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![]() | Réseau Entreprendre Alsace "To create jobs, let's create employers" André Mulliez Network Entreprendre supports new managers, creators or business buyers, at all stages of the life of a business: at start -up, in the development phase, in times of strong growth. More show Show less Sectors: | 1876 |
![]() | LICA - Laboratoire d'Intelligence Collective et Artificielle An open air laboratory The LICA, a collective and artificial intelligence laboratory, is a do-Tank experimenting with a new sociocracy to bring together a community intended to deploy concrete projects with a positive impact. Our vision is to make our societies acting in consciousness to invent the desirable future thanks to new technologies and collective intelligence. Events citizens, future desirable, prospective, audit / consultancy, research and development, training, blockchain, artificial intelligence, gamification, common goods, ethics, transformation of organizations, environmental engineering, neuroscience, design - architecture, European cooperation, shared governance, assembly and monitoring of projects, humor! :-), collective intelligence, and cooperation Sectors: | 202 |
![]() | Antropia ESSEC Accelerator of social enterprises - support at key stages of the development of social impact projects! Created in 2008, Antropia Essec is the first accelerator of social enterprises in France carried by a large management school. Within the Social and Ecological Innovation Center of ESSEC, Antropia Essec supports entrepreneurs who put the maximization of their social and environmental impact at the heart of their issues. Precursor, Antropia Essec demonstrates that social, environmental and economic logics are mutually strengthened at the service of the transformation of the whole economy to a more inclusive and lasting world. Antropia Essec, more than 550 … | 218 |
![]() | CCI Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Our region's CCI, common house and shared vision of territorial CCIs The Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Chamber of Commerce and Industry brings together and leads its network made up of 7 territorial CCIs engaged with some 390,000 entrepreneurs. She establishes partnerships with economic actors (region, Urssaf, Cmar, France work ...) and coordinates national actions (CCI France, State ...) to propose solutions to businesses, deployed by CCI advisers in the territories. It is a place of shared reflection and co-construction of a common strategy for economic development incorporating the challenges of transitions (digital, ecological, HR ...), training and skills, innovation and internationalization. It … | 273 |
![]() | CCI Nice Côte d'Azur Our raison d'être, help you develop your business. Have the #reflexcci06 📞Contactez us 04 93 13 73 00! The main mission of the Nice Côte d'Azur Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to work so that entrepreneurs in the Alpes Maritimes can create, innovate and develop in the best conditions. How ? - by adapting its presence as close as possible to economic basins to support companies and businesses throughout the life cycle, both in the phases of creation, disposal or international development; - by facilitating the networking of economic actions, by helping the sectors of the future to structure … | 349 |
![]() | ADEME The Ecological Transition Agency! Ademe in short The Ecological Transition Agency participates in the implementation of public policies in the fields of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It puts its expertise and advice capacities available to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to allow them to progress in their environmental approach. The agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings in raw materials, air quality, fight against noise, transition to circular economy and the fight against food waste. … Sectors: | 6599 |
![]() | Bpifrance Bpifrance account, the public investment bank. Bpifrance, public investment bank, supports businesses, from priming to stock market quotes, from credit to equity. A privileged interlocutor, Bpifrance offers in each region financing or investment solutions adapted to each stage of business life. Bank partner of entrepreneurs, Bpifrance supports them sustainably to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the territory, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing of SMEs, business creation, international development, investment, creation/transmission, innovation, support, acceleration, and export guarantee Sectors: | 12911 |
![]() | France Travail Official LinkedIn Page of France Work #wavecfrancetravail France Labor is a major player in the job market in France where he invests in facilitating the return to employment of job seekers and providing companies with their recruitment needs. The 55,000 employees in France work work on a daily basis to be the union between job seekers and businesses. France Work is a Key Player in the French Employment Market. Its Role is to help the unmployed find work and support companies to fulfil their recruitment requirements. Day-to-day, France Work's 55,000 Staff Provids that Vital Link Between Job Seekers and Companies. … Sectors: | 6515 |
![]() | Ronalpia We amplify social innovation in the territories of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. We give more magnitude to social innovation to respond to the weaknesses of our territories. For this, we develop the culture of social entrepreneurship in nine territories of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. We support more than 150 social enterprises each year in their creation or development. Finally, we unite around them networks of public, private, associative allies ... Today, we bring together an ecosystem of 111 partners around us, to which are added 295 guides and experts. We are a team of around thirty people spread over the nine territories where we are established. … | 345 |
![]() | Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence The Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis is unique. Created by MAPTAM law, it brings together 92 municipalities spread over three departments. It brings together agricultural, urban and industrial spaces in the same territory. Attractive and dynamic, the metropolis exercises the major strategic skills that determine the development of the territory in all its dimensions: development and economic, social and cultural development, development of metropolitan space, local housing policy, city policy, management of services of collective interest, protection and development of the environment and life environment. To support its development and projects, the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan is looking for employees wishing to invest in the … Sectors: | 2103 |
![]() | Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur The sun rises to the south ☀️ ☀️ The sun rises to the south! ☀️ The southern region, co-host of the 2030 winter Olympic and Paralympic Games: #Alpesfrancaises at the top! ☀️For you, the southern region is ... daily support from high school, at each stage of your life. Going, studying, developing an activity, finding a job, cultivating yourself, eating well, taking care of yourself or playing sports: this is what our region is for in concrete terms! With a superior commitment in the background: fighting climate change and preserving our environment. High schools, vocational training, learning, public transport, employment, … Sectors: | 2033 |
