  • Millionaire

    Created in 1990
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    6,976 187,950
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Largo della Crocetta, 2, 20122 Milano MI, Italy



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 257

  • Engaged corporates

    1 4
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Millionaire.it, the web and social magazine created by Millionaire, the undisputed reference for those who do business since 1990.

    Millionaire, for over thirty years, has been the Italian reference magazine for those who do business, innovation and seek ideas and resources to start their own business.

    Millionaire is the first magazine in Italy that talks about business with simple language, serious and verified content. It is aimed not only at those who have their own business, but at all those who are looking for practical information and service. Ideas that can be concretely implemented with advice and references to go directly from the idea to "doing".

    On Millionaire, at newsstands and online, you can find ideas and opportunities to start traditional, but above all innovative, businesses, stimulated by the needs and trends of an evolving world, by widespread needs for products and services in step with the times.

    The news, surveys and services offer business cases and stories of those who have managed to achieve their goal. But we also talk about sales and management techniques, motivation, work and professional opportunities, access to financing, franchising as a driving force for independent activities in network logics. About technology, consumption, sports, free time and trends. About personal and entrepreneurial goals, destinations and countries where to live and do business.

    Business, Franchising, publishing, innovation, startup, enterprise, entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, entrepreneurs, millennials, fintech, digital nomad, Italians abroad, generation z, finance, and fund raising

  • Original language

    Millionaire.it, la testata web e social nata da Millionaire, dal 1990 il riferimento indiscusso per chi fa impresa.

    Millionaire, da oltre trent'anni, è il magazine italiano di riferimento per chi fa impresa, innovazione e cerca idee e risorse per avviare una propria attività.

    Millionaire è la prima rivista in Italia che parla di business con un linguaggio semplice, contenuti seri e verificati. Si rivolge non solo a coloro che hanno un’attività in proprio, ma a tutti coloro che ricercano un’informazione pratica e di servizio. Idee concretamente realizzabili con i consigli e i riferimenti per passare direttamente dall’idea al “fare”.

    Su Millionaire, in edicola e online, si trovano idee e opportunità per avviare attività tradizionali, ma soprattutto innovative, stimolate dalle necessità e dai trend di un mondo che evolve, da bisogni diffusi di prodotti e servizi al passo coi tempi.

    Le notizie, le inchieste e i servizi propongono casi aziendali e storie di chi è riuscito a realizzare il proprio obiettivo. Ma si parla anche di tecniche di vendita e gestione, motivazione, lavoro e opportunità professionali, accesso ai finanziamenti, franchising come volano di attività indipendenti in logiche di rete. Di tecnologia, consumi, sport, tempo libero e tendenze. Di obiettivi personali e imprenditoriali, di mete e Paesi dove vivere e fare affari.

    Business, Franchising, editoria, innovazione, startup, impresa, imprenditoria, crowdfunding, imprenditori, millennials, fintech, digital nomad, italiani all'estero, generazione z, finanza, and fund raising

  • Millionaire.it - Millionaire

    Latest News Web Tax: il Governo insiste, ma la maggioranza è divisa. Si apre qualche spiraglio.By Redazione Millionaire.it9 Novembre 2024 Il dibattito

  • https://www.millionaire.it/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Software Development
Software Development
Marriott International Marriott International
Financial Times
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing

2 Jul 2024

Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

2 Jul 2024

Enel Group
Enel Group
Energy, Utilities
Enel Group
Energy, Utilities

24 Oct 2019

Impact Hub
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

4 Jun 2019

Real Estate, Software Development
Real Estate, Software Development

1 Jul 2022

Groupe Randstad France
Groupe Randstad France
Human ressources, Human Resources Services
Groupe Randstad France
Human ressources, Human Resources Services

9 Jul 2020

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
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15 Nov 2019

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