Erster Ansprechpartner und größtes Netzwerk für Estland, Lettland und Litauen. Your first contact and network for the German market in the Baltics." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="39754" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="ahk_balt"> 510 564 5,638
Breite Str. 29, 10178 Berlin, Germany
Engaged entities
61Added in Motherbase
10 May 2019, 5:10 p.m.Your number one contact and networking platform for the German market as well as for the Baltic markets
The German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (AHK Baltic States) has been the first point of contact for German-Baltic economic relations for three decades.
Are you a Baltic company looking to expand into Germany? We are happy to help you with advice and our services. You can also become a member of our Chamber of Commerce and thus join a like-minded community of around 470 companies, attend exclusive events where you can gain access to decision-makers in Germany and the Baltic States. We also offer customised delegation trips to Germany and the Baltic States, as well as visits to the most important international trade fairs in Germany.
If you are a German company that wants to conquer the markets in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, you can find the best location in these three countries for your business with the help of the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce. We offer you a comprehensive range of services - from accounting to PR, personnel search, market research and various databases. Use our local expertise to get advice on business issues, lobbying support and meetings with key decision makers in business and politics in the Baltic countries. Become part of our German-speaking community in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and enjoy the benefits that the global AHK network offers its members!
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For more information visit
Marktberatung, Geschäftspartnervermittlung, Fiskalservice, Messevertretung, Personalsuche, Investorenberatung, Market entry, Business partners, Fiscal, Trade fairs, Recruitment, Consulting, Marktrecherche, Unternehmenrsberatung, Export, environmental consulting, database, business contacts, Vocational education, Beratung, and Veranstaltungsservice
Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer
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