  • Fédération Open Space Makers

    Created in 2017
  • Social networks

    109 947 368 764 764
  • Location

    52 Rue Paul Lescop, 92000 Nanterre, France



  • Engaged entities

    16 72
  • Added in Motherbase

    29 Jul 2021, 5:52 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    Un réseau de makers spatiaux et d'espaces de fabrication avec la mission d’ouvrir le monde du spatial.

    Federation is an initiative instigated by the National French Space Angency (CNES). It's mission is to open up the ecosystem of space infrastructure while giving every citizen the agency and access to the knowledge necessary to participate in the process of creating our future world.
    We believe that the necessary knowledge and hardware can be developed and produced collaboratively, openly and responsibly.

    We are open to everyone who wants to contribute in the creation of an open infrastructure meeting contemporary challenges such as: protection of our planet, atmosphere and univers, space habitat, science and research, space culture and education. We develop our community on line and in fablabs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and anywhere where collaborative manufacturing tools are available.

    Spatial, Open-Source, and Open-Hardware

  • Original language

    Un réseau de makers spatiaux et d'espaces de fabrication avec la mission d’ouvrir le monde du spatial.

    Federation is an initiative instigated by the National French Space Angency (CNES). It's mission is to open up the ecosystem of space infrastructure while giving every citizen the agency and access to the knowledge necessary to participate in the process of creating our future world.
    We believe that the necessary knowledge and hardware can be developed and produced collaboratively, openly and responsibly.

    We are open to everyone who wants to contribute in the creation of an open infrastructure meeting contemporary challenges such as: protection of our planet, atmosphere and univers, space habitat, science and research, space culture and education. We develop our community on line and in fablabs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and anywhere where collaborative manufacturing tools are available.

Entity interactions
Entity TypeTweets Articles

3 Mar 2025

★ Les Assises du NewSpace - Saison 3 ★ ★ Les Assises du NewSpace - Saison 3 ★

1 Jul 2024

Grupo Vanti Grupo Vanti
greentech, Utilities, cleantech, energytech

10 Jun 2020

Ifremer Ifremer
Research Services

29 Nov 2018

Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF) Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF)
Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing, it services

19 May 2021

Starburst Starburst
Defense and Space Manufacturing

16 Nov 2022

Choses Communes Choses Communes
Media Production

22 Jun 2017

La French Fab La French Fab
Public Relations and Communications Services

30 May 2018

Stroïka (acquis par Bonafidé) Stroïka (acquis par Bonafidé)
Business Consulting and Services

22 Jun 2017

EnduroSat EnduroSat
spacetech, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing, it services

9 Jan 2020
