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WAI Paris Accelerator WAI Paris Accelerator

The accelerator for all innovative companies The WAI Paris Accelerator by BNP Paribas is the accelerator for all innovative companies. In a building in the heart of the Sentier, our team supports the strategy, business and structuring of B to B start-ups, in full commercial growth, with a lot of benevolence and without taking an equity stake. Thanks to our unique network of clients, as well as partners and experts, the WAI Paris Accelerator connects entrepreneurs to foster innovation and advance their business. With a wealth of experience, our team also advises companies wishing to create their own intrapreneurship program …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

22 1 23 9
La Fondation Droit Animal, Ethique et Sciences (LFDA) La Fondation Droit Animal, Ethique et Sciences (LFDA)

The LFDA aims to improve the condition of animals thanks to the progress of science and law. The LFDA is a center for studies, reflections and multidisciplinary scientific and philosophical information and legal proposals aimed, for a fair balance, to soften the relationships between the human species and the other animal species. In all its approaches, the animal, ethics and science law foundation (LFDA) is based on science, life sciences, as human, historical, social or economic sciences, to motivate and arouse reflection and establish a modern animal law . As early as 1978, the Universal Declaration of Animal's Rights, Corédigated …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

17 2 16 12
Mme & M. Recyclage ♻️ Mme & M. Recyclage ♻️

Design office at the environmental service Design office in engineering specializing in environmental issues and recycling born in 407 CO2 PPM. After 5 years of expertise on plastics and recycling for a company that makes architecture and design based on recycled materials, we invite you to benefit from our expertise in the fields of recycling, plastics, Bioplastics, ecotoxicity, construction of recycling machine and the establishment of economical model for recycling. We offer: - To support you on the strategic guidelines of R & AMP; D and communication. - Construction and improvement of recycling machines in university supervision or design office …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

28 2 26 7
Handi'Chiens Handi'Chiens

The complicity that unites the human being and the dog at the service of a more inclusive and accessible world! Created in 1989, recognized as a public utility in 2012, Handi’chiens's mission is to educate assistance dogs for supporting children and adults with disabilities and/or vulnerability. The association educates and gives 7 assistance dog profiles for free: - The assistance dog for people with motor or mental disabilities. - The so -called "awakening" assistance dog, intended for children suffering from autistic spectrum disorders, trisomy, or polyhandicapped. - The "social support" dog given to referents working in medico-social establishments - The …

Type: SMB Activities: pettech edtech healthtech

39 15 24 37

Make Paris, the capital of more responsible fashion by 2024. The Paris Good Fashion movement brings together industry Paris Good Fashion aims to make Paris the capital of more responsible fashion by 2024, the year of the Olympic Games. It is an association under the 1901 law which federates professional actors (more than fifty companies, designers, NGOs, institutions). On a daily basis, we work to improve and transform the practices of fashion companies whose activities are strongly linked to Paris. We can, we must be exemplary and act as role models. How can we do this? We have developed evaluation …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 5 34 11
Enercitif Enercitif

A citizen collective that mobilizes the inhabitants in the energy transition and installs solar panels Enercitive aims to develop citizen energy, with a local anchoring in Paris and in Ile de France. It is an association that allows citizens to reclaim their energy and mobilize in the energy transition. Created in 2016, it brings together a hundred members and around thirty active volunteers of all ages and all horizons. It is also a non -profit cooperative company, founded at the end of 2018 and which has several hundred people. Funded and managed by residents, it installs and operates solar power …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

29 5 26 4

Driving change for better cities For more than ten years, the URBACT programme has been the European Territorial Cooperation programme aiming to foster sustainable integrated urban development in cities across Europe. It is an instrument of the Cohesion Policy, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the 28 Member States, Norway & Switzerland. URBACT’s mission is to enable cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to common urban challenges, by networking, learning from one another’s experiences, drawing lessons and identifying good practices to improve urban policies.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

30 9 16 157
Libération Libération

Another look at the news Liberation is synonymous with commitment. No opportunistic commitment and in tune with the times, no, an original commitment. Because it was the commitment that Libé was born in 1973. Almost 50 years later, Jean-Paul Sartre is no longer there, but the editorial staff continues to make choices. It alerts, it denounces, it offers its readers a height of view which allows them to see beyond appearances. Liberation knows how to laugh, Liberation knows how to transmit emotions, Liberation knows above all to surprise thanks to its audacity. Every day, the newspaper's cuff is a new …

Type: Media

201 138 82 534
Agency of artists in exile Agency of artists in exile

The agency for artists in exile (aa-e) works to identify artists in exile from all origins The agency for artists in exile (aa-e, agency for artists in exile) works to identify artists in exile from all origins and disciplines, accompanies them according to their situations and their needs, provides them with workspaces and puts them in contact with professionals, in order to give them the means to practise their disciplines and to restructure themselves. The agency for artists in exile is also developing its own multidisciplinary festival, Visions d’exil (Visions of Exile), in cooperation with partner venues. Follow us!

Type: Media

9 2 3 33
Agence The Desk Agence The Desk

Influence communication Created in 2007, the agency The Desk is a specialized influence communication agency on all subjects linked to the general interest, to the impact on society. Our promises: - A reliable strategic approach developed by senior, experienced and most often specialist consultants in your activity sectors. - content to capture the attention of media to emerge in the media hubbub. - A activation of all communication levers according to the subject and objectives: press relations and influencers, RS, media partnership, events, sponsorship ... The Desk is also: & gt; The fruit of a long and solid friendship & …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting martech

30 1 25 16
42 born2code 42 born2code

By its unique pedagogy, its accessibility to everyone and its complete free for all students, 42 is the most powerful answer ever brought to the development of computer professions. 42 Develops an self-managed education system: Peer-to-Peer Learning. This participatory training allows students to release all their creativity through project learning. 42 wants to train the best talents of their generation in the field of computer science and in large numbers. The selection of students is neither made by money nor the diploma but only by talent and motivation. 42 does not apply any of the classic and social academic criteria …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

79 34 33 74
PlanetHoster PlanetHoster

Hébergez Votre Monde – Solutions d'Hébergement Web / cyberdéfense | Host your world - Hosting solutions / Cyberdefense Depuis plus de 15 ans, PlanetHoster accompagne particuliers, PME et grandes entreprises avec des solutions d’hébergement web et cloud sécurisées et performantes. Présente en Europe et en Amérique, notre infrastructure allie innovation, fiabilité et éco-responsabilité, garantissant une présence en ligne robuste et optimisée, soutenue par un support technique 24/7. For over 15 years, PlanetHoster has been supporting individuals, SMEs, and large enterprises with secure and high-performance web hosting and cloud solutions. With infrastructure in Europe and North America, we combine innovation, reliability, …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

18 0 17 38
Le Jouet Simple. Le Jouet Simple.

