Naturalness Innovation Cluster is an agri-food and cosmetics network of startup, SMEs and groups, research entities and education entities dedicated to plant based products and services. Innov'Alliance is non profit organisation of 400 membres. Main markets of interest include agriculture, food, ingrédients, supplements, cosmetics. AGRICULTURE, AGROALIMENTAIRE, INNOVATION, ALIMENTATION, CROISSANCE, VEGETAL, WINE, FOOD, TECHNOLOGIE, START UP, AGTECH, WINETECH, FOODTECH, FRUITS, LEGUMES, CEREALES, PLANTES, COSMETIQUE, VIN, FINANCEMENT, PARFUMERIE, PARFUMS, PAPAM, INGREDIENTS, NUTRITION, NUTRACEUTIQUE, COMPLEMENTS ALIMENTAIRES, AROMES, COSMETIQUES, and BEAUTE

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

271 131 200
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises

L'Agence économique régionale au service des entreprises industrielles et de services à l'industrie The Regional Economic Agency guides and supports industrial companies and services to industry businesses at all stages of their development: investment, training and employment, innovation, export, access to funding and European projects, etc. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises is also in charge of promoting the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region throughout the world and championing its multiple assets to attract new businesses. Valoriser, Structurer, and Accompagner

Sectors: National and local authorities

962 419 604

Agir ici. Changer demain. ONLYLYON is both the brand and the international marketing programme created in 2007 by the 13 institutional partners across the Lyon area who share the same objective: to strengthen the reputation and competitiveness of Lyon in a context of growing competition between world cities in attracting talent, companies, projects and tourists. This initiative brings together 24 public and private partners. The ONLYLYON initiative is wide-ranging, both in terms of its fields of application (sectors, markets) and the kinds of activities it carries out (communications, press relations, ambassador networks, digital strategy, etc.), its mission being to promote …

Sectors: National and local authorities

277 118 180
Estimeo Estimeo

[Automatic translation follows] Valuation of startups and VSEs/SMEs - UGAP Rating - Support for fundraising and Sale/Acquisition Estimeo is a platform for information, rating and valuation of startups and VSEs/SMEs. Estimeo, through a hybrid method combining algorithms and human intelligence, analyzes risks, rates and values ​​startups. The rating and valuation reports taking into account intangible assets are then distributed via a platform where all the players in the innovation ecosystem connect. The ratings allow innovators to get to know each other better, analyze the progress of their projects and consequently connect with investors, incubators and business partners. Estimeo's mission, as …

Sectors: Consulting

646 39 627
Air Liquide Air Liquide

Air Liquide is a world leader in gases, technologies and services for industry and healthcare. Present in 72 countries with 67,800 employees, the Group serves more than 4 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the Group’s activities since its creation in 1902. Taking action today while preparing the future is at the heart of Air Liquide’s strategy. With ADVANCE, its strategic plan for 2025, Air Liquide is targeting a global performance, combining financial and extra-financial dimensions. …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Chemistry

767 557 191