Logo | Name | Σ | ||
![]() | Seine Innopolis A complete solution for the success of your business creation project in the Rouen Normandy Metropolis Do you have a business creation project? You want to be accompanied to get started. You wish to be advised to establish your business plan Rouen Normandie Création, the actor at your side to accompany you in your entrepreneurial adventure business creation support, business incubator, business accommodation, business hotel, economic development, and business creator | 58 | 19 | 42 |
![]() | Sdez #OnSplieen4pourvous! A family business, SDEZ has become one of the leaders in textile service and hygiene equipment solutions in France and Belgium. The lively eye and open mind, we innovate every day to make the service rendered in each of your trades better. 14 production sites: Paris (4 sites), Lille, Valenciennes, Amiens, Annecy, Reims, Brussels, La Rochelle, Avignon, Aix en Provence, Auxerre, Marseille 750 people at your service - 200 years of experience - 100% family business - 75 million € CA - 7000 customers - 45 million textile items delivered per year. Health, hotel catering, industry, hygiene, work clothing, … Sectors: | 24 | 2 | 21 |
![]() | Scientipole Initiative Scientipole est devenu Wilco - direction @wilco The aim of Scientipole Initiative is to closely associate corporate and technological resources in order to contribute to the emergence of innovative enterprises and support the development of such projects. Scientipole Initiative audits the potential projects, counsels and accompanies the future entrepreneurs from both a scientific and technological base as well as from a managerial point of view. The granting of a non-guaranteed no interest loan to the principal entrepreneur(s) of the start-up or project furnishes a real tool of financial leverage. This loan is a personnel loan, ranging from 20 to 90K€ … | 0 | 0 | 0 |
![]() | leChaudron.io Conseil Lechaudron.io Conseil (formerly SC21) supports the "3rd industrial revolution", organizes digital acculturation trips and leads conferences and seminars. Our team incubates the activities and trades of tomorrow. We are interested in the impacts of the multiplication of places and tools for personal digital manufacturing. We ensure promotion with the general public, institutional and industrial actors. Lechaudron.io Conseil explores and deploys fablabs, makerspaces or collaborative manufacturing space at the heart of businesses and territories. These are new creativity, training, digital manufacturing and collective innovation devices. We have developed our expertise through the atypical courses of our partners. Specialists in societal and … | 65 | 26 | 41 |
![]() | SBA - Smart Buildings Alliance for Smart Cities Make smart building an asset at the service of territories, businesses and occupants. Created in 2012, the Smart Buildings Alliance is working every day to make smart building an asset at the service of territories, companies and occupants. Unique in its kind by its transversality, its opening and the diversity of 450 companies and member organizations that make it up, SBA structures its actions around 3 pillars: Smart Home (collective residential housing), Smart Building (Tertiary Building) and Smart City (City and Intelligent Territory). Debricating for more than 10 years a strong attachment to a responsible digital, the SBA advocates technological … Sectors: | 367 | 213 | 203 |
![]() | SAXO 45 Acceleration program for innovative companies Saxo 45 is an acceleration program, organized by the Orleans Technopole. It lasts 8 months and is intended for 8 leaders of innovative companies in the Loiret under 5 years of existence, previously selected, who wish to be trained and coached by experts in order to reach their market more quickly. The participants € have and follow training workshops - Action at Lab’o. This program is financially supported by Orléans Métropole, the Center Val de Loire region and Crédit Agricole Center-Loire. Sectors: | 26 | 2 | 26 |
![]() | SAUR As a pure player in water and essential services, Saur works to protect the environment in the heart of the territories it serves. Saur has always acted to offer the same quality of service to small towns as to large cities, guided by its mission: to restore to water the value it deserves. Saur worldwide presence: Cyprus, France, Italia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia Scotland, Spain. 2021 key figures: $2.0 billion Group net revenue, 9,500 local authorities and industrial clients contracted, 12,000 employees and 20 million consumers served worldwide. At a time when the challenges of the ecological transition are … Sectors: | 636 | 298 | 247 |
![]() | Samoa Urban and creative factory of the island of Nantes Welcome to the Samoa LinkedIn page! It is here that you will find all the professional information around the urban development project and the economic development of the island of Nantes (but not only!). Since 2003, the development company of the Metropolis Ouest Atlantique has been piloting the urban project of the island of Nantes and its operational project management. Local public society, it acts within the framework of territorial public policies, on the scale of the Metropolis Nantes Saint-Nazaire. Since 2010, it has been equipped with an economic pole that … | 387 | 157 | 296 |
![]() | RYSE.vc Investor Portfolio Manager for VC/ Business Angels / Accelerators and Incubators Investment Portfolio Manager for Venture Capital / Business Angels / Incubators / Accelerators. Track performance, get automated reports from your entrepreneurs, provide feedbacks, improve portfolio relationships. SaaS, Investor Portfolio Manager, and IPM | 116 | 11 | 122 |
![]() | Ronalpia We amplify social innovation in the territories of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. We give more magnitude to social innovation to respond to the weaknesses of our territories. For this, we develop the culture of social entrepreneurship in nine territories of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. We support more than 150 social enterprises each year in their creation or development. Finally, we unite around them networks of public, private, associative allies ... Today, we bring together an ecosystem of 111 partners around us, to which are added 295 guides and experts. We are a team of around thirty people spread over the nine territories where we are established. … | 339 | 174 | 203 |
![]() | Rimbaud'Tech Innovative business incubator, labelized regional excellence incubator, based in Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes) Rimbaud'tech is the incubator of innovative companies based in Charleville-Mézières, in the heart of the Ardennes and the Grand Est. We detect, select and support entrepreneurs with innovative projects with high potential. Our objective: to transform ideas into prosperous companies thanks to personalized support, in a framework labeled "incubator of excellence". At Rimbaud'tech, we believe in local entrepreneurship and innovation. Our experts guide new talents through the challenges of business creation in the Ardennes. We promote synergies with local and regional players to stimulate business. Our projects cover various … | 126 | 45 | 80 |
![]() | Retis Retis is the French network of innovation professionals at the service of innovative companies and territories with the missions: - the professionalization of members through the qualification of employees and the certification of organizations - Lobbying and network animation - the experimentation of pilot projects dedicated to innovative entrepreneurship at the national and international level Complementary links of the same chain of network innovation, The members of the RETIS network support the creation and development of innovative companies in the territories with two missions and Complementary trades - support for these innovative companies - the animation of their territory and … | 276 | 69 | 200 |
