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Molecule AG Molecule AG

A decentralised biotech protocol porting intellectual property into web3 and launching biotech DAOs We propel science from lab to life, fueled by a community committed to human progress. blockchain, pharma, health, science, biotech, and Token Bonding Curves

Type: Startup Activities: biotech healthtech deeptech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

5 0 2 33
OFDT - Observatoire français des drogues et des tendances addictives OFDT - Observatoire français des drogues et des tendances addictives

[Automatic translation follows] A public organization, the OFDT distributes data on drugs and addictive trends in France. Created in 1993, the French Observatory on Drugs and Addictive Tendencies (OFDT), then the French observatory for drugs and drug addiction, is a public interest group whose aim is to provide its members as well as professionals with field and to the general public shed light on the phenomenon of drug use, licit and illicit, and addictive behavior, and in particular games of money and chance, in France and to contribute to the monitoring of the phenomenon at European level. To this end, …

Type: Public

12 5 4 32
Fédération Addiction Fédération Addiction

[Automatic translation follows] 1st addiction network: brings together nearly 200 associations, 800 establishments and more than 500 individuals. The Addiction Federation is the leading addiction network in France. It brings together 190 associations, 800 health, prevention, care and risk reduction establishments and services and more than 500 doctors and pharmacists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

38 9 25 49
PulseLife (ex 360 medics) PulseLife (ex 360 medics)

[Automatic translation follows] PulseLife, for informed medical decisions. PulseLife instantly answers caregivers' medical questions and simplifies updating their knowledge. Medical search engine, clinical app ecosystem and scientific monitoring: instantly access information that allows you to make informed clinical decisions. More than 700,000 caregivers including 350,000 doctors using it worldwide. ____________ - Your new way to search for medical information Thanks to our medical search engine, finding the answer to your medical questions has never been so quick, simple and reliable! -> Do you have questions about a pathology and its associated therapeutic strategy? Access the latest recommendations and decision trees …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: SaaS

52 3 49 48
European Pain Federation EFIC European Pain Federation EFIC

A multidisciplinary professional organisation in the field of pain research and medicine with 20,000 members. The European Pain Federation EFIC® is a multidisciplinary professional organisation in the field of pain research and medicine, consisting of the 37 chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP®) in Europe. Established in 1993, The European Pain Federation EFIC constituent chapters represent close to 20,000 physicians, basic researchers, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists and other healthcare professionals across Europe, who are involved in pain management and pain research. We aim to advance research, education, and clinical management of pain and serve as an …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech deeptech

6 2 3 20
Fondation FondaMental Fondation FondaMental

[Automatic translation follows] Together, to beat mental illnesses! The FondaMental Foundation is a research and care foundation dedicated to improving diagnosis, understanding and treatment of mental illnesses. It combines care and cutting-edge research to promote personalized and multidisciplinary care for severe psychiatric disorders. To get ahead of mental illnesses and promote personalized medicine in psychiatry, the FondaMental Foundation has set itself four missions: - improve early diagnosis, treatment and prognosis; - accelerate research in psychiatry; - disseminate knowledge; - break down prejudices. research, psychiatry, and prevention

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

42 7 40 46
uPort uPort

uPort is a user-centric data platform anchored on the Ethereum blockchain. It delivers scalable decentralized solutions. Built on interoperable standards, it offers a collection of tools and protocols allowing users to establish identities, send and request credentials, sign transactions, and securely manage keys & data. Portable and reusable verifiable credentials give organizations and individuals the power to easily and fluidly control their data transactions with security, privacy and trust. uPort is backed by ConsenSys, a global incubator of blockchain applications. For more information: ethereum, blockchain, identity, cryptography, and mobile

Type: Startup Activities: privacytech it services Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

11 3 1 4
Swarm Network Swarm Network

Open infrastructure for Digital Securities The Swarm Network is a DAO to support the development of a digital infrastructure designed to foster the emerging digital securities economy. Crowdfunding, Crypto-equity, Bitcoin, blockchain, ethereum, investing, finance, private equity, smart contracts, token offerings, and decentralization

Type: Incubators & VCs

3 0 1 4
Euroseeds Euroseeds

Euroseeds is the voice of the European seed sector. We are #GrowingTheFuture. Euroseeds merges national seed associations as well as individual companies into one single EU wide umbrella organization representing the totality of the European seed industry active in research, breeding, production and marketing of seeds of agricultural, horticultural and ornamental plant species. It was founded in November 2000 and is located in Brussels, Belgium. “Plants from seed are the origin of all food, provide innovative and environmentally friendly industrial products and beautify our landscape.” Euroseeds’s mission is to work for a fair and proportionate regulation of the European …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

3 0 3 21
Ugict - Les Ingés Cadres Techs CGT Ugict - Les Ingés Cadres Techs CGT

[Automatic translation follows] Ugict-CGT, the union reference for engineers, executives, technicians, supervisors The Ugict-CGT organizes the union activity of Engineers, Managers and Technician professions within the CGT. We represent 80,000 affiliates from all professional branches and throughout the country, and act to ensure that our aspirations and our experiences at work are translated into majority demands. Our unionism integrates this specific relationship to work due to our functions, our level of responsibility, our expertise and our role in the organization of work. Ugict is a member of Eurocadres, an organization associated with the European Trade Union Confederation (CES). Professionally committed …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

40 5 34 25
Think tank Sport et Citoyenneté Think tank Sport et Citoyenneté

[Automatic translation follows] Sport at the service of society Created in September 2007, the Sport and Citizenship think tank intends to promote the values ​​of sport and campaign for their better implementation in society. At the same time a place of reflection, a force for proposals and a reference platform for national and European public authorities, Sport and Citizenship aims to achieve, through transversal and multidisciplinary reflection, an exchange of ideas, an analysis of different policies and networking of actors involved in these issues. The association relies on a scientific committee made up of more than fifty French and European …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

29 3 23 26
Future of Life Institute (FLI) Future of Life Institute (FLI)

Independent non-profit reducing extreme, large-scale risks from transformative technologies. The Future of Life Institute (FLI) is an independent nonprofit that works to reduce extreme, large-scale risks from transformative technologies, as well as steer the development and use of these technologies to benefit life. The Institute's work primarily consists of grantmaking, educational outreach, and policy advocacy within the U.S. government, European Union institutions, and United Nations, but also includes running conferences and contests. FLI has become one of the world's leading voices on the governance of AI having created one of the earliest and most influential sets of governance principles: the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

