  • Elfelagið SEV - Electrical company

    Created in 1946
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

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  • Entity types

  • Location

    100, 92 Landavegur, Tórshavn 100, Faroe Islands


    Faroe Islands

  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 72

  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] 100% sustainable onshore electricity in 2030 -
    100 by 2030

    Sev is the main electricity supplier in the Faroe Islands. Situated in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean the Faroese live in co-existence with nature. As the main supplier of electricity Sev has faced the challenge of sustainable energy head on. Combining hydropower, solarpower and wind power to generate 50% of the Faroese energy supply is sustainable. Our overall aim is to reach 100% sustainable electricity generation by 2030.

    The electricity company Sev is the lifeblood of the Faroese society. Sev has a duty to provide, and provides all citizens, power plants, institutions, etc. steady flow throughout the day. In addition, Sev has set itself the goal that all electricity on land will come from renewable energy sources by 2030. We are working hard every day to achieve this goal for the benefit of the Faroese society.

  • Original language

    100% burðardygg elorka á landi í 2030 -
    100 by 2030

    Sev is the main electricity supplier in the Faroe Islands. Situated in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean the Faroese live in co-existence with nature. As the main supplier of electricity Sev has faced the challenge of sustainable energy head on. Combining hydropower, solarpower and wind power to generate 50% of the Faroese energy supply sustainable. Our overall aim is to reach 100% sustainable electricity generation by 2030.

    Elfelagið Sev er lívæðrin í føroyska samfelagnum. Sev hevur veitingarskyldu, og veitir øllum borgarum, virkjum, stovnum o.l. støðugan streym alt samdøgrið. Harumframt hevur Sev sett sær fyri, at øll elorka á landi stavar frá varandi orkukeldum í 2030. Vit arbeiða hvønn dag ítøkiliga fram ímóti at røkka hesum máli til frama fyri føroyska samfelagið.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

30 Jun 2024

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