  • BookBites A/S

    Created in 2015
  • BETA

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  • Social networks

    99 657
  • Activities

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  • Location

    Katrinebjergvej 115, 8200 Aarhus, Denmark



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 20

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Desire to read

    At BookBites, we believe that reading is the key to creating a better world. At our office in Aarhus, we work with digital and motivation-based reading and learning. With support from i.a. The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and KL are developing a digital school library and reading tool that will make students in the country's schools read more.

    Good reading skills are of great importance for further education, but studies show that almost a fifth of Danish school pupils do not meet the reading requirements. To become better readers, students must read more.

    With BookBites, we have therefore created a new approach to reading: the books become time-divided chunks that are adapted to the student's reading skills and reading pattern. In addition, the students gain an insight into their own progression, so that they are retained in the world of books and motivated to take a further bite.

    As a tool for the teacher, BookBites provides a precise insight into students' reading skills and patterns. The teacher has the opportunity to see the individual student's statistics and get an overall overview of all the students, so that efforts can be better focused.

    BookBites provides access to thousands of digital books. They come from many of the largest and most popular publishers in children's and youth books such as Gyldendal, Lindhardt & Ringhof, Rosinante & Co, Carlsen, Høst & Søn and Nyt Nordisk Forlag.

    We develop BookBites in an interdisciplinary and dynamic team of programmers, designers and specialists who research and work with learning and reading as their specialty. With the combination of skills and experience from previous projects in both the IT, library and school world, we want to develop the current practice in the field.

    BookBites was in the spring and summer of 2016 in a test course at a number of schools among students and teachers, and is in use at schools all over the country.

    Do you want to help start a new reading experience?
    You are always welcome to contact us - call, write or drop by the office on Katrinebjergvej!

  • Original language

    Lyst til at læse

    Hos BookBites tror vi på, at læsning er nøglen til at skabe en bedre verden. På vores kontor i Aarhus arbejder vi med digital- og motivationsbaseret læsning og læring. Med støtte fra bl.a. Undervisningsministeriet, Finansministeriet og KL udvikler vi et digitalt skolebibliotek og læseredskab, der får eleverne på landets skoler til at læse mere.

    Gode læsefærdigheder har stor betydning for et videre uddannelsesforløb, men undersøgelser viser, at knap en femtedel af de danske skoleelever ikke lever op til læsekravene. For at blive bedre læsere skal eleverne læse mere.

    Med BookBites har vi derfor skabt en ny tilgang til det at læse: Bøgerne bliver til tidsopdelte bidder, der tilpasses elevens læsefærdigheder og læsemønster. Derudover får eleverne indblik i egen progression, så de fastholdes i bøgernes verden og motiveres til at tage en bid mere.

    Som et redskab for læreren giver BookBites et præcist indblik i elevernes læsefærdigheder og -mønstre. Læreren har mulighed for at se den enkelte elevs statistik og få et samlet overblik over alle eleverne, så indsatsen kan fokuseres bedre.

    BookBites giver adgang til tusindvis af digitale bøger. De kommer fra mange af de største og mest populære forlag indenfor børne- og ungdomsbøger som bl.a. Gyldendal, Lindhardt & Ringhof, Rosinante & Co, Carlsen, Høst & Søn og Nyt Nordisk Forlag.

    Vi udvikler BookBites i et tværfagligt og dynamisk team af programmører, designere og specialister der forsker i og arbejder med læring og læsning som deres speciale. Med kombinationen af kompetencer og erfaringer fra tidligere projekter i både it-, biblioteks- og skoleverdenen ønsker vi at udvikle den gældende praksis på området.

    BookBites var i foråret og sommeren 2016 i testforløb på en række skoler blandt elever og lærere, og er i brug på skoler over hele landet.

    Vil du være med til at starte en ny læseoplevelse?
    Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os – ring, skriv eller kig forbi kontoret på Katrinebjergvej!

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Capital On Stage
Capital On Stage
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Capital On Stage
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Not capitalistic
Not event

7 Sep 2018

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