  • RCA

    Created in 1999
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,651 15,774
  • Entity types

  • Location

    8 Rue Edith Piaf Bâtiment A, 44800 Saint-Herblain, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 1,350


  • Engaged corporates

    1 6
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Software publisher.
    Our future is the Chartered Accountant.

    RCA is a publisher of solutions for chartered accountancy.

    Our company develops two ranges of solutions:

    ◼︎ A range of 13 Expert software for chartered accountancy firms, the best known being Bilan imagé® and Prévisionnel

    ◼︎ A collaborative digital platform in SaaS mode for chartered accountants and their VSE/SME clients (Mon Expert en Gestion - MEG).

    🤝 RCA is associated with the CEG, the chartered accountants of tomorrow: a Think Tank of the Chartered Accountancy Profession, composed of fervent users of RCA solutions. RCA is a founding member of the Connected Village, the first independent partner for the digital transition of firms.

    100% autonomous and 100% Nantes 🐘, our company currently has a turnover of 32 million euros.

    A company resolutely focused on innovation, managed for more than 25 years by 2 partners, RCA is known and recognized for its business expertise and its sense of customer relations 🚀

    25 years ago, there were 3 of us... today, we are more than 250 employees.

    Always on the lookout, RCA continues to evolve its practices.

    Development, Infrastructure, Data, Design, Product, Security, Project Coordination, Quality Control, Customer Service, Sales, Marketing, Human Resources... there is something for everyone and all skills!

    Together, towards a new era for accounting expertise ✨

    #RCA #ExpertComptable #EditeurDeSofticiels #TeamRCA #Gestion #Conseil #MEG #BilanImage #Accompanying #Tech #Nantes #Web #Dev #Infrastructure

    Software, Management, Expert-Comptable, and Technology

  • Original language

    Éditeur de logiciels.
    Notre avenir, c'est l'Expert-Comptable.

    RCA est un éditeur de solutions pour l'expertise comptable.

    Notre entreprise développe deux gammes de solutions :

    ◼︎ Une gamme de 13 logiciels Experts à destination des cabinets d’expertise comptable, les plus connus étant Bilan imagé® et Prévisionnel

    ◼︎ Une plateforme digitale collaborative en mode SaaS destinée aux experts-comptables ainsi qu’à leurs clients TPE/PME (Mon Expert en Gestion - MEG).

    🤝 RCA est associé au CEG, les experts-comptables de demain : un Think Tank de la Profession d’Expertise-Comptable, composé des fervents utilisateurs des solutions RCA. RCA est membre fondateur du Village Connecté, le 1er partenaire indépendant pour la transition digitale des cabinets.

    100 % autonome et 100 % Nantaise 🐘, notre entreprise réalise à ce jour un chiffre d'affaires de 32 millions d'euros.

    Entreprise résolument tournée vers l'innovation, dirigée depuis plus de 25 ans par 2 associés, RCA est connue et reconnue pour son expertise métier et son sens de la relation client 🚀

    Il y a 25 ans, nous étions 3... aujourd’hui, nous sommes plus de 250 collaborateurs.

    Toujours en veille, RCA ne cesse de faire évoluer ces pratiques.

    Développement, Infrastructure, Data, Design, Produit, Sécurité, Coordination de projet, Contrôle Qualité, Service Client, Commercial, Marketing, Ressources Humaines... il y en a pour tous les goûts et toutes les compétences !

    Ensemble, vers une nouvelle ère pour l'expertise comptable ✨

    #RCA #ExpertComptable #EditeurDeLogiciels #TeamRCA #Gestion #Conseil #MEG #BilanImage #Accompagnement #Tech #Nantes #Web #Dev #Infrastructure

    Logiciel, Gestion, Expert-Comptable, and Technologie

  • RCA - Notre avenir, c'est l'expert-comptable

    Depuis plus de 20 ans, RCA fournit aux Experts-Comptables des solutions de gestion pour développer leurs missions de conseil.

  • https://rca.fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Malakoff Humanis Malakoff Humanis

14 Nov 2024

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

12 Nov 2024

Finance, Investment Banking
Finance, Investment Banking

16 Sep 2023

Events Services
Events Services

10 Jun 2023

La French Tech Nantes
La French Tech Nantes
French Tech, IT Services and IT Consulting
La French Tech Nantes
French Tech, IT Services and IT Consulting

26 Jan 2023

Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing

16 Feb 2020

ADN Ouest
ADN Ouest
Public business cluster, Information Services
ADN Ouest
Public business cluster, Information Services

24 Oct 2023

Retail and Distribution, Retail
Retail and Distribution, Retail

5 Nov 2019

IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development

21 Jan 2022

Welcome to the Jungle France
Welcome to the Jungle France
Human ressources, Software Development
Welcome to the Jungle France
Human ressources, Software Development

30 Mar 2020

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