![]() | Réseau 43.117 by TVT Animate, promote, federate and inspire digital companies in Toulon! 43.117 by TVT is the digital network of Toulon and its region which makes it possible to meet key digital players, to exchange with other entrepreneurs on common issues and to participate in the dynamics of Toulon. http://www.tvt.fr/Informations/Mentions-legales | 52 | 21 | 36 |
![]() | SPIE ICS Trusted advisor of your Digital Transformation Digital services subsidiary of SPIE France, SPIE ICS supports the digital transformation of mid-sized and major customers with a global offer of ICT solutions. SPIE ICS makes its digital expertise and know-how available to enhance its customers' performance and users' well-being. With 3,300 employees and 60 sites in France, SPIE ICS enjoys a close and unique relationship in the market to build customised solutions with its customers. Based on its long-standing expertise in integration and IT managed services for infrastructures and the digital work environment, SPIE ICS brings in new expertise and innovation in … | 90 | 40 | 46 |
![]() | RATPgroup The RATP Group is the world's third largest public transport company, carrying 12 million people every day in France and around the world. It boasts unrivalled experience in design, project management, operation and maintenance of all types of urban and suburban transport, making it an industry leader called upon around the globe for its expertise. The RATP Group already operates in 15 countries through 100 subsidiaries and is stepping up its international expansion through some major projects worldwide. The RATP Group is also a strong proponent of sustainable mobility. It has the know-how to meet new service quality challenges by … Sectors: | 1847 | 1432 | 456 |
![]() | Rakuten France An inclusive, virtuous and responsible e-commerce Rakuten is a world leader in online services and the inventor of the B2B2C market space model. Founded in 1997 in Japan, Rakuten offers an ecosystem of more than 80 complementary digital services, available in 30 countries, in fields as varied as e-commerce, telecommunications, fintech, advertising or artificial intelligence. In France, Rakuten is the pioneer of the collaborative and circular economy. Its inclusive platform allows large brands and local VSEs to market their products to a very large community of buyers and to benefit from technological tools and innovative services to develop their activity, … Sectors: | 91 | 45 | 47 |
![]() | RaiseLab Raiselab supports the success of collaborations between major and young organizations Raiselab, joint venture of Schoolab and the Raise group, is the first French structure only dedicated to open innovation. Raiselab's mission is to support strategic alliances and cooperation between major organizations and technological actors (start-ups, researchers, innovative SMEs, etc.) in order to allow these actors to cross a CAP in their collaborations and create permanent and sustainable economic and societal value. // Created in 2019 by Schoolab and Raise, Raiselab is the First French Player Dedicated Exclusively to Open Innovation. Raiselab’s Overarching Mission is to maximize the effectiveness of … | 275 | 84 | 228 |
![]() | RAISE Partageons la réussite Founded in 2013 by Clara Gaymard and Gonzague de Blignieres, RAISE is a pioneer in engaged sustainable finance with its investment and innovation platform. We are a mission-driven company with a unique model of sharing success. RAISE has four investment strategies as well as our innovation activites, all connected by our endowment and philanthropic accelerator. RAISE Investissement Private Equity mid-cap investment strategy focused on French SMEs. RAISE Ventures Early stage Venture Capital from preseed to series B. RAISE REIM Value-add real estate investment strategy targeting assets in Paris. RAISE Impact Private Equity Impact investment strategy focused on … Sectors: | 732 | 433 | 301 |
![]() | Quai Alpha - Incubateur de startups Start-up incubator and digital content creation studio. Quai Alpha is a unique place dedicated to entrepreneurship, innovation and tech. Throughout the year, we welcome many students, start -ups, freelancers and entrepreneurs from various backgrounds, from all over the region, to the Vosges. The incubation of startups and the creation of digital content so that your business can stand out are our two main missions. Events are organized each week to promote meetings, exchanges and business in a dynamic and benevolent ecosystem. Quai Alpha is also an investment fund for startups, a higher training campus, several international research programs and offices, … Sectors: | 152 | 64 | 89 |
![]() | Property Business Accelerator Proptech Accelerator for startups Property Business Accelerator est un cabinet de conseil indépendant spécialisé dans l'accompagnement de startup de la PropTech en France et à l'étranger : Accompagnement, Relations publiques, Business Developpement, Conseil en stratégie digitale et marketing, Négociation de contrats cadres, Fundraising. proptech, digital, and immobilier Sectors: | 6 | 5 | 1 |
![]() | Promotech CEI Promotech CEI: European Community Business Innovation Center Promotes and supports the creation of innovative companies, especially from students and young graduates Implementation of the Living Labs methodology in the creation process of innovative companies: Promotech Labs®* certified member of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) EC-BIC member of the French Network Rétis and EBN (European Bic Network in Brussels). * Lorraine Smart Cities Living Labs Living Lab applied to the creation of innovative companies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTRE EUROPÉEN D'ENTREPRISE ET D'INNOVATION DU TECHNOPOLE DE NANCY Sensibilise et accompagne les créations d'entreprises innovantes, notamment de la part d'étudiants et de jeunes … | 3 | 1 | 0 |
![]() | Pouss@LYS Pouss@lily, the consortium of the Lyon-Saint-Etienne territory, source, analysis and labeling startups #deepTech #hightech The Consortium Pouss@Lys is made up of 27 structures in the world of research of the Lyon-St Etienne site as well as actors capable of detecting and qualifying technological startups (competitiveness poles, incubators, accelerators, corporate programs, investment funds). These specialized business providers source, analyze and label startups thus opening their almost automatic funding. Accompanied startups may benefit, after instruction from the files by Bpifrance, from an investment by the French Tech Seed fund in addition to a fundraising from qualified investors. | 129 | 28 | 99 |
![]() | PÔLE INNOVATION DE SAINTES The Cluster supports the initiation, development and acceleration of innovative start-ups. The Pôle Innovation de Saintes accompanies the bearers of an innovative project and young innovative start-ups. The Pole offers several workspaces: an incubator for innovative projects (structuring and validation of projects in incubation), a business incubator in young start-up format (priming, development and acceleration of business), a professional Fablab "Le Kube" (creation prototypes or mini-series of products), a business center (accommodation for start-ups coming out of the incubator). The Pôle Innovation de Saintes is an association under the 1901 law, created by private and public partners. The objective of … | 2 | 2 | 1 |
