  • IMT Atlantique

    Created in 2017
  • Social networks

    336 2,298 223 569 29,530
  • Location

    29570 Roscanvel, France



  • Engaged entities

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  • Added in Motherbase

    5 Mar 2024, 6:40 a.m.
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] A large engineering school on 3 campuses - Brest, Nantes and Rennes - An Engineering Technological University - France

    A large engineering school of the digital, energetic and environmental transition

    IMT Atlantique is a large school of the ministry in charge of industry and digital technology created on January 1, 2017. Established on 3 campus, Brest, Nantes and Rennes, it trains general engineers, learning engineers, masters, specialized masters and doctoral students. IMT Atlantique has strong partnership relationships with the business world on the fields of training, research and innovation.

    IMT Atlantique is classified among the first 400 universities in the world (The Wur 2025) and 7th out of the 57 French establishments classified. The school is internationally recognized for its research in several disciplines of the rankings of Shanghai, QS and The. It is in the world top 100 for its environmental and societal impact of The Impact Rankings (2024).
    IMT Atlantique classified 3rd ex in the 2025 student classification.

    A Technological University Specializing in Digital, Energy and Environmental Transition

    Imt Atlantique is a high education and Research Institute, Created in January 2017 and Dependent on the French Minister for Industry and the Digital Sector. With Three Campuses, in Brest, Nantes and Rennes, It Provids a General Engineering Program as well as Three Apprenticeship-Engineering Programms, Masters Programs, Specialized Masters Programs and Doctoral Programs. Imt Atlantique has closed links with the business world in terms of education, Research and Innovation.

    Imt Atlantique is Ranked Among the Top 400 Universities in the World (The Wur 2025) and 7th Out of 57 French Establishments Ranked. It is internationally recognized for its research in several disciplines in the shanghai, qs and the rankings. Imt Atlantique is in the World's Top100 for its Environmental and Societal Impact in the Impact Ranings (2024).
    Imt Atlantique Ranked 3rd in the French "L'Etudiant" Ranking 2025.

    Engineer, learning engineer, master of science, specialized master, doctorate, energy, digital, environment, innovation, health, DDRS, and CCMP

  • Original language

    Une grande École d’ingénieurs sur 3 campus - Brest, Nantes et Rennes - An engineering technological university - France

    Une grande École d'ingénieurs de la transition numérique, énergétique et environnementale

    IMT Atlantique est une Grande école du ministère en charge de l’industrie et du numérique créée le 1er janvier 2017. Implantée sur 3 campus, Brest, Nantes et Rennes, elle forme des ingénieurs généralistes, des ingénieurs par apprentissage, des masters, des mastères spécialisés et des doctorants. IMT Atlantique entretient des relations partenariales fortes avec le monde de l’entreprise sur les champs de la formation, de la recherche et de l’innovation.

    IMT Atlantique est classée parmi les 400 premières universités du monde (THE WUR 2025) et 7e sur les 57 établissements français classés. L’école est reconnue internationalement pour sa recherche dans plusieurs disciplines des classements de Shanghaï, QS et THE. Elle est dans le Top 100 mondial pour son impact environnemental et sociétal du THE Impact Rankings (2024).
    IMT Atlantique classée 3e ex au classement de l'Etudiant 2025.

    A technological university specializing in digital, energy and environmental transition

    IMT Atlantique is a higher education and research institute, created in January 2017 and dependent on the French Ministry for Industry and the Digital Sector. With three campuses, in Brest, Nantes and Rennes, it provides a general engineering program as well as three apprenticeship-engineering programs, Masters programs, specialized Masters programs and Doctoral programs. IMT Atlantique has close links with the business world in terms of education, research and innovation.

    IMT Atlantique is ranked among the top 400 universities in the world (THE WUR 2025) and 7th out of 57 French establishments ranked. It is internationally recognized for its research in several disciplines in the Shanghai, QS and THE rankings. IMT Atlantique is in the world's Top100 for its environmental and societal impact in THE Impact Rankings (2024).
    IMT Atlantique ranked 3rd in the French "L'Etudiant" ranking 2025.

    Ingénieur, Ingénieur par apprentissage, Master of Science, Mastère spécialisé, Doctorat, énergie, numérique, environnement, innovation, santé, DDRS, and ccmp

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