Awaken to the world & amp; Ensure the world. The simple toy is a French manufacturer of recycled plastic toys. French brand created in 2021, we rethink the manufacture and use of the most basic toys thanks to the circular economy. Eco-designed in France, 100% recycled and 100% recyclable plastic The toys are designed to never stop playing. When they are no longer used, they can be returned so that in new toys they are recycled. Awakening toys, water, bath and outdoor toys for children between 0 and 4 years old. To find out more: Toys, circular economy, made …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing Technologies: New Materials

22 6 19 6

Creative Sound Design, Music Production, Voice Recordings & Multilingual Localisation for your project! Founded in 2008 by Vincent Percevault, G4F PROD is today one of the leading game audio teams in Europe. Providing Audio consulting, Audio programming, Sound design and SFX production, Music production & licensing, Multilingual Localization, Translation & Adaptation, Audio integration and mix (Fmod, Wwise, Unreal, Haxe, Unity, etc...), QA, Testing, Trailers production, Teasers, and more! > Peace of mind : a one-stop-shop for your audio needs > Quality : our expertise guarantees the success of your project > Flexibility : tailor-made solutions adapt to your needs > …

Type: Startup Activities: entertainment Technologies: VR

10 0 7 25
WatchDo WatchDo

The First Help to Earn Watchdo © ️ is an interactive video application that allows individuals to find help with each other thanks to videoconference but also professionals (construction artisans, companies ensuring maintenance, or signs) to relieve the after -de -tank and facilitate the relationship with Their customers to avoid unnecessary trips. PRINCIPLE - Watchdo Pro allows customers to access your after-sales or assistance service precisely, targeted and optimized according to your specificities. - You save time and reduce your costs while your customers gain in satisfaction by avoiding unnecessary time loss of travel and waiting. - They thus reduce …

Type: Startup Activities: it services

18 3 3 2
12.5 – Coworking logistique & parking pour néo-mobilité 12.5 – Coworking logistique & parking pour néo-mobilité

📐 12.5: surface in m2 of a car place to recycle for new mobility 🌱 At twelve point five, we transform unused real estate into a sustainable mobility engine, for businesses and individuals! ♻️ For companies, we provide business premises in our car parks and warehouses: 🚀 Boost the efficiency of your logistics operations by optimizing your last kilometer of delivery. 🌱 Contribute to the decarbonation of your services using mild delivery methods. 🔒 Ensure the safety of your vehicles and goods in our modern and monitored hubs. 🔗 Visit to find out more and become our strategic partner. …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Cybersecurity

28 4 29 21

Digital Village, le premier lieu dédié au digital Digital Village is a co-working space in Roissy en Brie and Paris. It's a place created around digital jobs and companies addressed to freelances, small companies who are willing to share experience and develop strong synergies in their domain. Digital Village has 2 spaces: - Roissy-en-Brie: 650 square meters of closed desks, openspaces, meeting rooms - Paris: 100 square meters of openspace and a meeting room Coworking, Incubateur, Agency, and Webagency

Type: Startup Activities: it services

25 6 11 35
muto event muto event

In Muto, we fight against single -use events by giving a second life to materials by re -use ♻️ Each year, thousands of tonnes of wood, plastics, carpets and events are consumed and thrown in bulk after only a few hours of use ... considered as waste, these materials generally end up buried or cremated. However, their reuse potential is enormous! At Muto, we fight against single -use events by taking up 100% of production materials from events (furniture, wood, carpet, textiles, tarpaulins, adhesives, plastics, various signage elements, etc.)) Mission Reuse, events, ESS, Circular economy, collection, recycling, eco-design, decoration, scenography, …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

72 7 79 15
Caravel Caravel

The digital assistant of your tourist welcome Caravel, digital solutions to revolutionize tourist reception. We support tourism professionals with innovative tools - Caravel Learner, Caravel Welcomer and Caravel Discover - designed to train, inform and guide thanks to contextualized data. Our mission? Strengthen customer relations, personalize the tourism experience and make our territories shine. With projects such as the deployment of Caravel Learner for the JOP Paris 2024 and our SERIOUS GAME certified Qualiopi, we help to professionalize reception and enhance local wealth. Let's improve the tourist reception experience together! Hotel, hotel, digital, training, tourism, e-learning, accommodation, digital concierge, application, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

13 3 11 2

We developed a disruptive bike insurance and the first shared lock to unlock bike usage, whilst gathering unique data Secured and available parking is a massive hurdle to the development of active mobility, in particular bicycles. We conducted a large scale customer study confirming strong interest and validating significant expected impact on usage. Sharelock's mission is thus to massively unlock bicycle usage, solving the secured parking challenge, at scale. We develop, deploy and operate the first shared lock solution in the world in partnership with city authorities and mobility operators to massively enable active mobility. Based on mobility expertise and …

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech Technologies: Data Analytics

31 9 25 19
Innovative & Smart Buildings Innovative & Smart Buildings

Building together more sober is our daily challenge! Innovative & amp; Smart Buildings advises, supports, designs and carries out the work of its partners from the birth of a project to the exploitation of the buildings carried out. Innovative & amp; Smart Buildings has four professions, branches of a single common core: support for the energy transition! - Electricity work in supporting the least carbon possible projects. - Smart/home automation/GTB installation work to promote consumption reduction and energy sobriety. - The installation and maintenance of the IRVE terminals to support the electrification of vehicles and the decarbonation of mobility. - …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech proptech Technologies: IoT

30 2 23 27
adapta_ adapta_

Unname the treasures in dormant stocks of luxury suppliers ... We are innovating in the supply of premium leathers by recovering stocks of whole skin of leathers, immobilized and not used by luxury houses, to offer them at reasonable prices to creators. Sourcing, Leather, Ecoconption, Reuse, Leather, Mode, Luxury, Decoration, Supply, Solution, Dormant Stock, and Anti waste

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech luxury

22 3 20 5

Do you want to brake free?! 🦽 Dreeft, the 1st Pair of Wheels for Manual Wheelchairs Which Includes A Braking System 👨🏻‍🦽 braking in a wheelchair today amounts to using his hands like brake pads: burns, important efforts to make in the arms and accessibility problems. With Dreeft, 1st wheelchair braking system, it's over! Dreeft is a pair of wheels adaptable to any manual wheelchair. A simple action towards the back of the handrail causes progressive braking in the center of the wheel. 🔥 100 % of burns on the hands deleted 💪 5x less effort for identical braking 🐓 …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech manufacturing

38 9 37 12
Jobs that makesense Jobs that makesense

The platform that helps you find your job with a positive impact. Jobs_that_makessense is the platform that helps you find a positive impact job. With more than 30,000 job offers, 7,000 referenced recruiters, 100 positive impact training offers, and inspiring items, you will have all the cards in hand to put your career at the service of ecological and social transitions! Jobs_that_makessens is an initiative of the MakeSense association.