3 0 3 38
eCoinomic eCoinomic

eCoinomic is a digital platform which provides crypto holders with financial services including investment and asset management, exchange, transfers and mutual settlements between users and partner projects. In 2018, fiat loans backed by digital assets are to be launched as the first eCoinomic product. It presents a unique opportunity for cryptocurrency owners: - to use fiat money for business expansion (e.g. renew miner hardware), - to hedge the exchange rate risk and thereby reduce the exposure to market volatility, - to make use of crypto market potential in short term. Moreover, the platform monitors the fulfillment of loan obligations through …

Type: Startup Activities: fintech Technologies: Blockchain/Cryptocurrency

7 0 7 5
Autism-Europe aisbl Autism-Europe aisbl

Improving the quality of life of autistic people and their families Autism-Europe (AE) is an international association whose main objective is to advance the rights of people with autism and to help them improve their quality of life. AE advocates towards European decision-makers to foster a better policy response to the needs of autistic people. AE also strives for more awareness and understanding of autism in society. Autism-Europe is an association gathering almost 90 member associations, individual members and/or self-advocates from 38 European countries and represents an estimated 7 million people. Self-advocates and families play a central role in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

5 1 5 13
Sciences Citoyennes Sciences Citoyennes

[Automatic translation follows] With and for citizens To democratize scientific and technical choices, put citizens at the heart of the decision-making circuit and open research to co-construction. ✔️ Stay informed about our activities ✔️ Join us: ✔️ Make a donation:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

8 2 4 11
Games for Change Games for Change

Empowering game creators and social innovators to drive impact through digital games and immersive technology Founded in 2004, Games for Change facilitates the creation and distribution of social impact games that serve as critical tools in humanitarian and educational efforts. Unlike the commercial gaming industry, we aim to leverage entertainment and engagement for social good. To further grow the field, Games for Change convenes multiple stakeholders, highlights best practices, incubates games, and helps create and direct investment into new projects.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: VR

18 3 12 93
AngelHack AngelHack

The Global Leader in Developer Relations and Hackathons For over twelve years, AngelHack has been a global leader in developer relations and marketing, we help tech companies get their products into the hands of developers across the world. We offer end-to-end developer relations and marketing support for corporates, government entities, and nonprofit organizations. We have served more than 250 leading organisations including Meta, Google, Mastercard, Intel, Nvidia, IBM, Circle, Polkadot etc. AngelHack has a community of more than 300,000 developers and has introduced hackathons, virtual competitions, accelerator programs, meetups, and developer marketing to over 100 cities around the globe. Find …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech martech Technologies: SaaS

40 5 31 79

Makers, Hackers make an impact. Learn, make, share, it’s our spirit. An exchange program is what we need in Europe. Vulca is an NGO supporting all kind of #MakersMobility & #MakersInResidency. We are now in charge of the platform development : @makertour Maker, Mobility, and Europe

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

16 7 10 4
Le Courrier des Entreprises Le Courrier des Entreprises

[Automatic translation follows] Regional economic news in Auvergne: Cantal, Allier, Haute-Loire & Puy-de-Dôme the economic magazine of positive Auvergne! By connecting daily, you will find the economic news of each of our Auvergne territories... We prefer to talk about the trains that arrive on time: innovative, supportive companies, business creators, Auvergne talents. By subscribing to the newsletter for free, you will receive the news of the day directly in your mailbox. Take advantage of the CSP+ audience for your communication by clicking on "put your company in the headlines".

Type: Media

29 4 26 1
Celo Celo

Type: Startup Activities: fintech

28 3 17 82
Kinic Kinic

[Automatic translation follows] Give a new dimension to your communication. By entrusting your projects to the KINIC company, you will benefit from long-acquired know-how and a whole range of services, which will help you make the difference compared to your competitors, gain market share and new customers, to increase your visibility. Communication, Community Management, E-reputation, Graphic Design, Writing, Press Relations, and SEO

Type: SMB Activities: martech e-reputation

15 4 13 4
Campus Party Campus Party

A unique event. A culture of change. The people that make it happen. Campus Party is the largest international experience based on innovation and creativity. It’s the catalyst that brings together courageous businesses, visionary people, close-knit communities, higher education and cutting-edge institutions to make a global community. It’s the point of reference for new generations on issues of the future and the conscious use of technology to change the world. Campus Party counts 1 Guinness World Record for the largest social hackathon, a community of 700,000+ "Campuseros"​ (participants in tent), more than 3 Million visitors, and thousands of Partners. Creativity, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 0 7 82

The green line to standards ECOS is an international NGO with a network of members and experts advocating for environmentally friendly technical standards, policies and laws. We ensure the environmental voice is heard when they are developed and drive change by providing expertise to policymakers and industry players, leading to the implementation of strong environmental principles. Standardisation, Ecodesign, Waste, Buildings, Electric vehicles, Smart grids, Air quality, Chemicals, Bioenergy, Plastics , Biodiversity, Nature, Energy, Heating, Chemicals, and Greenwashing

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

5 2 3 160
Panasonic Panasonic

Live Your Best 幸せの、チカラに。 Founded in 1918, and today a global leader in developing innovative technologies and solutions for wide-ranging applications in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, industry, communications, and energy sectors worldwide, the Panasonic Group switched to an operating company system on April 1, 2022 with Panasonic Holdings Corporation serving as a holding company and eight companies positioned under its umbrella. The Group reported consolidated net sales of 8,378.9 billion yen for the year ended March 31, 2023. Home Appliances, Business Solutions, Automotive, Industrial Equipment, Housing, Manufacturing, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Audio Video Solutions, Energy …

Type: Large company

91 25 16 27,638
Syndicat des énergies renouvelables (SER) Syndicat des énergies renouvelables (SER)

[Automatic translation follows] Actors in the energy transition The Renewable Energies Union (SER) brings together more than 500 members, representing a turnover of 15 billion euros and 166,000 direct and indirect jobs. Since 1993, it has been the professional organization of manufacturers in all renewable energy sectors: biomass, wood, biofuels, biogas, wind power, marine energies, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, heat pumps, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and thermodynamics. photovoltaic, Wood energy, biogas, biofuel, biomass, wind power, marine renewable energies, RE & building, geothermal, and hydroelectricity

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

45 16 28 83
ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire) ESS France (La Chambre française de l'économie sociale et solidaire)

[Automatic translation follows] The ESS is the desirable standard for tomorrow's economy. The French Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy is constituted as an association enjoying the full legal capacity of associations recognized as being of public utility. This association is made up of national organizations representing the different statutory forms of the social and solidarity economy, including the commercial companies mentioned in 2° of II of Article 1, and by representatives of the regional chambers of the social economy. and united. (ESS Law 2014) PUBLIC POWER RELATIONS and PROMOTION OF THE ESS

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

94 43 18 31
ANCI - Associazione nazionale Comuni italiani ANCI - Associazione nazionale Comuni italiani