![]() | Pôle DREAM Eau & Milieux Founding member of France Water Team: the competitiveness cluster of the water sector Based in Orleans in the Center-Val de Loire region, the Dream Eau & amp; Environments promotes the development of collaborative research and development projects (R & AMP) particularly innovative in the field of water -related ecotechnologies and its environments. Its ambition is to master the entire value chain: from environmental metrology to ecological engineering to alternative water and soil treatments. Since 2019, the Dream Eau & amp; Environment is a founding member of the competitiveness cluster of the water sector: France Water Team, alongside the Aqua-Valley and … Sectors: | 219 | 74 | 165 |
![]() | Cluster EdTech Nouvelle-Aquitaine The EdTech New Aquitaine Cluster is being set up. The public announcement was held on July 18th in the margins of the Robotics and Education Colloquium, opening the SCRATCH 2017 World Forum. More information in September - October 2017 EdTech, Expérimentation, R&D, Financement, Networking, Living-Lab, Incubation, Accélération, Education, Pédagogie, Numérique, and Robotique Sectors: | 19 | 15 | 7 |
![]() | SWABBL | 20 | 4 | 17 |
![]() | Karista Karista is a VC firm investing in game changers from scratch to success. Karista is an early-stage venture capital firm investing in ambitious entrepreneurs. For the past 20 years, we have been backing and guiding more than 100 companies from inception to success in Health, Digital, and Technology. Because we believe that investment is not only about money but mainly about people, we provide support to our founders and entrepreneurs very early-on. We come from different backgrounds and bring various skills to help nurturing our portfolio companies on many levels. We are currently deploying three European early stage funds: our … Sectors: | 220 | 87 | 167 |
![]() | Schoolab | Mission-driven company Innovation Studio -We empower people to create impact and nurture innovation. Member of SLGroup with MoHo & Raiselab 🇬🇧 Schoolab empowers organizations' talents to co-create business innovations with a positive impact. By spreading the entrepreneurial and collaborative spirit through action, Schoolab helps innovation projects grow with entrepreneurs and with companies. We use collaborative methods such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agility, together with our team, we engage a large ecosystem of students, startups and entrepreneurs around entrepreneurial projects. Present in Paris, San Francisco and Ho Chi Minh City through Schoolab and RaiseLab, we're also in Normandy through MoHo. Formation … | 647 | 346 | 341 |
![]() | platform58 • incubateur fintech The postal bank incubator, new generation, to prepare the fintech and the assurcretech of tomorrow. Platform58 (p58 for initiates! 😉) is the postal banking incubator intended for young startups in the priming phase, mainly in the FinTech and Assurtech fields, supplemented by close themes such as cybersecurity or legal. By joining us the entrepreneurs benefit from many advantages: • The tailor-made program corresponding to their real needs • The preservation of the capital of the start-up: we do not participate! • Personalized support for 12 months with very tight monitoring • The advice of recognized and high level internal experts: … | 157 | 59 | 132 |
![]() | European Space Agency - ESA The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA's 22 Member States are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, … Sectors: | 4621 | 3548 | 352 |
![]() | P.Factory Large tribe of startups in the southern region 🚀 Our program? Turnover, funding, advantages & amp; Networks 💪 P.Factory makes startups 🚀 of the PACA region 🌞 🌞 by bringing them turnover, funding and advantages ... thanks to its large network! What are you waiting for to join our beautiful tribe? :) Startups accelerator, startups, startups conference, and fundraising | 238 | 41 | 215 |
![]() | Petit Poucet The pioneer of student entrepreneurship Petit Poucet is the first incubator dedicated to student entrepreneurship. For 15 years, the structure has advised and finance the best entrepreneurial projects carried out by students and young graduates of higher education. More than 50 companies have been supported, 75% of which exceeded the million annual turnover from the fourth year of activity. The Petit Poucet competition rewards each year the 10 best projects carried by students. The 7 -leasel incubation program supports project leaders to make growth companies (strategy consulting, connection, network, financing). Petit Poucet also allows the general public to invest in … | 70 | 14 | 60 |
![]() | Pépite oZer Stimulate desires, create synergies, be a springboard for ideas, and challenge the curious to undertake! In Pépite Ozer, we believe in the power of entrepreneurship to transform ideas into realities and reveal the potential of each individual. As an experienced incubator, our ambition is to make the entrepreneurial spirit accessible to all students and young graduates of the Grenoble Academy. Our team of specialists supports each project, from the emergence phase to the launch, by offering quality and personalized support. With more than 20 years of experience and nearly 1,000 supported students, Pépite Ozer positions itself as an innovation accelerator. … Sectors: | 163 | 39 | 147 |
![]() | PEPITE Bretagne Let's develop the spirit of entrepreneurship among young people! The student center for innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship (PEPITE) Brittany is one of the 30 pepite spread over the national territory that work in a network with Pepite France. Our team supports young entrepreneurs from Brittany, whether students or just graduates. We aims to provide them with the necessary resources (knowledge, tools, professional networks) to develop their project, regardless of their idea, level or city of residence. Do they want to discover the world of entrepreneurship? We offer them awareness times to train for a short time on generally fictitious projects … | 299 | 29 | 268 |
![]() | Pépinière 27 Created for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs! Located in the heart of Paris, nursery 27 is an incubator which brings together a generalist ecosystem of more than 120 start-ups, which innovate in all sectors of activity. Distributed over almost 3000m2, companies can integrate with an adapted offer regardless of their size. Created for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, nursery 27 offers, beyond a flexible and modular accommodation offer, support services for start-ups and above all an inspiring, friendly and warm atmosphere! Our services adapt to the start-up ecosystem, strengthen corporate culture, engagement, and improve the productivity of starters. Pépinière 27 is labeled "Paris Innovation" … Sectors: | 201 | 63 | 86 |
![]() | Je-Crée-Ma-Marque-Employeur.com // by neufdixsept Build and display your recruiter DNA. TPE, SME, boost your attractiveness as a recruiter and the impact of your job offers by displaying your employer and recruiter DNA. Neufdixsept supports you in the construction of your strategy and its rapid implementation. HR, recruitment, and employer brand | 0 | 0 | 0 |
![]() | Partech Shaker The startup campus by Partech; gathering entrepreneurs in tech from all over the world & corporates eager to accelerate The Partech Shaker is a startup campus designed for tech companies from all over the world. Launched in 2014 by global tech investment fund Partech, it welcomes startups and scaleups, backed or not by Partech, in a nine-story building in the heart of Paris. The Partech Shaker works in close collaboration with Enterprises and SMEs involved in a digital transformation or in innovation more broadly. The place welcomes events about innovation, entrepreneurship and growth. Among its clients, partners and alumni are … Sectors: | 792 | 360 | 300 |