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech Technologies: SaaS

38 14 30 43
YOUrban YOUrban

Local Intelligence accessible & amp; Valuable ☀️🐦‍⬛ Thousands of people are looking for brands, products and places every day. This research is weak signals that our analysis to understand local demand in real time. Our software declines them in concrete actions. Some use cases: 🔹 A sports brand detects an increasing demand for pickleball, adapts its supply & amp; deploys a marketing strategy (+10,000 sales/month). 🔹 A catering franchise spots a peak of research for "Poké Bowl" in a city without adapted offer, and opens a strategic point of sale (success of the opening: an interminable tail). 🔹 A broker …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

37 2 29 7
TESC Innovation TESC Innovation

Transfert d'Energie Sans Contact - Le pouvoir de l'innovation au service de la mobilité électrique 🛴 🚲 🚗 🛺 🛥 Leveraging patented double magnetic resonance technology, our intelligent solutions enable contactless charging for all AGVs, AMRs, LGVs, e-bikes, and e-scooters. How does it work? Similar to recharging your smartphone on a wireless pad—just place your equipment nearby and let the magic happen. With TESC technology, there's no need for direct contact or cables! Simply position your electric vehicle close to the device for autonomous charging. Flexible and safe, TESC technology extends battery life, making urban mobility more sustainable and accessible. …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech transporttech Technologies: Batteries

19 7 15 6
Roofscapes Roofscapes

🌱 Adapting existing roofs to climate change 🇺🇸 Born at MIT 🇫🇷 Based in Paris 🇪🇺 New European Bauhaus Prize 2023 Launched at MIT and based in Paris, Roofscapes works on the adaptation of pitched roofs to climate change and evolving needs in existing buildings. Using timber platforms, Roofscapes shades, greens and makes accessible roofs that were previously untapped. Roofscapes thus contributes to reducing the thermal discomfort in upper floors caused by urban heat islands, to increasing biodiversity anchors and rainwater retention, and to offering new outdoor spaces in cities. Roofscapes' activities are organized into three main areas: research, awareness …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city Technologies: Decarbonization

27 4 25 5
Colivys Colivys

Une offre logement flexible, prête à vivre et adaptée à vos besoins ! Established in major French cities, the Colivys company offers an accommodation solution for students as well as for mobile executives, by organizing co-living in fully furnished and equipped apartments. The Colivys promise: to deliver a turnkey room to our clients. We want them to feel at home as soon as they arrive. Everything included: wifi, water, electricity, home insurance, bed linen, household appliances. Colivys takes care of everything. The company's activity is based on 5 values: - Excellence - Trust - Respect for others - Ease of …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: Wireless

9 0 9 22
Codesign-it Codesign-it

Un collectif de codesigners et de facilitateurs indépendants Codesign-it! is a multi-disciplinary platform based in France. Gathering high-skilled professionals in various domains of collaborative design and facilitation, it fosters innovation in complex organisations and systems. Codesign-it! endorses and enables leading projects in business and education, through partnerships and an extended network of contributors. Codesign, Collaboration, Innovation, Management, Transformation, Visual Facilitation, Facilitation, Collaborative Workspaces, Complexity, Stragegy, Group Genius, Innovation lab, Training, Communities, Coaching, Networks, Workshop, Design, Design Thinking, and Prototypage

Type: Startup Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

17 5 9 46

Look for where to find the ideal place for your event, it's here! 🥳 Our mission: to make your business events unforgettable. ⏳ Finding the perfect place for an event takes a long time. 🔨 We have created Native Spaces, so that this complicated step takes place in a few clicks. 🤔 Why? Because you deserve to celebrate the important moments together in an incredible setting! Hospitality, promotion, exhibitions, conferences, games, and training

Type: Startup Activities: traveltech

24 3 18 15
Agence Agence

Responsible audacity. Since 2007, Win-Win imagines, has designed and has produced daring, unforgettable and lasting brand experiences for its customers from all sectors. With its 40 collaborators, independent and proud of the being, the agency is present in Paris, with its "Hôtel Office" of 1200m2 - including 600m2 of studios and filming trays. Of brand strategies, to the creation of identities, including the design of physical, digital or full hybrid events, re-enchanting of places or the creation of immersive formats, Win-Win designs committed, creative formats and creators of values. Since 2018, the agency has multiplied its CSR commitments by investing …

Type: Startup Activities: martech Technologies: VR

23 2 23 73
EGA - Erik Giudice Architects EGA - Erik Giudice Architects

Sustainable architecture and urban planning EGA_Erik Giudice Architects is a multidisciplinary office based in Paris and Stockholm. Erik Giudice and his team have built up international recognition through winning competition entries and built projects in a wide range of scales and programs: from cultural centers, sport facilities to large urban projects. EGA has the capacity to undertake complex and large projects and works with a network of highly qualified specialists in all related fields. Regardless of scale or location the office always fuels all its energy into the project, combining passion, pragmatism and commitment. EGA, agence d’architecture basée à Paris …

Type: Startup Activities: smart city constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

19 2 11 23
Bluebus Bluebus

French manufacturer of 100% electric buses available in 6-meter and 12-meter versions Bluebus, a Bolloré Group company, was founded in 2007 in Ergué-Gabéric (Brittany). Bluebus is a French manufacturer of 100% electric buses available in 6-meter and 12-meter versions, clean and silent public transport solutions for urban and suburban areas. The electric buses are manufactured in Bluebus factories certified ISO 9001, ISO14001, and received the Guaranteed French Origin Label. The Bluebus range, including a 12-meter and a 6-meter, has been developed to meet the environmental challenges of cities while combining high technology, design and performance. The know-how and skills of …

Type: Startup Activities: manufacturing transporttech Technologies: Batteries

22 5 20 94
Beager Beager

Let's turn passion into success Beager connects talents to projects through cutting-edge tools and bespoke solutions, based on the values of one another. freelance, recrutement, and futureofwork

Type: Startup Activities: hrtech

10 1 9 22
Beeldi Beeldi

Master your technical heritage thanks to your building data BEELDI allows managers of real estate and operating assets to recover and make building data reliable; To consolidate an exhaustive and updated vision of the state of their real estate stock and to simplify the monitoring of their regulatory and environmental compliance. Concretely, Beeldi supports managers (FM, PM and ownership) of real estate parks in the centralization of their equipment data, connects to the tools of their various providers and fluidifies all the linked processes, whether it is Monitoring of regulatory compliance, the creation of multi -year investment plans or the …

Type: Startup Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: SaaS A.I.

