  • Pôle MecaTech

    Created in 2006
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Rue Jean sonet 21, 5032 Gembloux, Belgium



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 34

  • Engaged corporates

    8 19
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The Walloon competitiveness cluster in mechanical engineering.

    Mechanical engineering relies on a very varied base of scientific and technological knowledge and know-how (materials, nanotechnologies, shaping technologies, simulation tools, mechatronics, opto-electronics, introduction of organic materials, biomimicry, etc. .).

    The combination of these technologies and scientific fields leads to the hybridization of technologies and enables very promising breakthrough innovations.

    Result ? Since no company is able to master so much different knowledge and technologies, innovation can only come from networking...

    The MecaTech Cluster aims to increase partnership between the worlds of industry, research and training in order to improve the competitiveness of Wallonia through innovative projects.

    In practice, we facilitate the creation of new synergies to improve business capabilities, increase investments in industrial projects, and promote the development of highly qualified personnel.

  • Original language

    Le pôle de compétitivité wallon en génie mécanique.

    Le génie mécanique s’appuie sur un socle très varié de connaissances et savoir-faire scientifiques et technologiques (matériaux, nanotechnologies, technologies de mises à formes, outils de simulation, mécatronique, opto-électronique, introduction de matières organiques, biomimétisme, ...).

    La combinaison de ces technologies et domaines scientifiques conduit à l’hybridation des technologies et permet des innovations de rupture très prometteuses.

    Conséquence ? Aucune entreprise n’étant en mesure de maîtriser autant de savoirs et de technologies différentes, l’innovation ne peut naître que d’un travail en réseau...

    Le Pôle MecaTech a pour objectif d’accroître le partenariat entre les mondes de l’industrie, de la recherche et de la formation afin d’améliorer la compétitivité de la Wallonie au travers de projets innovants.

    En pratique, nous facilitons la création de nouvelles synergies pour améliorer les capacités des entreprises, augmenter les investissements dans les projets industriels, et favoriser le développement de personnel hautement qualifié.

  • Le Pôle MecaTech, moteur d'innovation en génie mécanique - Pôle MecaTech

    Avec près de 290 acteurs industriels et académiques impliqués dans des projets communs de génie mécanique, le Pôle MecaTech soulève un dynamisme sans précédent.

  • https://www.polemecatech.be/fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
SAFE cluster
SAFE cluster
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
SAFE cluster
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

22 Jun 2024

CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

25 May 2023

Éa éco-entreprises
Éa éco-entreprises
Environmental Services
Éa éco-entreprises
Environmental Services

13 Oct 2023

France Water Team
France Water Team
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
France Water Team
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

13 Oct 2023

Public business cluster, Industry, French Cluster, Plastics Manufacturing
Public business cluster, Industry, French Cluster, Plastics Manufacturing

13 Oct 2023

CCI de région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
CCI de région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
CCI de région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration

13 Oct 2023

ASTech Paris Region
ASTech Paris Region
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
ASTech Paris Region
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

13 Oct 2023

Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting
Public business cluster, French Cluster, IT Services and IT Consulting

13 Oct 2023

Public business cluster, French Cluster, Chemical Manufacturing
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Chemical Manufacturing

13 Oct 2023

Pôle EMC2
Pôle EMC2
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Civic and Social Organizations
Pôle EMC2
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Civic and Social Organizations

8 Apr 2024

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