![]() | AQUA-VALLEY Pole of the water sector - South / Occitanie The Aqua-Valley pole brings together a network of 230 members (large companies, ETIs, SMEs / TPEs, research and training organizations, associations) mainly located in Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée and Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur regions. Their skills and know-how cover all of the professions and the water cycle. Aqua-Valley is intended to promote all of the water sector sectors, and in particular to allow the rise of VSEs and SMEs-PMIs in order to contribute, for example, the implementation of collective actions, the animation of actors of actors and the pooling of resources, with regional economic development … Sectors: | 296 | 131 | 176 |
![]() | Paris Biotech Santé Incubator, nursery and hotel of innovative human health startups implemented on the Cochin campus. Paris Biotech Health, incubator created in 2000 by Paris CITE, ESSEC, Central Supelec and Inserm, selects and supports ten new innovative projects and innovative companies per year, in the exclusive field of human health: drugs 💊, medical devices 🏥, e-health 💻, ia 🧠. In 2022, the incubator was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the City of Paris and the Ile de France 🇫🇷 region. Strengthen teams, help develop development plans and business plan, definition of financial strategy and identification of first … Sectors: | 166 | 60 | 110 |
![]() | MEDEF Act together for responsible growth. MEDEF is the first network of entrepreneurs in France. He defends and promotes businesses of all sizes and all sectors of activity. A privileged interlocutor of decision -makers and public authorities In all transparency, the MEDEF conducts a permanent lobbying action with all decision -makers at local, regional, national and European levels, in order to assert the company's point of view And to lighten your tax and regulatory burden: reform of professional tax, apprenticeship, business transmission, conventional rupture ... An essential partner of social dialogue Actual by law to negotiate on behalf of all companies … Sectors: | 2874 | 2237 | 594 |
![]() | Ouishare Exploring the edges Ouishare is a platform for freelancers, an ecosystem, an emergent organization and an incubator of people. We explore societal transformations and alternative ways of living, moving, working and building solutions to the toughest challenges of our time. Ouishare active members' main activities consist in community building, action research, events organisation and consulting for organisational transformation. In France, we've partnered with a certified research institution to develop its action research activities and acccompany the development of urban innovation and public services. > https://www.le-lab.org/ In Europe, Latin America, North America and Middle East, we organize transformative events to experience … | 533 | 233 | 296 |
![]() | Ouest Medialab Le labo des médias de proximité Invent tomorrow's digital & local media Ouest Médialab is a European Living Lab that regroups most of the private, public and associative media, territorial authorities, and ICT research laboratories of the French western regions (Brittany and the Pays de la Loire). The objective is to represent, mutualize and cooperate in order to build and lead ambitious projects and to invent tomorrow’s digital & local media. Médias, Communication, Contenus numériques, and Information locale | 329 | 107 | 265 |
![]() | Technopole d'Orléans Let's innovate together! Since 1988, by the animation of business networks, the world of training and research, our teams sensitize the players in the territory on the challenges of innovation and support your creations and developments of innovative companies, your R & AMP projects, your collaborations and transfers of technology. Innovation, business support, business creation, technology and transfers | 123 | 40 | 94 |
![]() | Open Tourisme Lab Platform dedicated to tourism innovation and its ecosystem. OTL is a platform dedicated to tourism innovation and its ecosystem. It promotes the emergence of new businesses, supports territorial evolution and accultures tourism players to innovation. Its missions are to disseminate innovation through: - Acceleration startups support - support for "destinations" territories and tourism companies through design and creativity method - The experimentation of innovative solutions - The organization of professional events Tourism, innovation, design, events, acceleration, and coworking | 243 | 101 | 152 |
![]() | ON-X Blockchain (Chain Accelerator) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
![]() | ONLYLYON Agir ici. Changer demain. ONLYLYON is both the brand and the international marketing programme created in 2007 by the 13 institutional partners across the Lyon area who share the same objective: to strengthen the reputation and competitiveness of Lyon in a context of growing competition between world cities in attracting talent, companies, projects and tourists. This initiative brings together 24 public and private partners. The ONLYLYON initiative is wide-ranging, both in terms of its fields of application (sectors, markets) and the kinds of activities it carries out (communications, press relations, ambassador networks, digital strategy, etc.), its mission being to promote … Sectors: | 351 | 154 | 215 |
![]() | Apec - Association Pour l'Emploi des Cadres A player in the employment market for executives, APEC supports and advises managers throughout their professional career to anticipate and prepare their development, as well as young people from higher education to prepare for the search for their 1st employment. It offers companies services to optimize their recruitments and the management of internal skills. Observatory of the employment market for executives, APEC brings analyzes and benchmarks on major trends. APEC supports and advises executives throughout their professional career Managers, whether in standby or in reflection, in an evolution or mobility approach, internal or external, find at APEC all the information … Sectors: | 2041 | 1529 | 495 |
![]() | Digital 113 The cluster of digital companies in Occitania Cluster of digital companies, Digital 113 connects, supports and federates digital decision -makers in Occitanie in order to develop the excellence of their businesses. Carried by values of innovation, ethics and sharing, Digital 113 deploys its actions at the service of the development of the sector around 5 major strategic axes: - Innovation and transformation, - Business and growth, - Strategy and financing, - Recruitment and diversity, - International. These strategic axes are available in 4 main types of actions: activities, projects, events and services. Located at the heart of the digital ecosystem, … Sectors: | 507 | 296 | 310 |
![]() | OFF7 Accélérateur Ouest-France Acceleration in the heart of an ecosystem of startups and a large Media group Impact your startup Combine your startup with the power of a large group Media leader and diversified activities You & amp; Off7 Do you want to speed up your Go to Market and shape your product market Fit? Do you want to challenge your business model? Do you see synergies between your startup and the Ouest-France group? Off7 is for you. | 89 | 31 | 65 |