32 8 28 38
Kelbongoo Kelbongoo

Circuit short and solidarity economy: farm products, live from local producers, at affordable prices Kelbongoo is a company of the Social and Solidarity Economy which allows local producers to sell their products to urban customers via our online sales site and our distribution network, with the aim of opening the local products market, Fresh and healthy to the widest population, by affordable prices. 25,000 registered in Ile-de-France, 3 shops in Paris and 2 withdrawal points in Montreuil Distribution of farm products in Circuit-Court, local seasonal products, social and solidarity economy, sale, and food

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech

22 6 14 18
Ground Control Ground Control

Free & amp; curious Ground Control is a multidisciplinary and independent place of life which offers several experiences, several universes, embraces different themes with a singular and unprecedented approach, ensuring it a special place in the Parisian landscape. It promotes citizen, ecological and united initiatives as part of a constantly renewed program. Ephemeral places, bar, restaurant, place of life, concept store, temporary occupation, and transitional town planning

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech

44 35 6 40
Gribouilli Gribouilli

Un nouveau souffle pour la garde d'enfant. Conciliation des temps de vie | Parentalité | Egalité des genres (RH-RSE) Gribouilli makes tools for parents and nannies to bring pedagogy and co-education at home at everyone's reach. Our star solution focuses on the child development by suggesting the activities they need the more while respecting their tempo, and taking into account all the constraints of the environment of the nanny. Edtech, Pédagogies, Education, Petite enfance, Développement, Sciences éducatives, Sciences cognitives, and Professionnalisation

Type: Startup Activities: edtech kidtech

29 3 27 13
Demet'Air Demet'Air

The expert in vegetation of walls and roofs Demet’Air, what is it? It is a French start-up born from the meeting between unique personalities with the same vision: to act for the resilience of each and the protection of our environment. The integration of plants into roofs and walls has become a necessity, plants is indeed a very good insulation but its installation comes up against technical and economic complexities as well as variable efficiency. Our action focused on the development of technologies allowing simple integration by building players, while optimizing construction and maintenance costs. Our solution? ➡ Our VGHOLZ …

Type: Startup Activities: greentech cleantech Technologies: Decarbonization

32 5 26 3
HexaDone HexaDone

Value your territorial data, manage your public policies. Hexadone is the French solution dedicated to local authorities to accelerate their digital and ecological transformation thanks to data. Supported by the Banque des Territoires and Orange, Hexadone is a software publisher that offers an evolutionary and secure platform to simplify the management of territorial data. We provide observability, artificial intelligence and decision -making tools, allowing each community to control the present and anticipate the future. Hexadone is your partner for autonomous, sovereign and optimized management of public data.

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics A.I.

33 0 11 19
Murmuration Murmuration

Services dedicated to tourism stakeholders to quantify the human impact on the environment. #sustainability #tourism Murmuration aims to prioritize the environmental dimension in every decision by utilizing satellite Earth Observation data on a global scale. This data is merged with other sources such as statistical data, in-situ measurements, and geolocated databases to offer precise and transparent information on the environmental state and tourism pressure at any location on the planet. With a catalogue of approximately 20 environmental indicators covering 5 crucial environmental themes (air, water, biodiversity, soil, and climate), Murmuration creates environmental monitoring dashboards for decision makers and local authorities …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Data Analytics

54 14 30 21
Smart/Origin Smart/Origin

Editor of cartographic solutions to simplify the management, visualization and dissemination of your data Software engineering expert, our team Imagine finely thought -out interfaces for your users, designs tailor -made solutions that meet your innovative challenges and uses, and develops web and mobile applications making lighting data and useful technology. ESRI partner since our beginnings in 2013, we support organizations and territories in the development, configuration and integration of cartographic applications Innovative uses using solutions and development tools for the ArcGIS platform. GIS, web, design, software, map data visualization, and business intelligence

Type: Startup Activities: it services smart city Technologies: Data Analytics

16 0 16 12
NovAccess NovAccess

Your H24 smartphone in hand ... How do you open the doors (hall, car park, pedestrian street terminal, changing room..)? In an era where there is an app for every moment of our lives, how do you open doors (halls, car parks, elevators, changing rooms, pedestrian street terminals, etc.)? NovAccess is a free application with which you open all doors, of all types of buildings (residential, tertiary, industrial, collective equipment, co-leaving, co-working, ...). A SaaS interface allows managers to issue / delete accesses, remotely, instantly, dematerialized ... no more copyable badges / remote controls. The interface allows an unlimited number …

Type: Startup Activities: it services Technologies: Wireless

11 2 11 2
LISIO Web Engagé 🌍 LISIO Web Engagé 🌍

Let's build a web for ALL and more substainable ! 💻🌍💛 Welcome to LISIO! Convinced that digital technology is a strategic lever for promoting social inclusion while limiting the web's environmental impact, we develop digital inclusion and sobriety solutions and services to make your digital spaces more inclusive for all and sober: - DIGITAL INCLUSION AND SOBRIETY: Tailor-made displays in real time and without redesign, based on the specific situation of each visitor: disabilities, senior difficulties, digital inexperience, foreign language, low-speed zone, etc. via the LISIO-WebEngagé SaaS solution; - DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITY: Audit and compliance with RGAA legal obligations via our …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech silvertech Technologies: Decarbonization

61 14 57 10

The elevation to create new housing units without artificializing and finance the overall renovation of buildings Created in 2017, Upfactor is a company specializing in elevation. We largely detect the potential for real estate optimization and air land in particular. We thus develop unexploited territories to facilitate the creation of new square meters without artificializing the soil. This is made possible thanks to our technology, Upfactor Geoservices, innovative software to detect the potential for raising a given address. Once the potential has been analyzed, regulatory studies are carried out to validate the feasibility of the project and the estimate of …

Type: Startup Activities: proptech Technologies: Decarbonization

42 7 28 14
Intent Technologies Intent Technologies

The leading platform for building and city building services. For the actors of the building and the city who want to develop the use value and the attractiveness of their assets and equipment, as close as possible to the expectations of their users. Intent Technologies is the only company in its field to successfully deploy a cloud platform capable of interacting and managing most of the services, thanks to a largely supplied and diverse connected service catalog. ✔ 3.2 million French people impacted every day ✔ 300 Available supplier applications ✔ 40 communities and social landlords connected Software editor, Big …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: constructiontech proptech smart city it services Technologies: IoT A.I. SaaS Data Analytics

56 14 36 42
ConsultantSeas ConsultantSeas

The consultancy specialized in strategies to reduce ocean plastics ConsultantSeas is a consulting firm specialized in marine plastic pollution reduction strategies. It supports companies in the plastics value chain in the development, implementation and evaluation of their CSR strategy to reduce their plastic impact. The firm is also recognized for its expertise in the coordination of multi-stakeholder projects on the plastic topic. Finally, ConsultantSeas acts as a technical expert on plastics issues for missions both at the strategic level and in the field. We are convinced that a desirable future requires the preservation of the ocean and biodiversity. ConsultantSeas' mission …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech

