
    Created in 2007

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,996 842
  • Activities

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  • Location

    8-10 South St, Epsom KT18 7PF, UK


    United Kingdom

  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 12

  • Engaged corporates

    0 3
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    We provide marginalised girls in rural Morocco with access to the transformative power of education.

    We provide marginalised girls in rural Morocco withh access to the transformative power of education. By eradicating the logistic, economic and social obstacles girls face in rural Morocco to access quality education, we empower these young women to fulfil their true potential. They can improve their own lives and positively impact their communities ultimately building a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.

    Our vision
    To empower marginalised Moroccan girls to fulfil their potential, by providing them with access to education, reducing social injustice and inequalities, and so improving the quality of life for women, and their communities.
    Our mission
    To support established partners, adapt and ‘re-build’ their post-earthquake service capacity for girls, and new partners with complimentary projects sharing the same vision.
    We overcome the obstacles- such as distance from the schools, poverty and lack of transport- by building and running locally staffed, well-equipped boarding houses next to the local schools. Everything is provided for free and we prioritise the girls from the poorest families and the most remote villages.

    700 euros a year provides a girl with 3 nutritious meals a day, a cosy bed, hot showers and access to computers and a library. We give additional pastoral support via an International Volunteer Programme.

    Since 2007 we have grown from 10 girls in one house to 250 girls in 6 houses. We have seen over 170 girls enrol in University and have 3 former girls who have completed their Master's Degrees. Many others have now become teachers, travel industry professionals and local government employees!


  • Education For All Morocco | Allowing girls from rural families to continue their education

    Education For All helps provide a college education for girls in rural Morocco

  • https://www.efamorocco.org/
Corporate interactions
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Samsung Electronics
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing

27 May 2021

IT services, Consumer Electronics, Software Development
IT services, Consumer Electronics, Software Development

7 Dec 2016

Deutsche Post und DHL
Deutsche Post und DHL
Logistics, Truck Transportation
Deutsche Post und DHL
Logistics, Truck Transportation

18 Jul 2022

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