Le programme Cleantech Open France a pour but de dynamiser l'écosystème green business français et de l'animer tout au long de l'année." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="34135" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Cleantech Open FR"> 2,024 4,844
33 Rue La Fayette, 75009 Paris, France
532558996Engaged entities
534Added in Motherbase
29 Apr 2019, 3:39 p.m.[Automatic translation follows] Since 2010, our association has contributed to the environmental transition by the development of clean technologies
Founded by Ecosys Group, Cleantech Open France hosts the French and European ecosystem of Cleantech to accelerate the marketing and industrialization of solutions contributing to attenuation to climate change. More than 160 startups apply each year to the Cleantech Open France program to benefit from a world -renowned label, access a tailor -made support program to accelerate their growth and participate in the international competition in Silicon Valley.
The program is supported and funded by leading public and private institutional partners: Bpifrance, Ademe, Climate-Kic, Engie, Butagaz, BNP Paribas, the Alter Equity and Cap Agro investment funds, the Pi Santarelli, the Eurus network, the Brittany Regional Council.
Cleantech Open France is a member of the largest network of Cleantech startups in the world, the Cleantech Open.
Cleantech, business development, startups, support, sustainable development, environment, climate, competition, transition, innovation, BtoB, and events
Depuis 2010 notre association contribue à la transition environnementale par le développement des technologies propres
Fondé par ECOSYS Group, Cleantech Open France anime l’écosystème français et européen des cleantech pour accélérer la mise en marché et l’industrialisation de solutions contribuant à l’atténuation au changement climatique. Plus de 160 startups candidatent chaque année au programme Cleantech Open France pour bénéficier d’un label mondialement reconnu, accéder à un programme d’accompagnement sur mesure pour accélérer leur croissance et participer au concours international en Silicon Valley.
Le programme est soutenu et financé par des partenaires institutionnels publics et privés de premier plan : Bpifrance, l'Ademe, Climate-KIC, Engie, Butagaz, BNP Paribas, les fonds d'investissement Alter Equity et Cap Agro, le cabinet de PI Santarelli, le réseau Eurus, le Conseil Régional de Bretagne.
Cleantech Open France est membre du plus grand réseau de startups cleantech au monde, le Cleantech Open.
Cleantech, Business Development, Startups, Accompagnement, Développement Durable, Environnement , Climat, Concours, Transition , Innovation, BtoB, and Evènements
L'écosystème Cleantech de référence en France - Cleantech Open France
Entity | Type | Tweets | Articles | |
![]() | Enogia greentech, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing, cleantech, manufacturing, energytech | Not capitalistic Not partnership Event 6 Oct 2017 13 Apr 2023 | | |
![]() | Inael Electrical Systems greentech, Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing, cleantech, manufacturing, energytech | Not capitalistic Not partnership Event 7 Jul 2015 | | |
![]() | Tevva Hydrogen Electric Trucks greentech, transporttech, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing, cleantech, energytech | Not capitalistic Not partnership Event 6 Dec 2017 | | |
![]() | Fondation GoodPlanet Environmental Services, greentech, cleantech | Other 14 Apr 2024 | |