19 4 0 6
Nexxio Nexxio | Maintenance work: the same follow -up, traceability, efficiency as your packages! 👀🔗 Nexxio is the unique and simple tool to pilot maintenance work, and instantly disseminate information. It is a collaborative platform for exchanging information between the real estate parking managers, their occupants, and companies carrying out repair and breakdown assistance: the doctolib of repair work! Nexxio allows companies to easily organize their work and inform their customers, save time and serenity to all players. Nexxio is a SaaS tool that accelerates the digitalization of the sector and promotes the interoperability of digital tools. Nexxio was born from …

Type: Startup Activities: constructiontech it services Technologies: SaaS

12 1 6 4
Handieasy Handieasy

Handieasy created in 2018 by Jason Chemama, 23 -year -old self -taught, due to a medical error, he has had a cerebral motor infirmity since his birth. It is said that the error is human, but what to say when it could have condemned you to have to stay for life in a care center and without professional future? So he prepared his escape! It is by drawing from his only will and his internal resources. Since human error has been much easier to live! Unable to communicate by the word audiblely and not being able to use his hands …

Type: Startup Activities: retail Technologies: IoT

8 2 8 3
MSInsight MSInsight

Unlocking the Power of Genomics: Advancing Cancer Care and Precision Medicine MSInsight, a French health-tech company, empowers the fight against cancer by revealing actionable information from the genome. We are committed to developing a portfolio of state-of-the-art diagnostic solutions for Microsatellite Instability (MSI) status. MSI has been shown to be an indicator of treatment response, especially for immune checkpoint inhibitors, and as an important pan-cancer biomarker. We aim to propose bioinformatic tools for delivering insights on microsatellite mutational variations using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data. Our flagship product, MSIcare, will be available as a robust diagnostic, prognostic, and theranostic assistant for …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

37 6 36 7
Le Pavé® Le Pavé®

Invent the materials of tomorrow The pavement manufactures healthy, local, recycled and durable materials 💙♻️ More than 2,000 projects carried out and nearly 1000 tonnes of recycled plastic! 90% of plastic waste produced worldwide end up buried or cremated. At the pavement, we decided to act by valuing this waste in the building sector, in a sustainable way. Because we are convinced that it is possible to build the world of tomorrow while depolluting that of today. Thanks to a patented industrial process, the pavement manufactures durable materials, in the form of panels. Our first material, Softsurfacetm, is made up …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech smart city Technologies: New Materials

28 11 0 48

Kisaco Maker puts eco -design within the reach of all organizations! Discover Kisaco Maker, the first eco -design platform accessible to all, reducing both the costs and the development times of your cosmetic and agrifood products! 🌱💼 ... 🔍 What is Kisaco Maker? Kisaco Maker is your online solution to ecologically design your products and their packaging, analyze their environmental impact in a few clicks, and above all, reduce your development times and costs. ✅ What we offer: - an ergonomic and intuitive platform - Robust and in accordance with international and European standards - recommendations to improve your products …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech Technologies: Data Analytics

31 1 31 4
Aimsun Aimsun

Digital mobility solutions Aimsun is an international leader in digital mobility solutions for transport authorities, highway agencies, public transit operators and consultancies. Aimsun’s simulation and predictive data analytics help clients to understand transport network performance, to predict how it will evolve, and to support decision making for planning and operations. #mobility #datascience #AI #simulation Large-scale traffic models, Transportation planning, Autonomous vehicles, traffic planning, transport, data analysis, Aimsun, mobility , multimodal, pedestrian, bikes, driverless vehicles, electric vehicles, demand responsive transport, simulation, digital twins, emissions, transit, AI, Simulation, Prediction, Analytics as a Service, Data analytics, Bus, public transport, planning and operations, traffic …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech smart city Technologies: Decarbonization A.I. Data Analytics A.I. - Machine Learning

19 2 15 123
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is running for Congress to create an America that works for all of us, not just a wealthy few. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a third-generation Bronxite, educator, and organizer serving the 14th district of New York in the Bronx and Queens. Ocasio-Cortez grew up experiencing the reality of New York’s rising income inequality, inspiring her to organize her community and run for office on a progressive platform with a campaign that rejects corporate PAC funds. Since her swearing-in to Congress in January of 2019, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has remained committed to serving working class people over corporate interests and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

47 26 5 24
Chatillon Architectes Chatillon Architectes

Architecture agency founded in 1986 by François Chatillon Chatillon architects was founded in 1986 by François Chatillon and now represents a multidisciplinary team of 35 employees spread over two sites, one in Ferney-Voltaire, in the Geneva region, and the other in Paris. Our experience, our skills and our means allow us to carry out projects on all types of programs, in France and abroad, in the fields of new construction, renovation, restoration and architecture of interior. The quality of our achievements is recognized by national and international prices including the price of the gold gesture for the restructuring of the …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech smart city

7 0 6 40
Le Fooding Le Fooding

The taste of the time "The fooding is in cooking what the new wave was in the cinema" Adam Gookick, The New Yorker 2010. After that, what more can I say? That for more than twenty years, the fooding has been carrying and transporting the taste of the time, by supporting free, lively and authentic initiatives, and by acoquinating cooking with artistic forms such as illustration, video, graphics or music. Food, and feeling! An independent guide and media and prescriber Constantly on the lookout for the best gender tables, style rooms, author bars, character shops and thirst cellars, the Fooding …

Type: Media

8 1 7 72
Centaurus Hospitality Management Centaurus Hospitality Management

Offrir à ses hôtes une odyssée de nouvelles expériences, toutes uniques mais avec le même esprit de famille. Centaurus Hospitality Management (anciennement Paris Inn Group) est la société de gestion hôtelière du groupe indépendant français Centaurus, dont l’ambition est de devenir une référence en Europe et dans le Monde. Déjà présent en France (Paris et sa région, Belle-Île-en-Mer, Nîmes, Perpignan) et en Europe (Porto) grâce à ses hôtels, bars, restaurants, spas et thalassothérapie, Centaurus se développe destinations après destinations pour offrir à ses hôtes une odyssée de nouvelles expériences, toutes uniques mais avec le même esprit de famille. Plus d’informations …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

10 2 6 11
AToP - Association pour un Tourisme Professionnel AToP - Association pour un Tourisme Professionnel

Welcome Inn France! ATOP - Association for professional tourism - is the representative association of tourism professionals in France. Today we bring together around 30,000 establishments, hoteliers, suppliers, restaurateurs, traders, real estate professionals, in order to provide reflection and expertise to develop tourism of tomorrow. Our action aims to be proactive and progressive: we are not a union but an association which points as much the faults of the current legal framework as the weaknesses of our own professions. The ATOP is part of the government line in terms of tourism, that of welcoming 110 million tourists in 2020. For …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

20 1 18 5

NEYRET is a French manufacturer servicing brands worldwide with luxury textile ribbons, labels and accessories NEYRET is a French manufacturer servicing brands worldwide with luxury textile ribbons, labels and accessories. Driven since 1823 by passion and excellence, it constantly bolsters its advanced industrial expertise with the latest innovations. The luxury, fashion and events markets can avail of its creative and technical solutions in the packaging, labelling, promotional and embellishment fields.