![]() | Odéys Construction and sustainable development cluster in New Aquitaine 🏗🌱 Let's innovate together to build our future! Odéys is an accelerator to stimulate the research and innovation of companies in the construction and sustainable development sector. The pole federates and leads a regional network of companies, research organizations, communities and orders. He supports the emergence of innovative projects, facilitates the search for partners and funding, broadcasts feedback. #Construction #BTP #Durable #Clusive #business #B2B #Innovation #AMENAGE #ecoconstruction BTP, sustainable constructions, sustainable developments, and support for innovative projects Sectors: | 317 | 124 | 151 |
![]() | Occitanum The Living Lab Digital Agroecology Occitanum is experimenting with new solutions in real size thanks to its Living Lab in archipelago deployed on 13 geographic sites in the Occitanie region. Occitanum develops innovative projects for arboriculture, beekeeping, breeding, major crops, viticulture, market gardening and local food. Occitanum is the desire to mobilize digital at the service of the agroecological transition and the territorialization of food via: - multidisciplinary scientific resources and experienced in action research - An open innovation dynamic associating companies, communities, research, farmers, consumers, citizens ... - a particularly mobilized entrepreneurial fabric - a network of territorial open … | 49 | 18 | 27 |
![]() | Ocalia Catalyst for territorial transitions Ocalia is a design office specializing in digital support for public sector territories and institutions. Its interventions concern the definition of digital strategy, the conduct of operational projects, surveys on ICT equipment and uses, the production of educational content dedicated to the training / awareness of territorial agents and elected officials. Ocalia intervenes in particular on the themes of e-tourism, economic development, innovation, telework and telecentres, e-inclusion, videoconference, ... Digital advice to public actors, coworking, fablab, development plan for digital uses and services, third-places, telework, and smartwork city | 23 | 8 | 18 |
![]() | OBRATORI OBRATORI is the Venture Capital Fund of @L'OCCITANE Group | Unique & innovative springboard for founders. Founded in 2019, Obratori is the Corporate Venture Capital arm of L'Occitane Group. The #CVC invests in early-stage startups, throughout France, Europe and even beyond. As #seed specialists, we fully support responsible founders with ambitious game-changing projects. Our role? We team up with them to create, get started, take risks, create value and reach the first decisive milestones. We currently back a portfolio of startups in connection with wellbeing, cosmetics, e-health, but not only, foodtech, retailtech,... VC, Early Stage, Startups, RetailTech, Wellness, and TechForGood | 214 | 39 | 191 |
![]() | NWX - Normandie Web Xperts Digital entrepreneurial collective 🚀 Normandie Web Xperts is a collective of digital companies which aims to coordinate actors in the digital sector in Normandy to create a benevolent ecosystem in favor of the development of the territory. NWX's DNA has been built on values of mutual aid between its members, responsible digital commitment and knowledge sharing through acculturation events. Digital, web, digital training, digital manager, support, collective of entrepreneurs, organization of events, we are Normandy, NWX Festival, Tech, Digital, AI, Seminar, Workshop, NWX evenings, Conference, and Digital Transformation in Normandy | 304 | 95 | 273 |
![]() | Nubbo, Incubateur à mission Incubator and accelerator of startups in Occitania 🚀 incubator and accelerator of B2B startups since 2001 whose mission is to transform the largest number of innovative and promising projects into perennial companies. 💡NUBBO offers a unique support offer for startup creators in Occitanie. • 2 months of free pre-incubation to experience the idea: identify a market problem and define the added value of innovation. • 12 months of incubation and € 50K help to validate business model and receive first customers. • 6 months of acceleration and € 50k of aid to develop commercial activity and materialize fundraising. 🆕nubbo becomes … | 249 | 106 | 174 |
![]() | AG2R LA MONDIALE The specialist in social and heritage protection in France A major player in the insurance of the person present in all territories, AG2R La Mondiale provides individuals, businesses and professional branches, in an individual and collective approach. We bring to each of our customers and their families, personalized solutions at the fairest price, to protect their health, secure their income and heritage, protect them against accidents of life and prepare their retirement. Society of people with joint and mutualist governance, AG2R La Mondiale cultivates a unique social and heritage protection model which combines closely solidarity and performance. We devote more … Sectors: | 1619 | 1284 | 353 |
![]() | Clermont Auvergne Métropole Clermont Auvergne Métropole is a public establishment for intercommunal cooperation (E.P.C.I.), composed of 21 municipalities. Economic, university, cultural and sporting capital, the Clermont metropolis brings together 21 municipalities and 300,000 inhabitants. Territory, living and dynamic, within an exceptional natural setting, our metropolis abounds with projects and overflows with energy. Clermont Auvergne Métropole intends to strengthen its locomotive role for the development of Auvergne, in the second most dynamic region of France. To meet the challenges of tomorrow, we rely on the commitment of our 2,300 agents and we regularly seek new skills. Economic development, development of community space, transport, waste … | 812 | 557 | 161 |
![]() | Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg The city of Strasbourg and the Eurometropolis (33 municipalities) form a shared administration, located in the heart of a dynamic cross -border territory. Second employer in the Bas-Rhin, with nearly 7,000 agents and nearly 200 professions, our administration works every day to offer an innovative and quality public service to more than 500,000 inhabitants. A major actress of ecological, social and economic transitions, the administration leads ambitious projects in various fields: education, mobility, town planning, culture, solidarity, sports and much more. The city and the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg place equality between women and men at the heart of their organization, … | 1478 | 1205 | 248 |
![]() | Métropole du Grand Paris Official account of the Metropolis of #GrandParis. The Metropolis of Grand Paris is an intermunicipal, dense and urban, which brings together 12 territories and 130 municipalities. Created by the law of January 27, 2014 of modernization of territorial public action and affirmation of metropolises, and reinforced by the law of August 7, 2015 of new territorial organization of the Republic, it was born on January 1, 2016. The Metropolis of Greater Paris exercises the following skills: - Economic, social and cultural development and development - Protection and development of the environment and policy of the living environment - Planning of … Sectors: | 1079 | 903 | 285 |
![]() | Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. With offices in 42 countries, our firm's employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, governments, institutions and individuals. We are committed to maintaining the first-class service and high standard of excellence that have always defined the firm and everything we do is guided by our five core values: Do the right thing, put clients first, lead with exceptional ideas, commit to diversity and inclusion, and give back. Sales & Trading, Investment Banking, Investment Management, Prime Brokerage, … | 457 | 391 | 17 |