[Automatic translation follows] Since 1901 in defense of the territory Over 100 years of activity tell a story that has its roots in that of the country, and grows together with it. There are 7,134 Municipalities belonging to the Association, data updated as of 1 January 2022, representing 94.7% of the population, numbers that clearly speak of a very solid rooting in the Italian social, geographical and cultural fabric. In all this time, and with this extraordinary number of interlocutors, Anci has worked with passion and continuity at the service of the institutions and alongside those who are committed day …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

8 2 0 253
Flichy Grangé Avocats Flichy Grangé Avocats

Droit Social Flichy Grangé Avocats : Teams with complementary skills, personally involved in assisting our clients With lawyers from very varied educational backgrounds (universities, top French graduate business and economics schools (IEP Paris, HEC), etc.) and from different professional horizons (University professors, in-house lawyers...), our aim is to be a real partner for company legal and human resources departments, capable of proposing pragmatic legal solutions also taking into consideration accounting, financial or commercial aspects. Each client is assured that its matters will be handled by a coordinated team under the responsibility of a partner who will be personally involved in …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech fintech

27 9 17 113
Tours Événements Tours Événements

[Automatic translation follows] Royal Destination Experience The Local Public Company SPL Tours Événements is in charge of operating the Palais des Congrès and the Tours Expo Park. It hosts an average of 300 events of all types and 800,000 delegates, spectators or visitors. It produces around ten events for the general public or professionals including the Tours Fair and the Mondial du Fromage. In the heart of the Loire castles, 1 hour from Paris, Tours is the ideal location for congresses, conventions, seminars and trade shows.

Type: Event

40 6 36 71
Outremers 360° Outremers 360°

[Automatic translation follows] Outremers 360: All the news from Overseas at 360° Outremers360 the reference media for overseas news. Addressing a community of more than 5 million people spread across three oceans and France, Outremers360 promotes an extremely complex world. Much more than an information site, Outremers360 is a media for deciphering these territories with its network of journalists and media partners giving voice and expression to a certain number of expertise. Outremers360: Beyond the treatment of hot news (breaking news), there are in-depth subjects, wide angles and the informed view of experts on all the key current events (political, …

Type: Media

35 13 21 11
Euros / Agency Group Euros / Agency Group

Parmi les leaders du conseil en communication & affaires publiques, nous intervenons en France, en Europe et en Afrique Created in 2012, Euros / Agency helps the management of public and private organisations to define and implement communication and influence strategies. Based in Paris and Brussels, the agency deals with projects regarding exclusively France or Brussels as well as those requiring a combination of both EU and national activities. Our services cover every aspects of corporate communication, political advice, public diplomacy and public affairs. Affaires publiques, Affaires européennes, Conseil stratégique, Relations publiques, Communication, and Production d'outils et de contenus

Type: SMB Activities: consulting govtech

25 2 24 56
Secrétariat général des affaires européennes (SGAE) Secrétariat général des affaires européennes (SGAE)

[Automatic translation follows] More than 70 years of French commitment to European construction The interministerial processing of European files is ensured in France by the General Secretariat of European Affairs (SGAE). Created in 1948, the SGCI was then responsible for preparing the decisions of the French Government within the framework of the economic reconstruction of Europe following the Second World War. Its role was then adapted and strengthened at each stage of European integration with the main missions of developing France's positions on community issues and coordinating liaison between French administrative and governmental authorities and European institutions. The SGCI became …

Type: Public

41 10 35 213
Politiquemedia Politiquemedia

[Automatic translation follows] Politiquemedia is structured around two distinct poles. A website,, which lists, relays and analyzes the appearances of political figures in the media. Every day, the site offers among other things: - the list of political figures invited on the main television and radio channels - live broadcasts of the main interviews - rebroadcasts on demand of a majority of programs - analyses and statistics on the main speakers An agency, Politiquemedia consulting, which supports political and media players on a daily basis in optimizing their digital communication. Politique, Médias, and Communication digitale

Type: Media

8 0 8 1
Ville de Guérande Ville de Guérande

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official page of the City of #Guérande. Capital of salt and privileged witness to a prestigious past, Guérande is also a dynamic town in the heart of the Presqu’île which bears its name. The town of Guérande (Loire Atlantique) labeled Town of Art and History, with its renowned medieval city, is also the most populated town (16,730 inhabitants) in the Cap-Atlantique territory. Jobs, internships, apprenticeships, find our offers on:

Type: Public

13 5 4 50

Kiwa PVEL is the leading independent test lab for solar developers, financiers & asset owners. Kiwa PVEL is the leading reliability and performance testing lab for downstream solar project developers, financiers, and asset owners around the world. With over a decade of experience and accumulated data, Kiwa PVEL conducts testing that demonstrates PV module bankability. Its trusted, independent reports replace assumptions about PV module performance with quantifiable metrics that enable efficient solar project financing and development. Kiwa PVEL’s flagship Product Qualification Program for PV modules connects manufacturers with a global network of 400+ downstream partners. Learn how Kiwa PVEL makes …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

31 2 7 41
Everstream Analytics Everstream Analytics

We keep the world moving by keeping risk out of the way Everstream Analytics sets the global supply chain standard. Through the application of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to its vast proprietary dataset, Everstream delivers the predictive insights and risk analytics businesses need for a smarter, more autonomous and sustainable supply chain. Everstream’s proven solution integrates with procurement, logistics and business continuity platforms generating the complete information, sharper analysis, and accurate predictions required to turn the supply chain into a business asset. To learn more, visit AI, Machine Learning, Supply Chain Visibility, Supply Chain Risk Management, Multi-tier Visibility, …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

20 2 17 221
Tate & Lyle Sugars Tate & Lyle Sugars

Tate & Lyle Sugars has been refining sugar continuously at Thames Refinery since 1878. Over 140 years later it’s still going strong and today employs over 500 people. Not many companies have remained a favorite household brand - producing the same family of products, at the same location, for well over a century - so what’s the secret of its success? The answer lies in its people and its core values: ambition, innovation and pace. So, while Tate & Lyle Sugars may still be based in the same place, new developments continue. In 2008, Tate & Lyle Sugars became the …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech manufacturing Technologies: Decarbonization

5 1 2 318
Earthworm Foundation Earthworm Foundation

We work with businesses to find solutions to environmental and social challenges within value chains. We work with companies to find solutions to environmental and social challenges within value chains and transform the way everyday products are produced with sustainable solutions that benefit the planet. We work between corporate and civil society, social and environmental concerns, farms and boardrooms, to identify challenges, process them and cultivate the ingredients needed for impactful solutions. Earthworm Foundation (formerly The Forest Trust/TFT) is an impact-driven, non-profit organisation with 25 years of experience creating conditions for people and nature to thrive. Above all, we work …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

