  • Founders Factory

    Created in 2015
  • Social networks

    900 1,060 698 10,281 60,678
  • Location

    2 Arundel St, Temple, London WC2R 3DA, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Engaged entities

    190 461
  • Added in Motherbase

    15 Oct 2021, 6:08 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    We’re co-founders and early stage investors. We build and fund startups globally.

    Founders Factory builds and funds startups together with exceptional entrepreneurs and the world’s leading companies.

    Created by serial entrepreneurs Brent Hoberman CBE and Henry Lane Fox, Founders Factory backs entrepreneurs with capital, operational support from a team of hands-on experts, and unrivalled access to industry leaders like Aviva, Rio Tinto, Vonovia, Fastweb, Nesta and Mediobanca.

    Founders Factory’s Venture Studio co-founds businesses from inception, developing new ideas, technologies and business models into high growth companies.

    We operate sector-focused Accelerator programmes and Venture Funds for Pre-Seed and Seed stage startups, investing in talented and diverse founding teams across industries and geographies - with a current focus on Climate, Fintech, Health, Deep Tech.

    Since 2015, Founders Factory’s 300+ portfolio companies have raised $1bn+ follow-on funding from leading technology investors.

    Incubator, Accelerator, and Fund

  • Founders Factory: Venture Studio and Startup Accelerator - Founders Factory

    Founders Factory: Venture Studio and Startup Accelerator - Founders Factory

Entity interactions
Entity TypeTweets Articles
AngelNews AngelNews
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

22 Jun 2022
