  • INEM - Institut Necker Enfants Malades

    Created in 1778
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  • Location

    156 Rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris, France



  • Engaged entities

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  • Added in Motherbase

    13 Feb 2024, 5:56 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] International Biomedical and Translational Research Center

    Inem is a research center placed under the guardianship of Inserm, the University of Paris Cité and the CNRS. Inem brings together nearly 300 professionals in 21 research teams and research support services.
    Inem research focuses on diseases caused by interaction between heredity and environmental factors. These diseases mainly affect children and young people, and encompass immune disorders (auto), hematological diseases, infectious diseases, kidney diseases, cystic fibrosis, endocrinological disorders and metabolic diseases. Inem teams apply knowledge from fundamental and clinical research to develop innovative diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
    The close interaction between research teams and clinical departments creates a highly dynamic environment and promotes translational research "from the patient's laboratory".

    Inem is a Research Center supported by inserm, University Paris Cité and the CNRS. Inem Brings Together Nearly 300 Professionals Within 21 Research Teams and Research Support Services. Research at inem Focuses On Diseases Caused by the Interaction Between Heredity and Environmental Factors. These Diseases Main Affect Children and Young People and Include (Auto) Immune Disorders, Hematological Diseases, infectious Diseases, Kidney Diseases, Cystic Fibrosis, Endocrinological Disorders and Metabolic Diseases. Inem Teams Apply Knowledge from Basic and Clinical Research to Development Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies. The Close Interaction Between Research Teams and Clinical Departments Creates A Highly Dynamic Environment and Promates Translational Research “From Bench to Bedside”.

  • Original language

    Centre international de recherche biomédicale et translationnelle

    L'INEM est un Centre de recherche placé sous les tutelles de l’Inserm, de l’Université Paris Cité et du CNRS. L’INEM rassemble près de 300 professionnels répartis au sein de 21 équipes de recherche et de services d’appui à la recherche.
    La recherche à l'INEM se concentre sur les maladies causées par l'interaction entre l'hérédité et les facteurs environnementaux. Ces maladies affectent principalement les enfants et les jeunes, et englobent les troubles (auto) immuns, les maladies hématologiques, les maladies infectieuses, les maladies rénales, la fibrose kystique, les troubles endocrinologiques et les maladies métaboliques. Les équipes de l'INEM appliquent des connaissances issues de la recherche fondamentale et clinique pour développer des stratégies diagnostiques et thérapeutiques innovantes.
    L'interaction étroite entre les équipes de recherche et les départements cliniques crée un environnement hautement dynamique et favorise la recherche translationnelle «du laboratoire au lit du malade».

    INEM is a research center supported by INSERM, Université Paris Cité and the CNRS. INEM brings together nearly 300 professionals within 21 research teams and research support services. Research at INEM focuses on diseases caused by the interaction between heredity and environmental factors. These diseases mainly affect children and young people and include (auto)immune disorders, hematological diseases, infectious diseases, kidney diseases, cystic fibrosis, endocrinological disorders and metabolic diseases. INEM teams apply knowledge from basic and clinical research to develop innovative diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. The close interaction between research teams and clinical departments creates a highly dynamic environment and promotes translational research “from bench to bedside”.

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Institut Jacques Monod Institut Jacques Monod
Book and Periodical Publishing
Le Point Le Point
Newspaper Publishing
Institute of Image-Guided Surgery (IHU Strasbourg) Institute of Image-Guided Surgery (IHU Strasbourg)
Hospitals and Health Care, healthtech

24 Feb 2025

MedInsights MedInsights
biotech, deeptech

24 Feb 2025

Kantify Kantify
Biotechnology Research, martech

3 Feb 2025

Fondation Université Paris Cité Fondation Université Paris Cité

19 Jan 2025

La Croix La Croix
Newspaper Publishing

23 Dec 2024

Law Practice, healthtech, legaltech, deeptech

29 Dec 2024

Research Services, healthtech, deeptech

20 Dec 2024
