  • Le Campus - Centre de Formation CCI du CANTAL

  • Social networks

    146 1,098 2,393
  • Sectors

  • Location

    17 Bd du Pont Rouge, 15000 Aurillac, France



  • Engaged entities

    36 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    15 Jan 2020, 11:14 a.m.
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Our ambition, your training.

    The CCI du Cantal Training Campus offers you short (1 to 5 days) and long (more than 400 hours) continuing education courses:

    - Management
    - Quality
    - Communication
    - HR
    - Management and finance
    - Legal
    - Business development
    - IT / DTP / 3D printing
    - Security
    - Hospitality and catering
    - English
    - Line management
    - Electricity...

    It also offers diploma courses, with the Négoventis network:

    - Business Development Manager (490 hours)
    - Sales representative (455 hours)

    The Campus is able to meet the needs of companies, thanks to inter or intra training.

    Do not hesitate to contact us for more information: 04 71 45 40 40!

    Corporate Training, Continuing Education, Business Development, Consulting, Communication, Management, Recruitment, Qualification, and Diploma Training

  • Original language

    Notre ambition, votre formation.

    Le Campus de formation de la CCI du Cantal vous propose des formations continues courtes (de 1 à 5 jours) et longues (plus de 400h) :

    - Management
    - Qualité
    - Communication
    - RH
    - Gestion et finances
    - Juridique
    - Développement commercial
    - Informatique / PAO / Impression 3D
    - Sécuritaire
    - Hôtellerie-Restauration
    - Anglais
    - Conduite de ligne
    - Electricité...

    Il propose également des formations diplômantes, avec le réseau Négoventis :

    - Responsable de Développement Commercial (490h)
    - Attaché(e) commercial(e) (455h)

    Le Campus est à même de répondre aux besoins des entreprises, grâce à des formations inter ou intra.

    N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus de renseignements : 04 71 45 40 40 !

    Formation Entreprises, Formation continue, Développement Commercial, Conseil, Communication, Management, Recrutement, Qualification, and Formation diplômante

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
CleverConnect CleverConnect
Software Development, hrtech
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

18 Mar 2021

WebForce3 WebForce3
it services
Not capitalistic

11 Jun 2021

InfraNum InfraNum
Telecommunications, it services

23 Aug 2021

29 Mar 2023

Setics Setics
Telecommunications, telecommunications
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

9 Sep 2021