24 5 12 303

Digitally transforming the asset management sector, one process at a time is a Low-Code Business Process Management platform that helps businesses in the asset management industry to optimise business processes through automation. Connect data, processes, and people across organisational silos and make your data available in simple views and easy-to-understand dashboards. Create automated workflows and ensure that every step of each process is followed as designed, while increasing efficiency and eliminating repetitive tasks. GOVERNANCE.COM gives you peace of mind while running highly regulated processes. Imagine the power of full control and real-time business intelligence at your fingertips. Whenever you …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

11 2 9 31
Brussels Airlines Brussels Airlines

Belgium's national airline, offering flights out of Brussels Airport to Europe, Middle East, North Atlantic and Africa Brussels Airlines is the home carrier of Belgium and one of the four network airlines of the Lufthansa Group. It connects the European capital from Brussels Airport with over 85 destinations, 17 of which are in Sub Saharan Africa. The company employs 3,100 people and operates 41 aircraft. Brussels Airlines aims to emit 50% less CO2 by 2030 compared to 2019 and plans to be carbon neutral by 2050. The airline is participating in the Stargate Project led by Brussels Airport and is …

Type: Large company

31 13 11 2,756
AmCham Belgium AmCham Belgium

American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium The American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium (AmCham Belgium) is one of the largest and most influential business organizations in the country. Founded in 1948, it has around 400 members who together strive for a more competitive and prosperous Belgium. AmCham Belgium is an independent non-profit organization. In addition to US companies in Belgium, our members include Belgian and other international businesses operating in the country. Business, Advocacy, Networking, Events, Knowledge, Policy, Belgium, and Brussels

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

38 1 38 66
fielddrive fielddrive

Global onsite event technology - delivering exceptional experiences. Fielddrive is a global on-site event technology company that supports event organizers globally with sustainable solutions. fielddrive’s DNA is to deliver delightful visitor experiences for in-person events globally, irrespective of data source, registration platform, location, venue or event type. With the recent acquisition of fielddrive by Hubilo, we are pooling expertise to push the boundaries of event journeys for organizers and their exhibitors, sponsors and attendees. Our aim is to empower our customers with sustainable solutions to delight their attendees with best visitor flow management, from check-in to badging, tracing, access control, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

2 0 2 45
TradeWinds TradeWinds

The Global Shipping News Source Shipping news as it happens TradeWinds, shipping's biggest news source, provides unrivalled news, opinion and intelligence by the best reporters, analysts and opinion shapers in the business. It's quality and insight can’t be found anywhere else. Our channels include; online news and breaking stories, the weekly newspaper (print and e-reader) business focuses and spotlight reports, TW+ quarterly magazine, Events, Alerts and App. Privacy: Media, Shipping, Newspaper, Publishing, News, Maritime , Shipbuilding , Tankers, Dry Cargo, Boxships, and Offshore

Type: Media

2 0 2 342
British Ports Association British Ports Association

Speaking for UK Ports The British Ports Association is a national trade body for UK ports, represents the interests of over 400 ports, terminal operators and port facilities. Collectively our members facilitate 86% of the country’s seaborne trade, all the UK’s maritime passenger activities, and the overwhelming majority of Britain’s energy, fishing and recreational ports and harbours. As our membership comprises many ports, terminal operators and port facilities, all of varying size, location and nature, the Association is able to draw upon a wide range of experience and knowledge to represent its members’ interests.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

7 2 6 13
The Parliament The Parliament

A fresh perspective on EU politics. Published monthly, the Parliament Magazine is essential reading for anyone interested in EU politics. MEP articles, Analysis, European Union, Members of the Parliament Polling, and Journalism

Type: Media

21 5 17 20
City & Financial Global City & Financial Global

Market-Leading Conferences and Virtual Summits. City & Financial Global is one of the UK’s leading research-based conference companies. We specialise in the following areas: • Financial Markets and Regulation • Technology, FinTech and Cyber Security • BREXIT – business implications for all sectors • Infrastructure/public-private partnerships • Business Strategy and Law • Diversity and inclusion • Energy and renewables Featuring speaker panels of exceptional quality, our cutting edge programmes provide real insight into the latest developments in each of these areas, as well unrivaled networking opportunities. Our highest profile conference is "City Week"​ ( which takes place in the spring …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

57 4 58 22
Sun Exchange Sun Exchange

Empowering Africa's energy future Sun Exchange powers progress for African business and organisations, unlocking access to uninterrupted, sustainable, affordable energy. Solar Energy Project Financing, Solar Power, Environmentally & Socially Responsible, Green Business, Micro Solar PV, Nano Solar PV,, Micro-leasing, CSR projects, and ESG

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies Blockchain/Cryptocurrency IoT

8 3 5 29

European Fund and Asset Management Association | From Europe, for Europe. EFAMA is the voice of the European investment management industry. Through our 28 member associations, 59 corporate members and 25 associate members, we represent all the diversity and richness of the European industry. We strongly support the EU project, and have done so since our establishment in 1974. EFAMA is a recognised source of relevant market data. We act in full transparency and are always clear as regards who we represent. We are in Europe and for Europe. And have always been.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

7 0 7 58
FlyingBinary Ltd FlyingBinary Ltd

Changing the world with DeepTech delivering inclusion... leaving no one behind in the Industrial Internet of Things The founders of FlyingBinary are dedicated and passionate engineers who are leading the Global DeepTech agenda with an inclusion mission to ensure no one get left behind in the Internet of Things. FlyingBinary has pioneered the web science which underpins the technology change which is being used to deliver the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), an engineering challenge which has a societal impact. We co-founded the datajournalism industry, over 34 million citizens across the world inform our web science research. Our focus since …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I. Cybersecurity IoT

19 5 18 3
Brikks Brikks

[Automatic translation follows] Manage mobility solutions in your dealerships thanks to Brikks! BRIKKS ensures car dealers the profitability of their courtesy vehicles. Using an innovative platform, we enable dealerships to generate additional revenue thanks to courtesy/rental vehicles. Our services : - Digital platform for financial management of courtesy vehicles. - Centralized management of workshop mobility (courtesies, jockeys, bicycles, scooters, etc.). 🚲 🛴 - Financial dashboard for courtesy vehicles. Your advantages : - Make your courtesy vehicles profitable: each day of use is valued to maximize your income. - Simplify your asset management and save time. - Facilitate the mobility of …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: SaaS

8 1 6 16
TNP Consultants TNP Consultants

Harness the Unpredictable. Created in 2007, TNP is an independent French consulting firm specializing in operational, regulatory and digital transformations. We are present in Europe (France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Monaco), Africa (Morocco, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Tunisia), India and the Middle East (United Arab Emirates). TNP is involved in various dimensions – operational strategy, information system, business and human capital and projects in many industries such as: banking, insurance , public sector and healthcare, transport and logistics, industry, energy and retail. Today, TNP employs 750 staff and consultants for a worldwide turnover of 93 million euros in 2023.