![]() | J.P. Morgan J.P. Morgan is a leader in financial services, offering solutions to clients in more than 100 countries with one of the most comprehensive global product platforms available. We have been helping our clients to do business and manage their wealth for more than 200 years. Our business has been built upon our core principle of putting our clients' interests first. J.P. Morgan is part of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), a global financial services firm. Social Media Terms and Conditions: https://bit.ly/JPMCSocialTerms © 2017 JPMorgan Chase & Co. JPMorgan Chase is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer Disability/Veteran. Asset … Sectors: | 938 | 794 | 4 |
![]() | Vittoria Group #VittoriaTires INNOVATIVE, SUSTAINABLE, PASSIONATE. Vittoria, the world’s leading brand in performance bicycle tires and accessories, is fueled by a passion for cycling that resonates with cyclists worldwide. Celebrated for its groundbreaking graphene-enhanced compounds, advanced cotton and nylon casings, and innovative tire inserts, Vittoria consistently sets the benchmark for excellence. Today, the company is also setting a new standard in sustainability. From its cutting-edge facilities in Thailand, Vittoria delivers top-tier products to cycling enthusiasts across the globe through its subsidiaries in Asia, Europe, and North America. With unrivaled research and development capabilities, Vittoria is committed to creating bicycle tire systems that … Sectors: | 141 | 44 | 62 |
![]() | Prosperity Institute Prosperity: Movement The Prosperity Institute exists to promote the prosperity of individuals, families, communities and nations. Prosperity is much more than money or wealth, it is about growth, opportunity, freedom and responsibility. History reveals the foundations of prosperity which are the beliefs, values, culture and traditions that create virtuous people, trust-based societies and strong nations. By understanding what has worked before, we can thoughtfully apply ancient wisdom to modern challenges, translating sound principles into better institutions and policies. | 118 | 90 | 28 |
![]() | Pirelli POWER IS NOTHING WITHOUT CONTROL Pirelli was founded in Milan in 1872 and today stands as a global brand known for its cutting-edge technology, high-end production excellence and passion for innovation that draws heavily on its Italian roots. With 18 production plants in 12 countries and a commercial presence in over 160, Pirelli has around 31.200 employees and had a turnover of about 6.8 billion euro (in 2024). It is among the world’s major producers of tyres and associated services and the only one focused solely on the Consumer tyre market, which includes tyres for cars, motorcycles and bicycles. Pirelli’s … Sectors: | 972 | 620 | 208 |
Taichung | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
![]() | EICMA Esposizione internazionale delle due ruote Benvenuti sul profilo ufficiale di EICMA S.p.A., la società che organizza l’Esposizione Internazionale Ciclo Motociclo, il più importante evento fieristico al mondo per l’industria delle due ruote ospitato ogni anno presso i padiglioni di Fiera Milano a Rho. Dal 1914 ad oggi l’Esposizione si è evoluta come efficace e moderno strumento a servizio delle imprese del settore. Grazie ai servizi offerti, ai programmi di internazionalizzazione e alla consistente presenza di espositori, pubblico, operatori e giornalisti, EICMA rappresenta oggi un’opportunità B2C e B2B unica per il comparto. EICMA è anche un contenitore di innovazione, incubatore di … | 84 | 69 | 5 |
![]() | Deloitte Deloitte drives progress. Our firms around the world help clients become leaders wherever they choose to compete. Deloitte invests in outstanding people of diverse talents and backgrounds and empowers them to achieve more than they could elsewhere. Our work combines advice with action and integrity. We believe that when our clients and society are stronger, so are we. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL … Sectors: | 6330 | 5268 | 238 |
![]() | Giant bicycle Group Raise The Bar 創無止境 Advancing the Entire Cycling World Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Giant Group), established in 1972, has consistently upheld the highest quality standards. Through vertical integration of chassis design, R&D, manufacturing, and brand sales, the company operates globally with 9 factories, 14 sales subsidiaries, and over 10,000 sales points, ensuring immediate and comprehensive service for consumers worldwide. Giant Group encompasses four major product brands: GIANT, a leading global high-end professional bicycle brand; Liv, the world's only female-specific bicycle brand; momentum, a brand for urban mobile leisure; and CADEX, a high-end bicycle components brand. These brands cater to diverse … | 167 | 86 | 75 |
![]() | Chalon-sur-Saône The cradle of photography Welcome to Chalon-sur-Saône, the city of art, history and sweetness of life! An ideal geographic location and harmonious urban planning projects make it a privileged city, with heritage, gastronomic and festive wealth that make Chalonnais and Grands Chalonnais happy! More information on the site http://www.chalon.fr/ Chalon, a city ideally located Located in the heart of Burgundy, in the department of Saône-et-Loire, Chalon-sur-Saône is 140 km north of Lyon and 70 km south of Dijon. The river service is also very developed, thanks to the Saône: the marina located near the city center offers 150 places on … Sectors: | 34 | 26 | 2 |
![]() | Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération Pays de Montbéliard Agglomeration is the leading economic hub in Northern Franche-Comté with 29% of industrial jobs. Between Vosges and Jura, bordering Switzerland, its Agglomeration has been a land of innovation for over 200 years. Sectors: | 33 | 23 | 0 |
![]() | Besançon, Ville et Communauté Urbaine Join us in Besançon, a territory where life is good and work! The largest intercommunality of Franche-Comté, located in the heart of Western Europe on the Rhine-Rhône axis, a stone's throw from Switzerland, the Grand Besançon Métropole occupies a privileged position less than 4 hours from the major European industrial regions with high technological value. With a microtechnical know-how unique in the world, the fruit of a long watchmaking tradition, the Grand Besançon is always reinventing itself further, in sectors where miniaturization occupies a preponderant place: watchmaking, luxury, aeronautics, biomedical, health, automobile ... The most "business friendly" territory according to … Sectors: | 208 | 119 | 65 |
![]() | Nevers Agglomération Welcome to the official Nevers Agglomeration page. Find all the news and highlights of the territory. Nevers Agglomeration, an EPCI - Public Establishment of Inter -municipal Cooperation -, endeavors to develop with the 12 member municipalities, a common project of urban development and regional planning. A dynamic made possible by pooling means and know-how. At 2:00 am from Paris and Clermont-Ferrand, and 3 a.m. from Lyon and Dijon, Nevers Agglomeration is at the crossroads of a north/south axis; East/West. First urban area of Nièvre, with a third of the Nivernaise population, 33,322 jobs and 2,739 companies, the territory is distinguished … Sectors: | 97 | 44 | 31 |
![]() | Ville de Mâcon Energy for you, with you! Welcome to the LinkedIn page of the city of Mâcon Sectors: | 52 | 33 | 20 |
![]() | Grand Belfort Official page Grand Belfort Agglomeration Community Thank you for sending your requests to: courier@mairie-belfort.fr Sectors: | 38 | 30 | 3 |
