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LSEG Data & Analytics LSEG Data & Analytics

Discover new possibilities through data, feeds, analytics and workflow solutions with LSEG Data & Analytics. LSEG Data & Analytics is one of the world’s largest providers of financial markets data and infrastructure. With over 40,000 customers and 400,000 end users across approximately 190 markets, we are an essential partner to the financial community and redefining the future of data in financial services. We enable customers to draw crucial insights through data, feeds, analytics and workflow solutions. LSEG Data & Analytics is headquartered in the United Kingdom, with significant operations in 70 countries across EMEA, North America, Latin America and Asia …

Sectors: IT services

141 124 7
Crunchbase Crunchbase

Find and close deals with all-in-one prospecting solutions powered by the leader in private-company data. Crunchbase is the leading provider of private-company prospecting and research solutions. 75 million users—including salespeople, entrepreneurs, investors, and market researchers—use Crunchbase to prospect for new business opportunities. And companies all over the world rely on us to power their applications, making over 6 billion calls to our API each year.

Sectors: Media

992 645 224