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech manufacturing luxury

31 9 29 107
Fondation PiLeJe Fondation PiLeJe

Promote sustainable health After 10 years as a business foundation, the Pileje Foundation has been sheltered since April 2015, sheltered by the Fondation de France. Such an attachment allows it to benefit from the same conditions as a foundation of public utility: - It thus expands its financial means to various public and private donors (individuals, companies, associations and other foundations), - It retains the name of Pileje as long as its funding is at least 51% from the company, - It also confirms its relations with the public health service (regional health agencies, CPAM, hospitals ...). Since its creation, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 2 0 10
CEPROC - Centre d'Excellence des Professions Culinaires CEPROC - Centre d'Excellence des Professions Culinaires

Gastronomy at good school Renowned school in the heart of Paris, the Center for Excellence of Culinary Professions (CEPROC) has been trained since 1969 in the jobs of Apprentis in work -study, adults in professional retraining, improvement professionals, international trainees. Great chefs, best workers in France (MOF) and culinary arts experts, from its ranks, are happy with prestigious houses in France and in the four corners of the world. Charcuterie-tractor, bakery, butcher, pastry, kitchen, caterer, and pizza

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech edtech

10 3 10 54
Le Refettorio Paris Le Refettorio Paris

The Paris REFETTORIO is a gourmet restaurant✨, solidarity🤲 & amp; 💯% antigaspi♻️ located in the Madeleine crypt The Paris REFETTORIO opened in March 2018. Located in the Madeleine crypt, in the heart of Paris, the Paris REFETTORIO is a cultural and artistic project that takes the form of a solidarity restaurant where gastronomy is a vector of social ties. It is a place of exchange, integration and hospitality which aims to fight against social exclusion and food waste. "Nourish body and mind" Concretely, every evening of the week, our team graciously offers our 80 guests in a situation of precariousness …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

8 4 5 17
Sefri-Cime Sefri-Cime

Created in 1953, Sefri-Cime is a historic player in residential real estate in France. Since its inception, the company has focused on creating remarkable places of life, revealing the best potential of the sites in which they are registered. Promoter, developer, and real estate

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

18 6 10 58
1Health 1Health

1health (media, training, edition, events, digital) resolutely turned towards the prospect of a single health. 1health (media, training, edition, events, digital) resolutely turned towards the prospect of a single health. Because the ecosystem of our societies must be conceived taking into account the interdependence of humans, animals and the environment. In human health, seven titles dedicated to pharmacists, the officinal team, nurses, dental surgeons and patients. In animal health, ten titles for veterinarians, breeders, and all actors in the pet universe including animal owners. Multicanal press: Three titles intended for pharmacists and pharmacy preparers: • The pharmacies instructor • Pharmacist …

Type: SMB Activities: pettech healthtech Technologies: Data Analytics

22 0 15 83
Astrée Astrée

Struggle to restore social ties and break solitude at all ages of life. Loneliness affects 21 % of the French population, and 1 in 3 French people is likely to suffer in their lifetime. Loneliness is not seen, it is experienced without distinction of age or social condition. Since 1987, Astrée, a recognized association of public utility, fights against isolation in France. We help people in a situation of social fragility and distress to find a balance and to reconnect with quality links with society. With a team more than 600 volunteers formed and supervised, we operate in 20 cities …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

27 2 22 71

Listening to the concern in the field, the Adrhess intends to promote a more modern HRM. The Adrhess has now become a recognized association, bringing together HR professionals from all backgrounds, human resources directors, school leaders, human resources managers, directors of care, public and private establishments. By its action and its positions, the Adrhess affirms the importance of the human dimension of management and the principles of Respect, equity and progress which must constitute the base of human resources management in the hospital. Human resources and health

Type: SMB Activities: fintech

13 4 8 5
Territoria Mutuelle Territoria Mutuelle

The mutual of territorial officials Territoria Mutuelle is a mutualist alternative recognized by communities. Indeed, it brings an original solution in the field of social protection of territorial agents. The proposals that we also offer make it possible to implement with public employers innovative and quality devices for well-being at work and the fight against absenteeism.

Type: SMB Activities: insurtech

25 3 21 88
Alt Tab Productions Alt Tab Productions

Created in 2011, Alt Tab Productions is an audiovisual production company specializing in the world of video games. Thanks to its 10 years of experience in esports, Alt Tab Productions has made OgamingTV the first French ESPORTV webtv, but is also an organizer of events in theaters and lives, director of audiovisual productions as well as a talent developer and influencers. esport, audiovisual production, advertising, promotional videos, talent agency, web TV, online media, event cover, entertainment, event production, content creation, and advice

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

18 3 17 33

Explorateur de tendances 🤖 keeps travel professionals up to date on the newest technologies for their industry. Tom operates a strategic monitoring on innovation, trends and added value services for the whole profession: Producers, distributors, airline companies... Novices and experts will find on our website exclusive information, original ideas, inspiration and food for thoughts. TOM favorite topics? Mobility, Web marketing, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Web services, start-up and more. Tourisme, Business Travel, Culture, Patrimoine, Transport, Hébergement, Tourisme Spatial, Big Data, Mobile, Marketing, Startup, Relation Client, Intelligence Artificielle, Prospective, NFT, Metavers, Évènement , Conférences, and Networking

Type: Media

86 11 73 4
ManEcho ManEcho

Strategy, distribution, branding Manecho is a consulting company specializing in company strategy founded in 2013. From strategic vision to operational implementation, Manecho guarantees managers the success of their transformation project and acceleration of the performance of their business. We provide our customers with the best sectoral and businesses experts in order to issue them a global and tailor-made response. Our areas of expertise: - Brand strategy (s) - Distribution - CSR approach - Digital - Branding - Communication - Watch out & amp; Prospective The methodological approach of Manecho is focused on the rapid action of the company's employees, with …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting martech

22 0 21 2
Fondation Engagement Médias pour les Jeunes Fondation Engagement Médias pour les Jeunes

Foundation of France Télévisions for written and oral expression, eloquence, and confidence with young people. The Médias Foundation for young people was born at the end of 2019 from the will of the will of France Télévisions, France Télévisions Publicité, France Médias Monde and TV5monde to strengthen their action in the general interest. These four players in public audiovisual have decided to place themselves under the aegis of the Fondation de France with an ambitious mission: to work for the inclusion of young people in a situation of fragility throughout French territory (hexagon and overseas) . By supporting projects and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 2 6 2
CHAZAL - La Ville en Vert CHAZAL - La Ville en Vert

Chazal: The city in green! Created in 1906, Chazal is a company specialized in: ➜ Creation of landscaped spaces, 🌱 ➜ Interview with green spaces, 🪴 ➜ and pruning. 🌳 At the heart of the project? 160 passionate employees, spread over our 4 agencies in the Aura region (Villefontaine, Saint-Priest, Saint Genis-Laval and Ambérieux d'Azergues), in order to be closest to the sites and their home. We recruit! 📢 So, if you want to come and work with a smile, you are in the right place! 😄 Joining our Chazal team is: ➜ Contribute to the development of a …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