![]() | L'Usinerie Partners Prote'in, digital at the service of industry The Partners factory is a mixed economy company, supported by the Grand Chalon, whose mission is to support industrial companies in their digital and digital transformation and project leaders in their development. At the beginning of 2022, the Partners factory unveiled its offer of Proté’In services (share, network, orient, transform, engage industrial companies to digital), articulated around three axes: animation of the regional ecosystem, competitiveness and business, skills and trades. This is one of the four co-founders of the factory, innovation and digitalization center for the industry, alongside the CHALON-SUR-SAY CHALON-SUMER Institute of … Sectors: | 85 | 13 | 78 |
![]() | Rectorat de la Guyane "Guyanese youth undoubtedly represents one of the main forces of this territory eager for progress. These youth whose share in the total population and growth are more important than in any other academy, requires actors of education an answer to the height of truly societal issues, which consequently exceed the sole framework of education. " - Philippe Dulbecco, rector of the Academic Region of Guyana Education, teaching, pedagogy, and orientation | 25 | 8 | 5 |
![]() | Académie de La Réunion Official page of the rectorate of the Reunion Academy. Find all the information on www.ac-reunion.fr In France, an academy is an administrative district of the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. There are 30 academies in France, including 4 ultramarines. Each academy is placed under the authority of a rector or a rector, appointed to the Council of Ministers, by the President of the Republic. Since January 1, 2016, each academy has been part of an academic region (whose borders correspond to those of administrative regions). The Academic Réunion Region has the perimeter the … | 43 | 31 | 2 |
![]() | Académie de Nice Official page of the Nice Academy. The Academy rector exercises the missions relating to the content and organization of the educational action and represents the Minister of National Education within the Academy and the departments which constitute it: Alpes-Maritimes and Var. | 59 | 43 | 0 |
![]() | Tours Métropole Val de Loire Every day, by your side. Composed of 22 municipalities, Tours Métropole is an active and dynamic French metropolis of nearly 300,000 inhabitants. It is the 1st employment area of the Center-Cal de Loire region, the 1st university center in the region, and has 5 study and research centers, 1 CHRU, 6 classified monuments, and of course ... The Loire listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition, an International Airport (Loire Valley Tours), as well as 30 TGV links per day from or to Paris make the Touraine territory very accessible. These infrastructures allow Tours Métropole to be an … Sectors: | 766 | 466 | 305 |
![]() | Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence The Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis is unique. Created by MAPTAM law, it brings together 92 municipalities spread over three departments. It brings together agricultural, urban and industrial spaces in the same territory. Attractive and dynamic, the metropolis exercises the major strategic skills that determine the development of the territory in all its dimensions: development and economic, social and cultural development, development of metropolitan space, local housing policy, city policy, management of services of collective interest, protection and development of the environment and life environment. To support its development and projects, the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan is looking for employees wishing to invest in the … Sectors: | 2083 | 1600 | 253 |
![]() | Ville de Toulouse Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the Toulouse town hall and Toulouse Métropole. Welcome to the Linked in page of the city of Toulouse, 4th City of France. Page led by the Toulouse town hall Jobs, internships, learning, find our offers and all the information to apply for the town hall of Toulouse, on Toulouse.fr: http://www.toulouse.fr/web/la-mairie/recruitment Sectors: | 1774 | 1309 | 298 |
![]() | Saint-Étienne Métropole Saint-Étienne Métropole, public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation, became a metropolis on January 1, 2018, thus joining the limited and envied circle of the 22 major French metropolises. Its territory is made up of 53 municipalities and has more than 400,000 inhabitants. Saint-Etienne Métropole manages, for its users, various public service missions such as waste management, school transport, drinking water supply or roads. https://www.saint-etienne-metropole.fr/ http://www.saint-etienne-attractivite.fr/ Sectors: | 720 | 476 | 236 |
![]() | Métropole Rouen Normandie The Rouen Metropolis Normandy, created in 2015, brings together 71 municipalities and half a million inhabitants, in a territory of 664 km2. Between Seine and Forests, the metropolis is strong of an identity that is both urban and rural. Its particularity: 45 of its 71 municipalities are "small" municipalities, that is to say populated by less than 4,500 inhabitants. Almost 1800 agents exercise nearly 200 professions to serve several skills, production and distribution of drinking water, public transport, including waste management. Motor in the development and attractiveness of the territory, rural and corporate land, service and industrial production center, living … Sectors: | 942 | 704 | 183 |
![]() | Rennes Ville et Métropole Live in intelligence Capital of one of the most dynamic regions of France, Rennes assumes its role as leader in economic development 📈 ▶ In 10th national row, its urban area covers nearly 700,000 inhabitants with an economic pool which concentrates 300,000 jobs ▶ 1st city "Business Friendly" of cities of less than 500,000 inhabitants, it attracts many talents in several key sectors of the economy (research, digital technology, health, food, environment or productic) ▶ Open to the international, Rennes is the first teaching center in the Great West with 68,000 students and feeds a high -level research and innovation … Sectors: | 1652 | 1120 | 493 |
![]() | Orléans Métropole Receive, share and comment on the information from Orléans Métropole, with #orleansmetropole! 📍orleans metropolis 👋🏼 22 municipalities and 292,001 inhabitants 🫵🏼 Join us: https://linktr.ee/orleansmetropole Sectors: | 610 | 389 | 191 |
![]() | Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis, created on 1 January 2012 by the MAPTAM law, brings together 51 municipalities spread over the coast, the middle and the highland of Nice and has 553,305 inhabitants (2020), on a territory of 1,479.73 km2. It exercises powers of economic development, waste collection and management, transport, housing, management of drinking water networks, rainwater, sanitation, roads, signage and parking, public lighting, management of ports, urban planning, geographic information systems. In addition, the metropolis acquired four new competences: The creation of the Metropolis meets a twofold objective: The first objective is to strengthen the coordinated action of the … Sectors: | 1218 | 854 | 215 |
![]() | Eurométropole de Metz Find us on our website www.eurometropolemetz.eu or on our other social networks Find us on our website: Eurometropolemetz.eu but also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Local authority Sectors: | 389 | 313 | 58 |
