  • Vivax-Metrotech

    Created in 1976
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  • Location

    Gewerbegebiet Scheßlitz-Ost, Am steinernen Kreuz 10a, 96110 Scheßlitz, Germany



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 52

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  • Added in Motherbase

    2 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    Manufacturer of high precision line locators and video inspection systems for underground networks since 1976

    With its headquarters in Santa Clara, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley, Vivax-Metrotech Corporation designs and manufactures buried utility locating instruments of all types, ferrous metal detection, coating analysis, and performing ACVG surveys on cathodic protected pipes, finding sheath to grounds faults on cables, inspecting the interior of pipes and ducts, and high-precision GNSS mapping of buried cables and pipes.
    Beginning in 1976, Metrotech advanced as a leader in locating technology through design innovations that increased productivity for the user of our instruments. In 2007 Vivax Corporation, an East Coast manufacturer of video inspection camera systems was acquired. Now known as Vivax-Metrotech Corporation the new company’s goal today is to use the most advanced technology to aid our customers to be more productive.
    Vivax-Metrotech has a vast range of products to accurately locate buried cables and pipes and inspect the interior condition of metallic and non-metallic sewer pipes. The manufacturer also offers a range of specialized products for locating faults on cathodic protected pipelines, telecom, and power cables. From the industry's first high-frequency line meter to today's wide range of powerful, easy-to-use locators and video inspection cameras, Vivax-Metrotech is known and respected as an innovator in technology and customer service.

    Vivax-Metrotech Germany
    Metrotech Vertriebs GmbH
    Am steinernen Kreuz 10a
    96110 Schesslitz
    Phone: +49 9542 77227-42
    Email: SalesEU@vxmt.com

  • Startseite New - Vivax

    Über uns Vivax-Metrotech entwickelt und fertigt Produkte für die Ortung und GNSS-Kartierung von erdverlegten Versorgungsleitungen. Mit den Systemen können Kabel, Rohrleitungen, nichtmetallische Leerrohre, Rohrbündel oder Mikrorohre für Glasfaserkabel geortet, trassiert und präzise für digitale Planunterlagen protokolliert werden. Spezielle Ortungsgeräte ermöglichen die Metallsuche, die Ortung von Isolationsfehlern, die Beschichtungsanalyse an kathodisch geschützten Rohren (KKS), die Sondenortung

  • https://www.vivax-metrotech.de/
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