Type: SMB Activities: consulting fintech insurtech transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

55 7 56 702

EBX MEDiA is a Brussels-based project-oriented media production company specializing in European news and political affairs. We produce news reportage, documentaries and podcasts, as well as moderating public events and facilitating institutional conferences and workshops. Multi-disciplinary, multi-lingual. Journalism, copywriting, televison, video, radio production. Graphic design. Print production. Communication and media strategy. Journalism, Media Production, Print Media, Television Production, Radio Production, Video Production, Corporate News Services, and Magazine Publication

Type: Media

9 2 7 2
IntegrityNext IntegrityNext

Boost Supply Chain Sustainability IntegrityNext is a leading solution for supply chain sustainability management and ESG compliance. The cloud-based platform helps companies adhere to regulatory due diligence requirements, meet decarbonization targets, and report in line with internationally recognized disclosure standards such as the GRI and ESRS. In doing so, IntegrityNext supports its clients in identifying relevant ESG risks along the value chain and improving their sustainability performance. CSR, Non-financial Reporting, Corporate Social Responsibility, Compliance, Supply Chain Sustainability, ESG, Supply Chain Due Dilligence, Supply Chain Decarbonization, Corporate Sustainability Reporting, Responsible Procurement, Cloud-based Supply Chain Monitoring Platform, ESG Risk Management, Risk Analysis, …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech it services regtech cleantech greentech Technologies: SaaS Decarbonization

14 1 11 137
Scoutbee Scoutbee

SaaS for Proactive Procurement Scoutbee drives better business outcomes by giving companies the actionable insights they need to perfect the supply base and advance strategic initiatives, such as risk management, ESG and innovation. The Scoutbee Intelligence Platform (SIP) uses graph technology and predictive and prescriptive analytics to deliver holistic supplier visibility that helps procurement make confident supplier decisions, drive cross-functional efficiency, and optimize their existing technology investments. Scoutbee’s AI-powered data foundation connects teams to any data point – internal, external, third-party, and more – and any data combination necessary to orchestrate a resilient, competitive, and sustainable supply base. Scoutbee is …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning

22 0 20 90

Change Lives Twelve-time Webby award-winning is the world’s largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace by total number of users and projects posted. More than 58 million registered users have posted over 21 million projects and contests to date in over 2,000 areas as diverse as website development, logo design, marketing, copywriting, astrophysics, aerospace engineering and manufacturing. Freelancer owns, the leading provider of secure online payments and online transaction management for consumers and businesses on the Internet with over US$5 billion in transactions secured. Freelancer also owns Freightlancer & Loadshift, enterprise freight marketplaces with over 550 million kilometers of freight …

Type: Large company

17 0 10 77,707
EuroCommerce EuroCommerce

The House and Voice of Retail & Wholesale EuroCommerce is the principal European organisation representing the retail and wholesale sector. It embraces national associations in 27 countries and 5 million companies, both leading global players and many small businesses. The sector generates 1 in 7 jobs, offering a varied career to 26 million Europeans, many of them young people. It also supports millions of further jobs throughout the supply chain, from small local suppliers to international businesses. EuroCommerce is the recognised European social partner for the retail and wholesale sector.

Type: SMB Activities: retail

12 4 5 74
Händlerbund Händlerbund

[Automatic translation follows] Your partner in e-commerce for 15+ years | Legal notice & data protection in the footer at the "Visit website" button under (...) Händlerbund – simple. safe. trading. We support companies in being successful in e-commerce. Security and trust offer entrepreneurs the basis for sustainably growing and developing their business. With our expertise and passion, we provide solutions and guidance for the daily challenges of the e-commerce industry. IMPRINT HB Capital GmbH represented by the managing director Tim Arlt Kohlgartenstraße 11-13 04315 Leipzig Telephone: +49 341 926 590 Fax: +49 341 2618 0687 E-mail: VAT ID …

Type: Startup Activities: legaltech Technologies: Cybersecurity

4 0 4 105

L’investissement durable dans les entreprises sociales & écologiques, dès 100€. #FinTech #TechForGood #impactinvesting 🇬🇧 (formerly 1001pact) was born out of the desire to address two major issues: the lack of transparency and meaning in traditionnal investment products and the strong need for financing companies with positive social and environmental impact and the lack of transparency and meaning in investments offered to retailers. Our mission is to participate in reducing social and environmental inequalities in the world by offering everyone the opportunity to invest in companies with a positive impact. That's why we offer people the ability to build a …

Type: Incubators & VCs

90 50 32 91
Unifiedpost Group Unifiedpost Group

Connecting Businesses At Unifiedpost Group, our mission is to make business easy and smart by offering enterprises the tools to build strong digital connections with their customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. By doing so, we help our customers become more efficient, cost-effective and compliant. Our cloud-based open network of consumers and organisations - small or large, local or global - promotes collaboration, digital interactions, document exchanges, payments and cash flow optimisation. It also enables us and our partners to create additional data-driven services to help organisations grow. In our trusted network we equip every verified participant with the right tools …

Type: SMB Activities: fintech it services regtech Technologies: SaaS

9 2 5 628
European Banking Federation European Banking Federation

The EBF is the voice of the European banking sector, representing bank associations from across Europe. The European Banking Federation is the voice of the European banking sector, bringing together national banking associations from across Europe. The EBF is committed to a thriving European economy that is underpinned by a stable, secure and inclusive financial ecosystem, and to a flourishing society where financing is available to fund the dreams of citizens, businesses and innovators everywhere. Banking Regulation & Supervision, Retail, Financial Services & Payments, Financial Markets & Securities, Financial Reporting & Taxation, Corporate Governance & Financial Crime, The Economy, Business …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

40 8 31 99
Winklevoss Capital Winklevoss Capital

At Winklevoss Capital, we believe in determined entrepreneurs. Those rare individuals comprised of three essential qualities: acumen, artistry and audacity. Risk-taking is just in their blood. By providing guidance, relationships and capital, we reinforce their pursuit of a frictionless world and a better human experience. Because those who dare to fail greatly, dare to achieve greatly.

