  • Air Tahiti Nui

    Created in 1996
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    3,848 6,827 30,034
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    C9RQ+3R5 Fa'a'ā International Airport, Faaa, French Polynesia


    French Polynesia

  • Employees

    Scale: 501-1000

    Estimated: 533

  • Engaged corporates

    0 7
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The first pleasures of Tahiti and its islands begin as soon as you board

    Maeva - Welcome
    Air Tahiti Nui connects the rest of the world to the island of Tahiti and offers daily flights on the Paris/Los Angeles/Tahiti route. We also operate flights to Auckland and Tokyo and serve more than 39 cities, including Sydney, New York and Marseille thanks to our codeshare partners: SNCF in France, American Airlines in the United States, Qantas in Australia or Japan Airlines in Asia.
    Dynamic and smiling, our crews have the mission of ensuring that passengers immediately feel in Tahiti as soon as they board. The smiles and attentions provided by our crew members, the elegant and refined style of the cabins, the sound of the Ukulele, the captivating scent of the Tiare flowers that are offered with our traditional "Maeva", a Tahitian word meaning welcome, are all signs that particularly distinguish our service. A sense of welcome that is characteristic of our islands.

    Maeva - Welcome
    We offer daily non-stop service to Tahiti from Paris and Los Angeles as well as convenient flights to Auckland and Tokyo. With our code share partners SNCF rail in France, American Airlines in the USA and Qantas in Australia, we link to over 39 other cities including Sydney, New York and Marseilles.
    Our fresh and dynamic crew make our passengers feel like they are already in Tahiti as soon as they step on board. The smile and generosity of our teams, the elegant and refined design of the cabins, the sound of ukulele, and the fragrance of the Tiare flower that is offered with our traditional “Maeva”, the Tahitian word for welcome, are some of the tokens of friendliness that we extend. They demonstrate the human and uniquely Tahitian part of our character.

  • Original language

    Les premiers plaisirs de Tahiti et ses îles commencent dès l'embarquement

    Maeva - Bienvenue
    Air Tahiti Nui relie le reste du monde à l’île de Tahiti et propose des vols quotidiens sur la ligne Paris/Los Angeles/Tahiti. Nous opérons également des vols pour Auckland et Tokyo et desservons plus de 39 villes, parmi lesquelles Sydney, New York et Marseille grâce à nos partenaires en partage de code : la SNCF en France, American Airlines aux Etats-Unis, Qantas en Australie ou Japan Airlines en Asie.
    Dynamiques et souriants, nos équipages ont pour mission de faire en sorte que les passagers se sentent immédiatement à Tahiti dès l’embarquement. Les sourires et les attentions apportés par nos membres d’équipages, le style à la fois élégant et raffiné des cabines, le son du Ukulele, le parfum envoûtant des fleurs de Tiare qui sont offertes avec notre traditionnel «Maeva», mot tahitien signifiant bienvenue, sont autant de signes distinguant tout particulièrement notre service. Un sens de l’accueil qui est caractéristique de nos îles.

    Maeva - Welcome
    We offer daily non-stop service to Tahiti from Paris and Los Angeles as well as convenient flights to Auckland and Tokyo. With our code share partners SNCF rail in France, American Airlines in the USA and Qantas in Australia, we link to over 39 other cities including Sydney, New York and Marseilles.
    Our fresh and dynamic crew make our passengers feel like they are already in Tahiti as soon as they step on board. The smile and generosity of our teams, the elegant and refined design of the cabins, the sound of ukulele, and the fragrance of the Tiare flower that is offered with our traditional «Maeva», the Tahitian word for welcome, are some of the tokens of friendliness that we extend. They demonstrate the human and uniquely Tahitian part of our character.

  • Air Tahiti Nui (Site Officiel) | Réservation de vols, billets d'avion

    Profitez de nos prix bas et offres de séjour exclusives ! Avec des vols tous les jours vers vos destinations préférées, réservez votre billet en ligne et envolez-vous avec Air Tahiti Nui. Tout est inclus, bagages, repas, divertissement et service.

  • https://fr.airtahitinui.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Banque Populaire Banque Populaire

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L'Union des Aéroports Français (UAF)
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