18 1 6 103
Oconnection Oconnection

Open Agency - Media Experience Influence Culture and Sport Oconnection is an independent agency created by Arnaud Baudry d'Asson, founder at the double culture agency and advertiser. The first media and full influence agency, Oconnection offers all the marketing trades based on three strong expertise: strategy and media purchase, events and influence (RP, E-RP). The agency declines a philosophy and strong principles: & gt; Senior teams managed by an experienced multidisciplinary team & gt; Permanent proximity and customer service & gt; A culture of the result and performance & gt; A controlled balance between creativity and pragmatism MEDIA, EVENEMENTIAL, RP …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

1 0 1 123
Stratjob Stratjob

Solutions #jobtech 🚀 #Forction #Puting #Emploi #reconversionProfessional Stratjob, structure incubated within Valorus Group, designs and deploys #JobTech phygital solutions to develop the attractiveness of territories and large professional sectors and promote to young people and people looking for employment, trades and trades sector opportunities. Employment, learning, recruitment, employer brand, training, employment, jobtech, promotion, communication, retraining, digital, jobboard, webzine, fair, events, school, and CFA

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech hrtech

34 0 34 1
Base Commune Base Commune

Let's make the ground floor the commons in the neighborhood! Common base emerges from multiple observations: -the real estate vacancy of the ground floor becomes a priority axis of cities; -The active ground floor allows you to animate a neighborhood, a street, a public space in order to revive a neighborhood; -The ground floor gains to become the place of projects of collective interest; - Land and real estate values ​​in the tense sector exclude more and more cities activities and in particular in productive and social impact fields. The ground floor are the background of the public space: it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech smart city

16 3 14 13
X&Immersion X&Immersion

Developers of a new virtual multiplayer roleplaying experience : Immersive X&Immersion is a company that provides artificial intelligence (AI) tools and services to video game studios, such as creating non-player characters (NPCs) with AI-driven behaviors, automating tasks related to game design and development, or enhancing the overall gameplay experience with AI-powered features. We provide our IA expertise to bring NPCs to life thanks to dialogue and text generation, voice synthesis, lip-sync automation... IA , Machine Learning, Voice Synthesis, Deep Learning , Natural Language Processing , Deep Fake , 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Service, Tool, Innovation, Interaction, Immersive , Experience , …

Type: SMB Activities: games Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Deep Learning

18 7 5 13
Des Sons Animés Des Sons Animés

Creative agency focus on immersive and interactive sound experience for art, digital, stage & event. Creative agency focus on immersive sound experience for art, digital, stage & luxury events. Audio3D, Identité Sonore, Immersive Brand Content, Immersive Brand Experience, Design Sonore, Retail Experience, Programme de Résidence, Production Sonore, Création Sonore, Audio Branding, evenement, and evenementiel

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment martech Technologies: VR

6 0 6 2
Quick-Off Quick-Off

- event experience at the heart of our solutions - Quick-off, designs software solutions to simplify the management of accredities during sporting and cultural events. With the experience of its teams in events and software engineering, Quick-Off offers innovative solutions. Make your event a success by joining nearly 2,000 organizers in the Quick-Off adventure. Our software solutions 💻 Qo · Meet: Manage your accreditations and services to populations 💻 Qo · Ezion: Manage and coordinate your staff and volunteers ➡ Our team of event project managers also intervenes on sporting and cultural events to pilot volunteer and staff programs. Recruitment, …

Type: SMB Activities: hrtech it services Technologies: SaaS

12 3 10 18

National Association of Directors and Sports Installations and Sports Services Page LinkedIn official of Andiiss, the territorial sport network. Grouping of territorial sport professionals since 1964 who has more than 600 members divided into 14 regions: - Place of exchange of information and experiences. - Place of reflection on the challenges linked to the sectors of sport and its developments - Place of resources and documentation - Interlocutor of the management and training bodies of the territorial public service and institutional decisions bodies Our slogan: "Let's be more efficient together".

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 3 7 12
FFSNW - Fédération Française de Ski Nautique & de Wakeboard FFSNW - Fédération Française de Ski Nautique & de Wakeboard

Ski, Ride and Share Your Passion for Water Sport Association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, the French Federation of Nautical Ski & Amp; De Wakeboard (FFSNW) is the body for supervising, promoting and developing water skiing, wakeboarding and associated disciplines in France. Chaired by Mr. Patrice Martin since 2009 (12 times world champion and 34 times European champion), the FFSNW is a member of the International Wakeboarding International Federation (International Waterski and Wakeboard Federation) and the National Olympic Committee and French sportsman (CNOSF). The FFSNW is the only one who can issue the title of French water …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

27 0 24 30
Ecolosport Ecolosport

Écolosport wants to be a media for ecological transition in sport. Positive and committed media for sustainable sport. ⚽♻️ Do not miss anything of sport and sustainable development with Ecolosport!

Type: Media

19 1 15 4
Fédération de Paris de la Ligue de l'enseignement Fédération de Paris de la Ligue de l'enseignement

A future through popular education "In all its action, the Paris Federation of the Teaching League is inspired by the secular ideal and contributes to ensuring its influence. She defends: freedoms of conscience, thought and expression, social justice, the fundamental rules of democracy, the will of peace between men and peoples. (Extract from the statutes) At the Parisian level, the league is: - a popular education movement, - a federation of associations, - an actor of the social and solidarity economy, - An actor of the public debate, an interlocutor privileged of the institutions. We act for: - complementary education …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 3 12 257
briefstory briefstory

Short and inspiring stories Short and inspiring stories. Discover, explore and share the most inspiring stories of the day through links, stories, videos of choice

Type: Media

27 1 27 3
1 Lettre 1 Sourire 1 Lettre 1 Sourire

Send a letter to an elderly person, give him a smile :) Love in a few clicks. Write to isolated elderly people. Each support message is automatically printed and distributed in compliance with health standards. Solidarity, Kindness, Charity, Compassion, Ngo, Ehpad, Humanity, Words, Togetherness, Oldpeople, Community, And Benevoltance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

46 11 31 29
Réseau Cocagne Réseau Cocagne

please see web site/merci de consulter le site web

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

54 13 34 6
Voisins Solidaires Voisins Solidaires

The good sides of being by side Voisins Solidaires is a French association created in 2007 by Atanase Périfan, which aims to strengthen local solidarities and to promote conviviality between neighbors, in addition to family and institutional solidarities. The organization is related to the European Federation of Local Solidarities. proximity solidarity

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

32 6 28 12
BRAINYTECH | Solutions numériques écoconçues et responsables | Conseil en numérique responsable BRAINYTECH | Solutions numériques écoconçues et responsables | Conseil en numérique responsable

