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JCDecaux JCDecaux

In 1964, Jean-Claude Decaux invented advertising street furniture. In 2011, JCDecaux became the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, developing three areas of business: street furniture, transport advertising and billboard advertising. Out Of Home Media, Outdoor Advertising, Street furniture, Airport / Transport Advertising, and Billboard

Sectors: Advertising

1125 750 233
L'Express L'Express

[Automatic translation follows] On the good side of information L'Express has been a leading media brand since 1953: a weekly, a website, applications, podcasts, newsletters... and soon masterclasses, events and other projects! The L'Express Group is today an editorial team of more than 70 journalists, guarantors of reliable and quality information as well as a rapidly growing team of digital experts, serving new modes of consumption of the information. Express Studio is the Group's commercial entity which, with its partners, creates innovative communications solutions to reach senior executives and opinion leaders. Alain Weill, founder of the NextRadioTV Group (RMC, BFM …

Sectors: Media

2185 1812 169
Welcome to the Jungle France Welcome to the Jungle France

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the Jungle offers solutions to make work exciting and sustainable. At Welcome to the Jungle, we work to make work exciting and sustainable. How ? By offering innovative solutions to companies so that they can develop their employer brand and strengthen their attractiveness. But also by creating an experience and inspiring content that gives the keys to workers and companies to redefine the rules of work. Our job board helps digital talents explore the professional world and find the most exciting opportunities. All thanks to the wealth of our content and our thousands of job …

Sectors: Human ressources

1753 1557 112