![]() | Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL) Public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation (EPCI) in the service of 95 municipalities for more than a million inhabitants. The European Metropolis of Lille, a public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation, brings together more than a million inhabitants and 95 municipalities. Its territory is both rural and urban, made up of large cities and villages. She exercises her skills in 19 essential areas for users such as planning, roads, sanitation, transport, culture, tourism, housing, economic development ... MEL services have more than 2,800 agents and more than 100 trades. Supported by an ambitious continuing education policy, they open up attractive … Sectors: | 1581 | 1193 | 270 |
![]() | Grenoble-Alpes Métropole 2ème Métropole d'Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - 450 000 hab. - Au pied des massifs du Vercors, de Chartreuse et de Belledonne. Grenoble-Alpes Métropole is the global Grenoble administration in charge of transportation, waste, economy & development, environment management. Sectors: | 998 | 756 | 164 |
![]() | Brest Métropole Ready to give meaning to your career at the Breton tip? At the heart of a living area of 90 municipalities and 300,000 inhabitants, Brest Métropole Océane is the anchor point in Western Brittany. Created on a voluntary basis in 1973, the urban community of Brest, today Brest Métropole Océane brings together the eight founding municipalities, or 210,000 inhabitants. Sectors: | 549 | 436 | 56 |
![]() | Bordeaux Métropole 1 métropole au service de ses 28 communes et de ses 815 000 habitants. Bordeaux Métropole (formerly the Urban Community of Bordeaux), is the intercommunal structure gathering the city of Bordeaux (France) and some of its suburbs. Sectors: | 1306 | 1108 | 134 |
![]() | Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole 31 municipalities now make up the territory of Montpellier 3M, i.e. 457,839 inhabitants. 31 municipalities now make up the territory of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. Its regional capital, Montpellier, has 272,084 inhabitants. Its demographic growth is the highest in France and 50% of its population is under 34 years old. Each month, it welcomes more than 300 new arrivals. The dynamic is just as valid for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole: 427,541 inhabitants live there and it is by pooling a certain number of its facilities, in fields of competence as diverse as culture, economy, environment or transport, which the Metropolis is running … Sectors: | 918 | 723 | 158 |
![]() | grandlyon A moving administration is a whole city that moves #vilDelyon! Capital of the Rhône-Alpes region, Lyon is one of the most attractive cities in Europe for its quality of life and its exceptional economic dynamism. At the heart of the Lyon metropolis, the city of Lyon (500,000 inhabitants) has a global budget of 780 million euros and a workforce of 7,300 permanent agents allowing it to offer a local public service to the population with a constant concern for quality. Do you want to discover our professions, inform yourself about recruitment methods or apply for our job offers? Go to … | 2153 | 1840 | 182 |
![]() | Nantes Métropole Nantes Métropole, territory of inspirations! Nantes and its metropolis have the ambition to invent a new development model to respond to democratic, ecological, digital ... of our time. They rely on the advantages of a united, collaborative, daring, creative and "completely west" territory! Nantes Métropole's social networks are spaces open to everyone and aim to keep you informed of the news of the Nantes metropolis. Nantes Métropole reserves the possibility of deleting all abusive publications, contrary to public order or good manners, violent, racist, revisionists, praising war crimes, insulting or coarse, contrary to copyrights or neighboring rights, the law applicable … Sectors: | 1536 | 1254 | 255 |
![]() | Centre-Val de Loire Region Activity, Employment, Environment, Solidarity at the Heart of the Center-Val de Loire Région's Challenges for the Future A flagship place of creation, innovation and the art of living, the Center-Val de Loire region has been, since the Renaissance, that which best has been the best-culture and heritage DNA. Strongly marked by its agriculture, the Center-Val de Loire region is one of the 1st cereal regions of Europe. They are also renowned for its international renowned competitiveness clusters: the Cosmetic Valley (perfumery and cosmetics), the electrical energy and systems pole (renewable energies, intelligent buildings and electrical equipment and products) and elastopôle … Sectors: | 1862 | 1254 | 267 |
![]() | Agence d'urbanisme de la région grenobloise According to law (art. L 132-6 of the town planning code, Alur 2014), the urban planning agency of the Grenoble region, member of the French Federation of Town Planning Agencies (FNAU), is responsible for monitoring urban developments, participating in the definition of public development and development policies, in the development of urban planning and planning documents ... territory. Association law 1901 created in 1967, it now has sixty multidisciplinary collaborators (urban planners, architects, engineers, lawyers, cartographers, landscapers, demographers, economists, etc.). They meet their expertise in the fields of housing, land, territorial economy, social cohesion, environment, energy and mobility. The agency … | 105 | 36 | 72 |
![]() | La French Tech Aix-Marseille Région Sud All the news of the Tech ecosystem and French Aix-Marseille french tech startups! . digital, Aix-en-Provence, Startup, Marseille, Entrepreneur, and Innovation Sectors: | 1232 | 548 | 729 |
![]() | CCI de région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes The CCIs of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 360 ° solutions for companies and territories! The CCIs, the 1st public economic network of #Proximity! 🔵 👉🏻 Facilitate your #successes is our job! 👉🏻 In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Region CCI supervises and supports the activities of the 13 Territorial CCIs: - Support and represent the 400,000 companies in the trade, industry and services in the region 🤝 - contribute to economic development and territorial planning in the region 💡 How ? Thanks to the mobilization of 500 elected officials and 1,500 employees #proximity 👌🏻 Permanent interlocutors of companies for all their daily or strategic concerns, the … Sectors: | 422 | 244 | 202 |
![]() | Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur The sun rises to the south ☀️ ☀️ The sun rises to the south! ☀️ The southern region, co-host of the 2030 winter Olympic and Paralympic Games: #Alpesfrancaises at the top! ☀️For you, the southern region is ... daily support from high school, at each stage of your life. Going, studying, developing an activity, finding a job, cultivating yourself, eating well, taking care of yourself or playing sports: this is what our region is for in concrete terms! With a superior commitment in the background: fighting climate change and preserving our environment. High schools, vocational training, learning, public transport, employment, … Sectors: | 2004 | 1588 | 226 |
![]() | Région Pays de la Loire The region of the Pays de la Loire brings together 5 departments: La Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe and Vendée. It has 3.7 million inhabitants distributed in 1,357 municipalities. It is a balanced territory between rural areas and urban areas, organized around 7 large agglomerations (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, Cholet, Le Mans, Laval and La-Roche-sur-Yon) and 1,108 municipalities of less than 1,000 inhabitants. Bordered by 450 km of coastline and crisscrossed by the Loire, the region has the first port of the Atlantic facade. Its economic dynamism is a real force which allows it to have the lowest unemployment rate in France … Sectors: | 2959 | 2000 | 405 |