  • Joseph Martin SA

    Created in 1946
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    491 Rue des Fontaines, 74130 Vougy, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 91


  • Engaged corporates

    3 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    La précision est notre métier, l'humain notre force.

    The company Joseph Martin specialises in bar turning and high-precision subassemblies ranging from Ø 0.5 to Ø 32mm.
    Since 1946, the company has been drawing on its know-how and professionalism to serve the needs of an increasingly demanding customer base.

    It supports its customers in co-design work, with a particular focus on components relating to fluid control.
    It has some of the best production equipment available, and all members of staff are highly qualified.

    Joseph Martin SA is a certified company which has always been able to fulfil its customers’ expectations, in terms of both quality and of service.

    Certified : ISO TS 16949 - ISO 9001 - ISO 14001

    Co-conception de sous-ensemble, Décolletage de précision, Usinage de précision, Usinage, Luxe, Automobile, Connectique, Biens d'équipements, Médical, Hydrogène, and Diamètre de Ø 0.5 mm à Ø 32 mm

  • Original language

    La précision est notre métier, l'humain notre force.

    The company Joseph Martin specialises in bar turning and high-precision subassemblies ranging from Ø 0.5 to Ø 32mm.
    Since 1946, the company has been drawing on its know-how and professionalism to serve the needs of an increasingly demanding customer base.

    It supports its customers in co-design work, with a particular focus on components relating to fluid control.
    It has some of the best production equipment available, and all members of staff are highly qualified.

    Joseph Martin SA is a certified company which has always been able to fulfil its customers’ expectations, in terms of both quality and of service.

    Certified : ISO TS 16949 - ISO 9001 - ISO 14001

  • Usinage de précision, décolletage CNC, assemblage de sous-ensembles pour l’automobile, le luxe, les biens d’équipement, le médical et la connectique

    Décolletage de grande précision et assemblage de sous-ensembles

  • https://www.martin-joseph.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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