Type: Incubators & VCs

8 2 3 11
Eurochambres Eurochambres

The association of European chambers of commerce and industry Eurochambres – the association of European chambers of commerce and industry – represents approximately 20 million businesses in over 40 countries and via a European network of 1700 regional and local chambers. Chambers’ member businesses employ over 120 million people. Vladimír Dlouhý is the President of Eurochambres and Ben Butters is the CEO. Networking, Advocacy, Business development, SMEs, Lobbying, Business relations, Membership, Policy, Entrepreneurship, and Chambers

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce

23 10 12 56
Startup Coalition Startup Coalition

The Policy Voice of Tech Startups & Scaleups in the UK We work with digital startups and policymakers to create better policy for the digital economy. Founded by tech entrepreneurs, the Startup Coalition (formerly Coadec) is a non-profit that campaigns for policies to support tech startups in the UK. We conduct research, host events, and run campaigns on behalf of the UK’s startup community. Public policy and Startups

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

26 7 13 14
Hedoine Hedoine

Biodegradable, Seamless & Ladder-Resistant Tights. Crafting Better Legwear. Elevating & Celebrating Hēdoïnes. Inspired by the incredible women we have met - and continue to meet - we’re bringing a new reality to the forefront, and new meaning to modern femininity. We challenge the status quo and we do things our way. We empower, we elevate and we celebrate strong, bold, feminine Hedoines. We also make seriously comfortable tights. No sagging or pinching and the world’s first ladder-resistant collection - now even biodegradable. Because if you’re going to reinvent tights you may as well do it right, right? Fashion, Hosiery, Sustainability, …

Type: Startup Activities: fashtech

170 125 129 6
Royal United Services Institute Royal United Services Institute

Defence and Security Since 1831 The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is an independent think tank engaged in cutting edge defence and security research. A unique institution, founded in 1831 by the Duke of Wellington, RUSI embodies nearly two centuries of forward thinking, free discussion and careful reflection on defence and security matters. RUSI consistently brings to the fore vital policy issues to both domestic and global audiences, enhancing its growing reputation as a ‘thought-leader institute’, winning Prospect magazine's Think Tank of the Year Award in 2008 and Foreign-policy Think Tank of the Year in 2009. RUSI provides corporate and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

15 5 11 335
ISO - International Organization for Standardization ISO - International Organization for Standardization

Making lives easier, safer and better. We’re the ISO, International Organization for Standardization. We’re a global network of the world’s leading standardizers. Through our members, we bring people together to develop International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. Follow our page to learn more about standards and how you can get involved. Together, we all have a role to play. International Standards for Business, Government and Society, Quality, Environment, Safety, and Trade

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

37 10 12 2,037
College of Europe College of Europe

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

10 1 1 271
FILEA - Sales & Digital Campus FILEA - Sales & Digital Campus

[Automatic translation follows] Boost your career in customer relations professions! FILEA INSTITUT, Sales and Customer Relations School for over 25 years in Alsace! We are committed to developing a quality training offer around strong values ​​and principles, linked to the development and evolution of the individual, in line with the requirements of the job market which revolve around the 3 key concepts: - Allow the learner to be the author of their journey and actor of their professional project, - Develop training for operational purposes, meeting the requirements of companies and to developments in their professions, - Propose an action-oriented …

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech edtech martech proptech

9 0 8 80
Villes Internet Villes Internet

[Automatic translation follows] “For a digital citizen, accessible to all, shared by all, useful to all.” Internet Cities is a transpolitical association of local elected officials gathered around digital citizenship. Our values: Trust, proximity, common experiences. We are committed as a trusted third party to advising communities with complete independence. We support communities in carrying out their digital initiative projects for a local public service. We help establish relationships of trust between communities and citizens by ensuring an optimal digital experience in terms of access, control and evolution of uses. We guarantee an objective approach focused on their specific needs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

45 10 20 13
HQ Eurocorps HQ Eurocorps

Europe's strongest and rapidly deployable army corps headquarters A force for the European Union and NATO - preparing for EUTM Mali With its modular engagement plan the spectrum of possible missions for Eurocorps covers all types of operations: disaster relief, humanitarian aid, security assistance, low intensity conflicts, peace keeping, medium intensity conflicts, peace restoring and enforcing up to high intensity conflicts. The Eurocorps command posts are capable of commanding: advisory teams, training missions, multiple battalions, brigades, divisions and army corps level troops. These capacities are available for the security and defense needs of the European Union, NATO, the UN, the …

Type: SMB Activities: military Technologies: Cybersecurity

2 0 2 128
Les Jeunes Européens - Strasbourg Les Jeunes Européens - Strasbourg

[Automatic translation follows] Young Europeans - Strasbourg is a pro-European and transpartisan association which brings together all activists under the age of 35 wishing to act in favor of European construction. It also belongs to a European network of 30,000 members, including 1000 in France, the JEF - Europe. We carry out our actions in the street, among young people with our “Europe through young people” program, but also on the Internet with our webzine Taurillon.

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

10 0 8 6
KTO Télévision KTO Télévision

[Automatic translation follows] KTO TV and Radio Created in 1999 then operated from March 2001 by private shareholder companies, KTO is today an associative channel. KTO is broadcast 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, on the principle of multibroadcasting programs at different time slots over a period of 14 days. There are around 4 hours of new programs every day. 60% of the programs broadcast are own productions. TV, media, religion, documentary production, international distribution, Belgium, and Journalism

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

9 2 4 233
Coopérative Biocoop Coopérative Biocoop

[Automatic translation follows] 🖐🌱✊ Cooperative of 727 independent #organic stores in France 🇫🇷 #LaBioNousRassemble #BiocoopSolidaireAttitude Biocoop brings together more than 750 organic stores around a common objective: the development of organic farming in a spirit of fairness and cooperation. Leader in organic food distribution, Biocoop also stands out for its fair trade products and a very wide choice of eco-products and cosmetics. More than just a network of traders, Biocoop also wishes to influence societal choices and shares its project with other stakeholders: employees, consumers, producers and partners. It is the leading distributor of organic products and eco-products in France. …

Type: Large company Activities: foodtech retail

72 35 14 2,602
digitalscouting digitalscouting

The market leader in TikTok for Insurance and Finance Industry. The market leader in TikTok for Insurance and Finance Industry. Don't miss one of the biggest opportunities for modern sales and marketing on TikTok. Founded by our CEO Dr. Robin Kiera recognized as a keynote speaker, an influencer in insurance, finance, and beyond industries. We helped insurance and finance decision-makers on getting their potential, design, management, and content production for their TikTok accounts realizing brand awareness increased reach, and more sales. Ready to create and innovate your TikTok account? Contact us now!

