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Construction21 - France Construction21 - France

[Automatic translation follows] The information and meeting network for professionals in the sustainable construction and city sector The first European portal for construction and sustainable development professionals, Construction 21 is an open collaborative platform, available to French players to make their know-how and actions visible in France and Europe. This tool of general interest thus contributes to the dissemination of best practices in construction and sustainable development. Funded by the European Union and actively supported by France GBC, Construction21 is available in 7 languages ​​(French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Lithuanian and Romanian). All concerned!!! Whether you are Architects, Project Owners, …

Sectors: Construction Media

577 191 437
Dalkia Dalkia

[Automatic translation follows] Dalkia: together, let’s meet the climate challenge! For 85 years, Dalkia, a subsidiary of the EDF group and leader in energy services, has been investing and developing renewable and recovery energies and supporting its customers over the long term to help them save energy and reduce their CO2 emissions. . More than 20,000 employees present throughout France and internationally ensure the maintenance and operation of installations on industrial sites, tertiary buildings, communities, health establishments, housing, with innovative and efficient solutions, to accelerate the decarbonization of sites and territories. Find our solutions on our eco-responsible site Heating …

Sectors: Real Estate

573 420 115