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YesWeCamp YesWeCamp

Créateur de lieux inventifs et solidaires. Creative, self-built, ecological and artistic Camping to take place from April to September 2013 on the seaside at Estaque in Marseille, european capital of culture 2013. The idea is to create a place open to all public, all creations and all events. Architecture éphémère, Installation extraordinaire, Espace autorisant, Design événementiel, Urbanisme transitoire, Récit contemporain, Processus participatif, Lieux Infinis, Propriété collective, and Espaces communs

Sectors: Real Estate

311 129 178
Gecina Gecina

Notre raison d’être : « Faire partager des expériences humaines au cœur de nos lieux de vie durables » Gecina owns, manages and develops property holdings worth 19.8 billion euros at end-June 2018. As a specialist for centrality and uses, the Group is building its business around Europe’s leading office portfolio, with nearly 92% located in the Paris Region, and a diversification division with residential assets and student residences. Gecina has put sustainable innovation at the heart of its strategy to create value and anticipate the expectations of around 100,000 customers and end users, thanks to the dedication and expertise …

Sectors: Real Estate

183 107 84
Congrès des notaires de France Congrès des notaires de France

[Automatic translation follows] Space for reflection and proposals for the notarial profession for 130 years. ASSOCIATION CONGRESS OF NOTARIES OF FRANCE, A NOTARIAL BODY AT THE SERVICE OF THE GENERAL INTEREST An institution whose purpose is to produce an annual legal reflection of general interest resulting from notarial practice, in daily contact with citizens. Each year, the concrete results of this research work are delivered to society in several forms: • A substantial, widely distributed work, which takes stock of the law applicable to the chosen theme, considered a mine of legal information on societal themes. • A series of …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank Research

90 76 20
Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] Promoting health! The Regional Health Agency is the single point of contact for health and social care professionals, government departments, local authorities and management bodies on all health issues. It manages and implements the health policy defined at the national level by the Ministry in the region; it adapts it to the specificities of the region. It organises and distributes hospital care activities in the region. It supports city health professionals in their installation. It develops social and medical structures and services with departmental councils. It ensures health and environmental safety and prevents risky situations. All its …

159 102 61
Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur

Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis, created on 1 January 2012 by the MAPTAM law, brings together 51 municipalities spread over the coast, the middle and the highland of Nice and has 553,305 inhabitants (2020), on a territory of 1,479.73 km2. It exercises powers of economic development, waste collection and management, transport, housing, management of drinking water networks, rainwater, sanitation, roads, signage and parking, public lighting, management of ports, urban planning, geographic information systems. In addition, the metropolis acquired four new competences: The creation of the Metropolis meets a twofold objective: The first objective is to strengthen the coordinated action of the …

Sectors: French metropolis

929 689 138
Caisse d’Epargne Caisse d’Epargne

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperative banks, the Caisses d'Epargne have been combining trust, solidarity and modernity since 1818. The second largest banking network in France, the 16 regional Caisses d'Epargne are among the leading banks in their region. They support all economic players and are leaders in financing the public sector, social housing and the social economy. In total, the Caisses d'Epargne today have 4.8 million members and 20.6 million customers, managed by 4,182 bank branches and the My online banker agency.

1722 1123 634
Leem Leem

[Automatic translation follows] The professional organization of pharmaceutical companies operating in France. Leem, Pharmaceutical Companies, brings together companies in the pharmaceutical industry sector in France. Created more than 130 years ago, Leem today has nearly 270 member companies, which generate nearly 98% of the total pharmaceutical turnover in France. The pharmaceutical industry employs 100,000 people in more than 150 professions, and has recruited 10,000 employees per year for 10 years. Each year, the pharmaceutical industry invests 12% of its turnover in research, in order to develop new innovative treatments. It brings together more than 20,000 people in its R&D centers, …

Sectors: Startup accelerator & VC

565 315 206
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] #auvergnerhonealpes With 4 departments (Allier, Cantal, Haute-Loire and Puy de Dôme) and 1310 municipalities, the Auvergne Region manages a budget of more than 600 million Euros. Education, Transport, Vocational Training and Apprenticeship are the largest expenses in the Auvergne Region. Youth, Digital, Transport, Economy, Training, Territories, leisure, Europe, High schools, International, Employment, Agriculture, Learning, Culture, Businesses, Innovation, Higher education, Research, Health, Security, Sport, and Tourism

Sectors: National and local authorities

3037 2430 446
Groupama Groupama

[Automatic translation follows] We are here to enable as many people as possible to build their lives with confidence. “Being there for others, I decided to make it my job. » Supported by our employees, our employer communication campaign highlights what brings us together and makes us proud on a daily basis: our job, the starting point of great stories, human above all. This campaign highlights what differentiates us from our competitors: our mutualist DNA. Within the Groupama Group, people and meaning are prioritized. We recruit people and not diplomas, great personalities who will tomorrow be at the service of …

Sectors: Insurance

942 618 270

[Automatic translation follows] is an online mutual health insurance comparator. With a network of 12 partner mutual insurance companies, you will find the contract best suited to your profile and your health needs. Because at, we make respecting your privacy one of our priorities, you will not be asked for any contact details. Thanks to our out-of-pocket simulator, manage your health budget as best as possible. It allows you to know to the nearest euro the amount of reimbursements for any health expense. In order to prepare for the generalization of complementary health insurance in January 2016, you …

Sectors: Health Insurance Mutual insurance

732 561 114