Type: Startup Activities: it services

79 11 64 16
Calendly Calendly

At Calendly, our vision is to take the work out of connecting with others so you can accomplish more. Our scheduling automation platform helps individuals, teams, and organizations globally automate the meeting lifecycle by removing the back and forth with scheduling. Our platform enables companies to close deals, hire candidates, build relationships, and grow their business — faster. More than 20 million users across 230 countries use Calendly to simplify meetings and collaborate more effectively and efficiently. productivity, sales acceleration, scheduling, efficiency, Recruiting software, lead conversion, and software as a service

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

55 13 47 2

[Automatic translation follows] Functional rehabilitation, reintegration, teaching & search: follow us and join our 1,800 healthcare professionals A private non-profit organization, UGECAM Alsace manages SSR (follow-up care and rehabilitation) establishments and medico-social structures in Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin. With 1,200 beds and places and nearly 2,000 employees, UGECAM Alsace meets the needs of the population of the four Alsatian health territories. Children and adolescents, adults, seniors and dependent elderly people: its care offering is specialized and diversified in the field of disabilities. UGECAM Alsace establishments rely on the skills, experience and expertise of multidisciplinary teams and hundreds of different professions: rehabilitation …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

20 8 12 212
Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises - FCE France Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises - FCE France

[Automatic translation follows] ONLY WE ARE INVISIBLE, TOGETHER WE ARE INVINCIBLE Interprofessional, apolitical and non-governmental, FCE France is a largely decentralized organization where each member has the opportunity to take responsibility and get involved. OBJECTIVE Thanks to all these actions carried out in a spirit of conviviality and mutual aid, members find at FCE a unique place for discussion and listening. The Association thus supports the assumption of responsibilities by women business leaders in economic life and the strengthening of their presence in decision-making bodies at the local, regional and national level, by informing and training its members. THE MEMBERS …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

54 22 29 5
Fondation IDEA a.s.b.l. Fondation IDEA a.s.b.l.

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to IDEA page, a Luxembourg think tank that fuels public debate on socioeconomic topics. IDEA, created at the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce, has the mission of leading discussions in favor of the sustainable development of Luxembourg and the general economic interest of the country. Formed as a non-profit association, IDEA wishes to contribute to improving the quality of public debate, on the one hand, by feeding it with socio-economic analyzes and, on the other hand, by proposing avenues innovative solutions to meet the major challenges of the future. IDEA invites the public to discuss …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

7 2 6 15
Bundesagentur für Arbeit Bundesagentur für Arbeit

[Automatic translation follows] Federal Employment Agency - takes you further! We, the "BA", provide citizens, companies and institutions with comprehensive service tasks relating to the employment and training market in Germany. Our aim is always to bring people and work together. Imprint: Publisher Federal Employment Agency Legal form: Federal corporation under public law with self-administration represented by the board Regensburger Straße 104 90478 Nuremberg Telephone: 0911/179-0 Fax: 0911/179-2123 E-mail: VAT identification number DE811458858 Legal information / Disclaimer Links to third-party websites are offered to you on this company website purely as a service or as a reference. The providers …

Type: Public

24 5 15 9,319
Diem Association Diem Association

We’re working to build a trusted and innovative financial network that empowers people and businesses around the world.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

31 7 10 4
European Banking Authority (EBA) European Banking Authority (EBA)

We are the EU agency that works to safeguard the integrity, efficiency & orderly functioning of the EU #banking sector. The European Banking Authority (EBA) is an independent EU Authority which works to ensure effective and consistent prudential regulation and supervision across the European banking sector. Its overall objectives are to maintain financial stability in the EU and to safeguard the integrity, efficiency and orderly functioning of the banking sector. The main task of the EBA is to contribute to the creation of the European Single Rulebook in banking whose objective is to provide a single set of harmonised prudential …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

15 3 7 321
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

EU authority responsible for enhancing investor protection, promoting orderly markets & ensuring financial stability. ESMA is an independent EU Authority that was established in 2011. It works closely with the national competent authorities who are members of the European System of Financial Supervision and the other European Supervisory Authorities – the European Banking Authority (EBA) responsible for banking and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) responsible for insurance and occupational pensions. Financial Markets, Regulation, Supervision, Credit Rating Agencies, Post-trading, Secondary Markets, Financial Information, and Investor Protection

Type: Public

25 7 13 506

ISDA fosters safe & efficient derivatives markets to facilitate effective risk management for all users of derivatives Since its founding in 1985, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association has worked to make over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets safe and efficient. ISDA’s pioneering work in developing the ISDA Master Agreement and a wide range of related documentation materials, and in ensuring the enforceability of their netting and collateral provisions, has helped to significantly reduce credit and legal risk. The Association has been a leader in promoting sound risk management practices and processes, and engages constructively with policymakers and legislators around the world …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

26 3 18 255
L'Œuvre d'Orient L'Œuvre d'Orient

[Automatic translation follows] serving Eastern Christians for over 160 years Founded in 1856 by lay people, professors at the Sorbonne, L’Œuvre d’Orient is a French association entirely dedicated to helping Eastern Christians. A work of the Church, it is placed under the protection of the Archbishop of Paris. Thanks to its 70,000 donors, it supports the action of bishops and priests from a dozen Eastern Catholic Churches and more than 400 Christian communities who work with everyone, regardless of religious affiliation. L’Œuvre d’Orient operates in 23 countries in 4 areas of action: ---> Education: the association supports more than 400 …

Type: Media

8 3 4 63

[Automatic translation follows] Representative organization of young people in the field of sport and entertainment Created in 1999, ANESTAPS is today the only organization representing the 150,000 young people in training in the fields of sport and entertainment. As such, she has become the preferred contact for institutional partners such as the Ministry in charge of Higher Education and Research, the Ministry in charge of Sports, social partners and the entire sports movement. In more than 25 years, ANESTAPS has developed its expertise on the issues of different training courses geared towards the sports and entertainment professions. Defending the interests …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 4 14 79

Europavox is a music festival taking place in 7 European countries and an online magazine, written by professional music journalists from all over Europe. It aims to serve European music industry professionals who wish to gain further insight into the European music market(s), European music fans curious to discover amazing new music outside the usual parameters, and European citizens interested in getting closer and more familiar with other European cultures and heritages. intends to foster European musical diversity and create more visibility for artists, providing them and their professional entourage with useful information and new opportunities. It aims to …

Type: Media

12 6 10 35
Maison de l'Europe de Paris Maison de l'Europe de Paris

[Automatic translation follows] The Maison de l'Europe and EUROPE DIRECT in Paris offer Parisians and Ile-de-France residents the opportunity to experience Europe on a daily basis! Non-profit association which aims to promote information on the European Union.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

22 5 15 12
Maison de l'Europe de Rennes et Haute Bretagne - Centre Europe Direct Maison de l'Europe de Rennes et Haute Bretagne - Centre Europe Direct