Let's innovate together for a more responsible digital world BRAINYTECH, a leader in the development of responsible digital solutions, is committed to merging technological innovation with sustainability. Our mission is to provide tailor-made solutions that not only meet the specific needs of our customers, but also promote a more responsible digital future. We believe in creating technologies that are environmentally friendly while being economically viable. Our services, ranging from web development to eco-designed AI, reflect our commitment to excellence and environmental responsibility. At BRAINYTECH, we don't just follow trends, we create them. Création de sites internet, Développement d'applications web, Écoconception …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: IoT

30 5 21 3
Les Shifters Les Shifters

The Shifters is an association of general interest which brings together volunteers engaged in the Bas-Carbon transition of France and Europe. This community is a catalyst for anyone who wishes to develop their capacity for action and their knowledge of energy and climate. It works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on oil, gas and coal. The association takes its name from the English verb, to shift: change direction, transform. Its members, shifters and shifters, inform themselves, debate and form to act collectively to make France, Europe and more! Created in 2014, The Shifters supports The Shift Project, a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech

44 13 29 349
Gandee Gandee

Gandee - Move Ton Good🚀engagement 360 Combining Sport/Health, Solidarity, CSR and Communication 🚀Ganagement 360: the sport alliance & amp; Health, solidarity, CSR and communication to mobilize your employees! Impact Manager/ CSR/ Employer brand - Move your good! Gandee is a SaaS platform - Solidarité as a Service - which helps VSEs/SMEs/ETIs to develop their CSR and employer brand through patronage and sharing of good practices and CSR challenges. Gandee easily allows the size of the business: ✅ To choose the association which corresponds to the values ​​and business of the company through a portfolio of associations responding to a charter …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

29 7 24 14
Alliance France Design Alliance France Design

The professional union of designers, apolitical, multidisciplinary, universal - for all modes of exercise The professional union of designers in France. By designers, for designers - AFD defends the economic and cultural interests of designers, by collective action and personalized services to its members: legal assistance, insurance, mutual, reduced partner rates. . Design, union, defense of designers, social security, artists-authors, and designer

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 0 6 8
Urssaf Ile-de-France Urssaf Ile-de-France

Official account of the URSSAF Ile-de-France Welcome to the official account of the URSSAF Ile-de-France. Our major challenges: support employers and entrepreneurs as part of a simple and personalized service relationship to ensure the collection and redistribution of contributions with efficiency and equity. Its reason for being within Social Security: finance the French social model, with 648.3 billion euros collected from 11.26 million contributors. Its social mission: to guarantee workers the benefit of social protection (health coverage, pensions, family benefits, unemployment) linked to the exercise of employment in a legal framework. Its economic mission: to facilitate the approaches of entrepreneurs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

40 13 30 1,005

Art & tech agency Dark Euphoria is an art & technology production agency based in Marseille. We prototype and produce transdisciplinary and innovative artistic projects, at the crossroads between art, science and digital technologies. We support artists and cultural actors in the realisation of experimental and hybrid projects (interactive installations, digital experiments, art-science collaborations, new media creations) where technology is an entry point for new ways of telling stories, feeling emotions, understanding the world we live in. With the expertise of our big sister Black Euphoria in the production of innovative digital content for communication and audiovisual, our watchwords are …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

28 5 26 5
Paris Esports Paris Esports

The association to unite the Estportive Ile -de -France ecosystem! Paris Esports is an association which aims to bring together all the actors (associations & amp; companies) active on the theme of esport in Paris, but also to develop amateur electronic sport within the Paris region and thus become an interlocutor Public power and national structures, federating esports actors. To do this, Paris Esports will act through four actions: to federate, to empower & amp; educate, train, organize & amp; support events Esports, gaming, video games, and competitions

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment games

2 0 2 2
Collectif Nos Services Publics Collectif Nos Services Publics

Take a spoke, decipher from the interior the dysfunctions of the State and make sense to our public services. A collective of public officials to speak out, decipher from the inside the dysfunctions of the State and make sense of our public services. Our approach is part of a deep conviction: a strong public power and connected to the needs of citizens is necessary to meet the immediate crises and the challenges of the decades to come. Constituting us as a collective is an extension of our daily action at the service of the public and our loyalty to the …

Type: Public

14 2 12 3
Maisons de Mode Maisons de Mode

The fashion and lifestyle talent accelerator Our mission is to identify the emerging brands with high potential and to support them during the different phases of their development. Our brands are part of the Slow Fashion movement and claim creative and responsible fashion. Precursor and visionary, the Maisons De Fashion Born in 2007 is unique in France, it is located in Hauts-de-France, in Roubaix, a city conducive to the development of young brands because endowed with a very dense textile sector made up of 'Schools, innovation or competitiveness centers, international-elegine brands, production workshops, weavers ... Here, heritage, creativity and know-how …

Type: SMB Activities: fashtech Technologies: Decarbonization

14 0 14 4
Les Papillons de Jour Les Papillons de Jour

Global communication agency and adapted company, we work on a daily basis for a more inclusive company Day butterflies, the first global communication agency and adapted company in France. We were born out of the observation that the intellectual skills and the know-how of people with disabilities are not valued enough in business. This is why we set ourselves as a daily objectives to break taboos, go beyond ignorance and indifference while guaranteeing our customers quality achievements. Because handicap is not a brake! Our experts support you through communication strategy advice, the implementation of awareness campaigns, creative realization (print, web …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

23 0 17 46
Match For Green Match For Green

The world of sport is mobilizing and setting an example for building a more responsible and united world 🏆 The world of sport is mobilizing and committing to a more responsible and united world! The movement serves all athletes and managers who wish to have an overview of sustainable development issues in their practice or governance.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

40 2 35 4
Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris

Let's talk little, let's act climate The Climate Academy, a free place open to all, dedicated to the acceleration of the ecological transition. climate, transition, and ecology

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

63 37 24 47
Objectif Green - Le salon de l'événementiel éco-responsable Objectif Green - Le salon de l'événementiel éco-responsable

Objectif Green, a media to support event professionals in their ecological transition. We have created the Green objective media to support event organizers in their ecological transition. Our ambition is to provide you with concrete solutions in order to transform your events and better understand this Green ecosystem in full swing. A press review, a dynamic directory of eco-responsible providers as well as a fair complete the project.

Type: Media

2 0 2 2
Live for Good Live for Good

Together, we bring out a new generation of positive leaders who undertake for the common good. 💪 Live for Good is an association that has been helping young entrepreneur with a positive impact developing innovative projects for the service of the world of tomorrow for 8 years. Whether it is the ecological cause, inclusion, including health or education, Live for good identifies, supports and supports young generations to help them carry out projects at the service of the common good to Travers 3 courses: 1. The Start for Good support program which enables promotions of 50 young people to launch …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech Technologies: SaaS

76 27 52 140