  • Elo

    Created in 2014
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    406 3,974 12,493 12,493
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Revontulentie 7, 02100 Espoo, Finland



  • Employees

    Scale: 501-1000

    Estimated: 479

  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] We are Elo, a large Finnish occupational pension insurer. We make sure that our customers get the pensions they deserve.

    We are Elo, a large Finnish occupational pension insurer. We make sure that our customers get the pensions they deserve. We help our client companies succeed and meet the challenges of a changing working life. We manage our customers' pension funds in a productive, secure and responsible manner. Investment assets are well diversified internationally and in different asset classes. They secure pensions and create a basis for sustainable income for decades to come.

    One in three Finnish companies and about 40 percent of entrepreneurs have chosen Elo as their occupational pension partner. We are responsible for the future pensions of 501,900 employees and entrepreneurs, we take care of 244,000 pensioners and about EUR 28.7 billion in investment assets.

    Elo was born on January 1, 2014, when Eläke-Fennia and LähiTapiola Eläkeyhtiö merged.

    We are Elo, a large Finnish pension insurance company. We make sure that our customers get the pensions that they have earned. We help our customer companies succeed and to rise to the challenges of changing work life. We manage our customers' pension funds profitably, securely and responsibly. The pension funds are carefully Diversified – internationally and into different asset classes. They secure pensions and set a foundation for sustainable profits decades into the future.

    We have been entrusted with the provision of future pensions of 501,900 employees and self-employed persons, the payment of pensions for around 244,000 pensioners and the management of more than EUR 28.7 billion in investment assets.

    Employment pension insurance

  • Original language

    Olemme Elo, suuri suomalainen työeläkevakuuttaja. Huolehdimme, että asiakkaamme saavat ansaitsemansa eläkkeet.

    Olemme Elo, suuri suomalainen työeläkevakuuttaja. Huolehdimme, että asiakkaamme saavat ansaitsemansa eläkkeet. Autamme asiakasyrityksiämme menestymään ja vastaamaan muuttuvan työelämän haasteisiin. Hoidamme asiakkaidemme eläkevaroja tuottavasti, turvaavasti ja vastuullisesti. Sijoitusvarat on hyvin hajautettu kansainvälisesti ja eri omaisuusluokkiin. Ne turvaavat eläkkeet ja luovat pohjaa kestäville tuotoille vuosikymmeniksi eteenpäin.

    Suomalaisista yrityksistä joka kolmas ja yrittäjistä noin 40 prosenttia on valinnut Elon työeläkekumppanikseen. Vastaamme 501 900 työntekijän ja yrittäjän tulevista eläkkeistä, huolehdimme 244 000 eläkkeensaajasta ja noin 28,7 miljardin euron sijoitusomaisuudesta.

    Elo syntyi 1.1.2014, kun Eläke-Fennia ja LähiTapiola Eläkeyhtiö fuusioituivat.

    We are Elo, a large Finnish pension insurance company. We make sure that our customers get the pensions that they have earned. We help our customer companies succeed and to rise to the challenges of changing work life. We manage our customers’ pension funds profitable, securely and responsibly. The pension funds are carefully diversified – internationally and into different asset classes. They secure pensions and set a foundation for sustainable profits decades into the future.

    We have been entrusted with the provision of future pensions of 501,900 employees and self-employed persons, the payment of pensions for around 244,000 pensioners and the management of more than EUR 28.7 billion in investment assets.


  • Työeläkeyhtiö Elo - paras kumppanisi YEL- ja TyEL-asioissa!

    Meillä Elossa sekä hinta että palvelu ovat kohdillaan.

  • https://www.elo.fi/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

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Energy, Automation Machinery Manufacturing
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ISS Facility Services UK
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Cleaning services, Facilities Services
ISS Facility Services UK
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