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Making It Easier for Everyone to Experience the World. A career at is all about the journey, helping you explore new challenges in a place where you can be your best self. With plenty of exciting twists, turns and opportunities along the way. We’ve always been pioneers, on a mission to shape the future of travel through cutting edge technology, to make it easier for everyone to enjoy amazing experiences wherever they go. Under a desert sky, or in the heart of a bustling city. Discovering the perfect hideaway, or the perfect paella. When you join us, you’ll be …

358 328 9

At IBM, we do more than work. We create. We create as technologists, developers, and engineers. We create with our partners. We create with our competitors. If you're searching for ways to make the world work better through technology and infrastructure, software and consulting, then we want to work with you. We're here to help every creator turn their "what if" into what is. Let's create something that will change everything. Cloud, Mobile, Cognitive, Security, Research, Watson, Analytics, Consulting, Commerce, Experience Design, Internet of Things, Technology support, Industry solutions, Systems services, Resiliency services, Financing, and IT infrastructure

Sectors: IT services

4551 3328 234

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to KPN's LinkedIn page. KPN has been making technology accessible for many years. Here you can read all about the developments surrounding the themes that KPN considers important, such as The New Life & Working, Safety & Privacy and ICT infrastructure. Being a transparent and reliable service provider, efficiency in healthcare and sustainable entrepreneurship are also of paramount importance to us. On our page you will stay informed of the latest news regarding our activities, the themes in your life in which technology plays a role and our products and services in the field of ICT. …

Sectors: Telecoms

568 367 48