[Automatic translation follows] Do you want to know more about the European Union and start a discussion about its future? The Maison de l’Europe de Rennes and Haute Bretagne – Center Europe Direct, an association under the 1901 law, is a member of various local, national and European networks. EXPERTISE ON EUROPEAN SUBJECTS IN THE REGION: Holder of the Europe Direct label set up by the European Commission in 2005, the Maison de l'Europe has real expertise on the functioning of the European Union and European policies. HIS MISSIONS : Information and advice are at the heart of its action. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

23 3 15 8
Century 21 France Century 21 France

[Automatic translation follows] Let's talk about you, let's talk well. 960 agencies carry out transactions in residential real estate and/or commercial and business real estate, rental management and co-ownership management. They are distributed as follows: . 557 agencies specialize in rental management and manage 131,000 units . 129 exercise the profession of trustee and manage 121,000 co-ownership lots . 30 agencies specialize in commercial and corporate real estate . 26 Fine Homes & Luxury are dedicated to luxury real estate 7,620 employees (57% women and 43% men) 35 different training courses | 11 ESG Executive Education certification panels* The best-known …

Type: Incubators & VCs

34 8 18 1,249
La Repubblica La Repubblica

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the Linkedin page of the Republic. A place for discussion and sharing on the topics of economics, finance, employment, innovation, technology, start-ups, training in Italy and worldwide. You can follow our pages and get in touch with Repubblica's journalists and with our community of readers. La Repubblica La Repubblica Economy La Repubblica Tecnologia http : //, News in real time, from Italy and the world, 24 hours a day, media, economics, technology, finance, work, innovation, startups, Newspapers

Type: Media

70 30 26 9

i24NEWS is the international TV news channel, part of ALTICE USA, broadcasting 24/7 from the heart of the Middle East, in 3 languages: English, French and Arabic. i24NEWS uses state-of-art technologies reaching its global audience on the web and in all kinds of communication devices, including smartphones, internet, tablets, twitter and facebook. The channel reports on politics, defense, international affairs, economics, sport, technology, art, music, cinematography, fashion, style and much more. Diverse programming genre, such as news shows, analysis of experts, talk shows, magazines, public affairs broadcasting etc. provides an open and updated news reporting. Mission & Values i24NEWS mission …

Type: Media

11 0 11 334
Consulate General of Finland in New York Consulate General of Finland in New York

[Automatic translation follows] Embassy of Finland, Paris #Finlande #TeamFinland Suivez: @NoraKlami, @SetalaPia, @AnuEerika Viljanen, Heli Pasanen-Zentz @ hpz14 @HennaYliheljo

Type: Media

42 4 28 15
Unicancer Unicancer

We are the only French hospital network 100% dedicated to the fight against cancer. UNICANCER groups together the 20 French Comprehensive Cancer Centres (FCCCs) which are private, not-for-profit hospitals located across the French territory. FCCCs are dedicated to fighting cancer through a threefold mission of patient care, research and education. They contribute to the public hospital service in accordance with statutory fees, with no additional charge. UNICANCER is one of the largest cancer care and research organisations in Europe. Via its R&D department, it sponsors clinical trials to improve cancer patients’ care and access to innovation, particularly in areas neglected …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

39 20 17 330
Humanité & Inclusion Canada Humanité & Inclusion Canada

Nous dessinons un avenir meilleur aux plus vulnérables depuis 40 ans ! Founded in 2003, Humanité & Inclusion Canada is a member of the Humanity & Inclusion (HI) Federation composed by eight organizations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA) that work in more than 60 countries. HI is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization that works in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and testifies, to meet their basic needs, to improve their living conditions and to promote respect for their dignity and fundamental …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

9 1 7 11
Info Jeunes Occitanie - CRIJ Info Jeunes Occitanie - CRIJ

[Automatic translation follows] Resources and support for all young people in Toulouse and Montpellier #InfoJeunes #ExplorerLesPossibles The Regional Youth Information Center (CRIJ) Occitanie is an association under the 1901 law, with a public service mission, which works for Youth Information in the Occitanie regional territory. It is currently made up of 2 sites: one in Montpellier and one in Toulouse (head office). Open all year round, the CRIJ is a resource and information center for young people, and a resource center for education, youth and social professionals. It covers the following topics: orientation and reorientation, first access to the world …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech hrtech

19 7 11 40
The Australian The Australian

For the informed Australian. Visit for Australia's premier coverage of national and international news with specialised in-depth sections for business, politics, media, higher education, arts, lifestyle and IT. Follow @australian on Twitter, like us on Facebook or visit our Google+ page at Download our apps or subscribe for access to exclusive content and analysis here:

Type: Media

35 13 5 565
Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung

[Automatic translation follows] The Süddeutsche Zeitung is the largest national quality daily newspaper in Germany. Hundreds of permanent editors and many freelancers write for the SZ. A good 40 correspondents and several dozen authors based on site observe German and international events. They report from major German cities, from the most important centers in Europe and from all continents. The SZ's authors have received numerous national and international journalism awards, such as the Egon Erwin Kisch Prize and the Theodor Wolff Prize. For their research into the Panama Papers, which the SZ conducted together with the International Council of Investigative …

Type: Media

25 10 16 917
GLS Bank GLS Bank

[Automatic translation follows] A bank in the green area - The GLS Bank, founded in 1974, is the first social-ecological universal bank in the world. The basis of our work is a conscious and sensible handling of money: We combine the aspects of an investment such as returns, availability and security with sensible and sustainable investments. We only invest in companies and projects that are forward-looking from an ecological, social and economic point of view - be it in the area of ​​renewable energies, organic agriculture, in kindergartens, schools, in the organic sector or in living and working communities for …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech fintech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

22 5 3 328
identifire identifire

We get to the heart of your brand, because clarity drives people. We are 6 partners who are passionate about what we do. As Austria’s no.1 agency for employer branding & corporate culture we have been working as equals – both internally and externally – since 2004. Our autonomy and agile ways of working in optimised team configurations depending on the task at hand make us into what we are: senior consultants who use plain language rather than sugarcoating the situation. Employer Branding, Corporate Culture, Branding, Wording, Strategie, EVP, Führungskräfte Entwicklung, Mitarbeiterevents, Innovation, Change, Internal Branding, Interne Kommunikation, EB Kampagne, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

7 0 5 8

Solutions for Nature | Innovative technologies for climate neutrality Founded in 1993 in Gyé-sur-Seine (Aube, Grand Est, France), the SOLER Group is one of the leaders in renewable carbon production, offering a unique and innovative technological solution to achieve global climate neutrality. The SOLER Group is a French family-owned company based on a positive energy and environmentally friendly circular economic model. It develops and operates biorefineries with a proprietary and patented technology that transforms wood – derived from the sustainable management of forests located close to its production sites – into biocarbon and biochar. The SOLER Group supports the integration …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

23 2 22 56