  • Value proposition

    An exclusive gathering place for women in tech, venture, and business.

    We believe a single conversation can change a person’s entire life trajectory.

    By joining Amelia, you will be a part of an intimate community of women who are ambitious, hard working, and career-driven. It will open up unlimited doors to job opportunities, mentorship, and friendships.

    Although we all loved the flexibility that WFH brought, almost all of us felt that loss of human connection. When you speak to someone face-to-face, you can create connections in moments that may take weeks - or never happen at all - online.

    This can be particularly detrimental to a woman’s career, as we already face countless unspoken barriers to advance as fast in our careers as our male counterparts.

    This is why we created Amelia.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital & Private Equity
Startup accelerator & VC, Venture Capital & Private Equity

31 Jan 2024

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