![]() | makesense Inspire and equip citizens, entrepreneurs and organizations to build an inclusive and sustainable society. Time is running out, the challenges we meet are immense. Companies will be part of the solution and we support them to do so, collectively. At Makesense, we support companies, institutions and associations to become ever more sustainable, committed and resilient. How ? We restore the power to act to all those who make the company, every day. - We support organizations to define their raison d'être, their values and their impact strategy. - We engage employees around this vision, via training in change of postures, … | 1329 |
![]() | Make it Marseille *** Innovate thanks to doing together *** Coworking - Shared workshops - Teambuilding - Lab Innovation Make It Marseille, "Innovate thanks to the Together": At the crossroads of digital and crafts, Make It Marseille explores the fields of creativity and innovation to support economic actors in their transformation. Makerspace of 450m2 in the city center, Make It Marseille offers creation professionals an inspiring and equipped place to move from the idea to the realization of their projects. This creative factory brings together shared workshops, fablab, coworking and inspiring programming, to stimulate the rich community of know-how and innovate thanks to … | 93 |
![]() | Initiatives et Cité In the service of social utility projects on the Lille metropolis and Hauts-de-France. Initiatives and City, Social Economy Union (UES), was created in 2010 by companies in the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) and Local Development responsible. The objective of this grouping is: - pooling (purchases, functions, skills) between its members, - the marketing of joint offers (training, various services) by its members, - The creation of projects with clean economic activities and generating cooperation (for example: the incident of obvious social utility projects! Created in 2018, the initiative and the creation of the Bazaar St-So opened in 2020, the … | 53 |
![]() | Incubateur Belle de Mai Support and financing of #Startup #DeepTech projects in the field of software / ICT The National Multimedia Multimedia incubator in May is an organization intended to help innovative project leaders, in the digital field and its uses, to transform their project into a viable business. Labeled by the Ministry of Research and National Education, it contributes to asserting the place of France and Europe in the sector of knowledge industries. Its action also aims to increase the transfer of the results of public research to new services and new products, by encouraging the creation and development of innovative SMEs in … | 176 |
![]() | Coopérative Tiers-Lieux Work differently to live better The third place cooperative was born from a collective made up of creators and third-party animators who met to share their experiences with other project leaders and to publicize these new work organizations. We detect, support and federate third-Lieux in New Aquitaine since 2011; Third-lieux projects allow, when led, with all of the stakeholders, and according to a "Bottom up" process, to (re) energize a district, a village, to be a vector of attractiveness for a territory, to create local employment not relocating in the most fragile territories ... Today our SCIC (cooperative society of … | 309 |
![]() | Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Marseille-Provence Porte voice of the 134,000 companies from Aix-Marseille-Provence. Our action combines the response to the daily needs of companies and the challenges of the territory to transform itself to international standards. Digital revolution, energy transition, collaborative economy ... In an in -depth changing world, the company must be in permanent motion. A natural partner of the company, the CCI Aix Marseille Provence works on a daily basis to offer 115,000 companies in its territory the keys that will allow them to gain performance and develop their turnover. Because companies are the engine of the economic competitiveness of the territory, the … Sectors: | 405 |
![]() | ATIS - Association Territoires et Innovation Sociale Social innovation catalyst in New Aquitaine ATIS - Association Territories et Innovation Sociales supports the emergence and development of social innovations and ESS organizations in New Aquitaine. Social entrepreneurship, business creation support, social innovation, and social and solidarity economy | 191 |
![]() | Greenpeace Global campaigning network with 25 independent national/regional entities, and a coordinating entity, GP International. Greenpeace is comprised of 25 independent national/regional organisations in over 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, as well as a co-ordinating body, Greenpeace International. We work directly with communities on the frontlines as they protect the environments they call home. Greenpeace is an equal opportunity employer with a longstanding commitment of providing a work environment that respects the dignity and worth of each individual. We recognise and value the benefits and strengths that diversity brings to our employees and the whole … Sectors: | 1546 |
![]() | Socialter Critique radicale et alternatives. Magazine bimestriel en kiosques, librairies et sur abonnement. Socialter is a print and digital magazine showcasing businesses, changemakers and technologies that have a positive impact on the world. Launched in October 2013, this media provides a new vision of the economy focused on change. It aims to be the voice of a new generation of actors who put their ingenuity to the public interest. With three goals, to inform, inspire and mobilize a large audience Socialter is published every two months throughout France and available on subscription. Site: http://www.socialter.fr Twitter @socialter facebook.com/socialter Magazine, Entrepreneuriat social, Technology, … | 460 |
![]() | Go Entrepreneurs Go entrepreneurs, the appointment to create and develop your business! 🚀 Go entrepreneurs, the appointment to create and develop your business! 🚀 Event, entrepreneur, startup, CEO, VSE, SME, and manager | 776 |
![]() | La Ruche®️ Form, supports, advises, supports, offers a space to achieve you everywhere in France #unimpactPOSTIVENOCMUN La Ruche®️ form, supports, advises, supports, offers a space to make you everywhere in France! #NIMPACTPOSTIVENOCMUN FSE COFINANCE Promotion actions for sustainable entrepreneurship, inclusion and gender equality of the hive® on French territory. | 696 |
![]() | Malakoff Humanis Welcome to the official page of the Malakoff Humanis group. Follow the group's news from our strategic announcements to the key lessons in our studies, including the discovery of our various services. Sectors: | 634 |
![]() | MACIF The Macif is you! A company of the social economy, the MACIF does not belong to shareholders or to the State, but to its members. Each day, 9,797 employees are mobilizing to provide the best quality of service to our 5 million members and customers in damage, health-prevoying and finance-salaries. With a loyalty rate of 96%, our greatest success is the confidence they give us. To join the Macif group is to engage in a group that innovates and that develops its expertise on the globalized service market, especially those of tomorrow. It is also to engage in a mutual … Sectors: | 1520 |